
Sentinel's Kiss by Jamie K. Schmidt

teresajluvs2read's review

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**I received a copy of Sentinel's Kiss from Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Sentinel's Kiss by Jamie K Schmidt is the second book in her Sentinel's Of Babylon series. This boo0k is Josh (Sentinel) and Ashley Carver's story.

Ashley Carver comes from money but you wouldn't know it as even though she craves the thrill of adventure when she was a reporter going to the middle east. She now has a job with a television station that leads her to reconnect with Josh Lehman, her childhood friend as she digs into his sister's murder and several other women whose husbands are members of the Poconos Hunting club. This story could be hazardous to her health because the men who are club members don't want anyone discovering what the do on those "trips" and it's definitely not hunting. She also has a secret that has caused her to stay far away from babies because of the loss of her own. When she finds out what Josh does for the hospital his sister was a doctor at it will show her that he's absolutely worth losing her heart to him. It will take everything Josh has to keep her safe from someone who doesn't want her finding out the truth. But will she and Josh want to become more than a booty call?

Josh Lehman and his childhood friends have formed The Sentinel's of Babylon who do what the lawyers and judges cannot, punish those who hurt their families but get off scot-free with the help of the legal system. But when Ashley comes to him with information that would re-open his sister's unsolved murder case he will help her solve who killed her and the others. But can he convince her that he can become more to her than just a lover? Can he keep the secrets of his group and their mission to stop the murderers who don't go to prison? She's a very good reporter and it will be very hard to keep her in the dark. When push comes to shove he will do anything to show her that their love is everlasting.

I loved this book but would recommend reading the first book, Necessary Evil, prior to this one so that you know who and what the Sentinel's of Babylon are more than just a motorcycle club and bar owners. I'd give the book 4.8 stars and hope that maybe Ryder (the resident computer guru)is up next.

nee223's review

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I received an advanced copy (thanks Netgalley) of this second book in the Sentinels of Babylon series.

Book 2 focuses on Sentinel (Josh) and reporter Ashley. Trying to avenge the murder of his sister, Sentinel hopes Ashley can be a source to help him confirm it's his brother-in-law Stan. But Ashley is not just a pretty face, she's a former war correspondent with great investigative skills. But neither can deny their instant animal attraction. Will Sentinel's determination to avenge his sister's death, put Ashley and the gang in danger?

I enjoyed this book. At times it's a little racy for me, but I enjoy seeing the interaction between the life-long friendship. It's also great that these women are strong on their own.

debbie_r's review

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I received a free ARC copy in exchange for my honest review. This is my own opinion and was not influenced by anyone.

Sentinels Kiss by Jamie K. Schmidt, book 2 in the Sons Of Babylon series does not disappoint. Sentinel (Josh) was a decorated member of special forces before joining his old friend Evil in the bar The Blue Line and in the Sons of Babylon motorcycle club (SOB). Ashley is a reporter and adrenaline junkie who met Josh two years ago when she wanted to interview him about his sister's murder. She is on a destructive path because of two tragic events in her past. Sentinel and Ashley are both struggling with the loss of those they loved.

Sentinel along with other members of the SOBs, Warden, Ryder and to a lesser degree Evil work for The Judge bringing justice to those who slip through the cracks of the system. Sentinel has caught back up with Stan his sister's husband who he thinks is involved in her death. He plans to take care of him.

Ashley brings to his notice the fact that there have been three other women killed in a similar manner. Now Sentinel must dig back into the case and see if Stan is really guilty.

The story has several mysteries ongoing throughout the plot. The pace kept me turning the page. The book does have violence, kidnapping, murder and other triggers so it is not for the faint of heart. Sentinel and Ashley have incredible chemistry but yet can be so sweet together. Sentinel can be a "marshmallow" for example he's a cuddler for babies in need an the NICU. He can also shutdown and be ruthless when needed. Jamie K. Schmidt has written a compelling series of a group that seek out justice for those who didn't get in in the courts. They go after the baddest of bad people while trying to their their lives. Josh and Ashley do find their happiness together.

allingoodtime's review

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3.5 stars

**I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review**

There is not much that bothers me more than an incredible book being ruined by continuity issues. To say this book was ruined is a bit too harsh, but it definitely took my rating down.

Let me jump into some of the good. Josh aka Sentinel and Ashley are perfect for each other. It may not seem like it from the outside since she grew up with caring parents in a privileged neighborhood while he grew up with abusive parents in a not so great neighborhood. Yet Sentinel and Ashley work. They’re both adrenaline junkies with soft hearts. They bring out the best in each other while also meeting any challenge the other throws their way. For some reason their connection makes sense, so much so that they open up to each other about things they don’t generally talk about with anyone else. It’s a very sweet relationship on that level.

I enjoyed meeting all of the SOB gang in the first book so I would have like to see more of them here. The interaction among this tight group of friends is something special. Although in this book the interactions are often quite serious, there is also a teasing and fun side to the group that we get to see. I liked seeing Ryder a bit more and I found her connection to Ashley quite interesting.

In my review of Necessary Evil I mention that Evil has a good moral compass and things don’t cross too far into vigilante justice. It was a bit jarring how vigilante the group seemed to be in this story. Don’t get me wrong, they still had great reasons for everything they did. And when it comes to Sentinel’s side project of trying to avenge his sister’s death I get that emotions play into it all. But some of the things he did, while in my mind are warranted, seemed a bit too much for a guy who is trying to NOT draw suspicion his way.

As you can probably tell, I feel there is a lot going for this book. It is fun and sexy and exciting while also throwing in a mystery and some drama. That is why errors that take me out of the story really upset me. I can forgive calling Army Basic Training “boot camp” since it’s only mentioned once (FYI: boot camp is for the Navy and Marines and sometimes even the Air Force, which also will uses Basic Military Training. The Army is Basic Combat Training. For ease of use, Navy & Marines = boot camp while Air Force & Army = basic training). What I can’t ignore is when in one chapter Sentinel asks Ashley about her going to Afghanistan and the next chapter he is surprised when he finds out Ashley was in Afghanistan. What?!? This is not a problem with terminology that only a Navy wife and Army mom would know. This is a blatant mistake that someone should have caught. Of course I’m going to notice other mistakes more readily after that. Like a point being made that they drove the Jeep somewhere but the sound of Sentinel starting up his motorcycle is written about as they’re leaving.

So while I still love this series and thoroughly enjoyed this book, I have to take a star off of my rating. There were just too many little mistakes that pulled me out of the story and dampened my enjoyment of reading this book. Please know that I realize I have an ARC of this book and some things will and can change before publication. The problem is I’m not a beta reader. The mistakes I was picking up on are not the type that should have been addressed before the ARC was sent out to early readers/reviewers. If I find the biggest issues are fixed when the book is published I will change my review to 4.5 stars.

chymerra's review

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Sentinel’s Kiss is a wild book with action that takes in place not only in between the sheets but out of them. This book continues the Sentinels of Babylon series which follows 4 friends who form a motorcycle club and who are vigilantes. They are the people who defend the innocent and make sure that justice is paid when the legal system fails the victims. Evil was a detective, Sentinel was a Green Beret, Warden was a correctional officer and Ryder was a CIA operative. On the top of their list….making sure that Sentinel’s sister’s killer, her husband, was killed.

Where do I start with Ashley. I was in awe of her sexual prowess and that she had next to no inhibitions. I mean, sex on the side of the road, in an elevator AND in a parking garage…..I was in awe of her. But, as I got into reading the story, the more I began to like her and the more I felt bad for her. She overcame so much to get where she was. I also felt that she was perfect for Josh. She was the ying to his yang. What I really liked about her was that she was a very determined reporter and she would go the distance for her story.

I loved Josh!!! He came across as such a bad boy but he was a softy at heart. I mean, he volunteered at the hospital and cuddled babies in the NICU as a tribute to his sister. And he did it shirtless (skin to skin), which made my ovaries melt. ((Swoon)). He was a ladies man too. Sentinel loved the ladies and they loved him back. But, once he got reinvolved with Ashley, there was no other ladies. I also liked that he was committed to bringing Stan to justice.

The sex between Josh and Ashley was over the top. The two of them were like bunnies, doing it everywhere and anywhere. The pages sizzled with their sex scenes. S-I-Z-Z-L-E-D. I had to fan myself a few times, that was how hot it got!!

The storyline with Stan (Josh’s sister’s husband) was wrapped up in what I thought a pretty satisfactory way. The only thing I didn’t like was that Ashley had to get hurt in order for it to go down. The other storylines were ended right around the same time Josh went to Massachusetts and there was only the Stan storyline.

I loved the end of the book. Talk about the ultimate HEA!!!

How many stars will I give Sentinel’s Kiss: 4

Why: This would make a great beach book and, to be honest, was a lot better than Necessary Evil. The plotline was more streamlined, the characters a lot more likeable and the sex was through the roof hot. The vigilante theme wasn’t as in your face as it was in Necessary Evil but it was there.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex, Language and violence

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**