
Absolute Transmetropolitan, Volume 2 by Warren Ellis

sleepyboi2988's review

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Rude, crude, and prescient at time of writing to a lot of where we have been headed societally, politically, and within journalism.

jk0323's review

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Same stuff, still good

articulatemadness's review

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Imagine Alan Moore voluntarily hiding as a hermit in his own private commune, not washing his ass and letting his hair grow into a stream of weeds baby birds nest in twice a year. That's who we have here - Spider Frigging Jerusalem!

These issues overwhelmingly point out the beef between Gary Callahan and Spider Jerusalem. Essentially you get the Batman and Joker dynamic here, with Callahan being Joker. While initially supportive since he didn't like his incumbent running against him for POTUS, Spider Jerusalem, being the journalist that he is, gets to digging and finds out Gary's a psycho. Dude is a cross between Hitler and Mao. He has ties to hate groups, is a racist, and is hell bent on ruling like a sadistic tyrant. He also doesn't like Spider poking his nose into his racist affairs, and kills a very good friend of his as a warning to him to butt out.

Of course this doesn't sit well with Spider, and he does the most exposing him to a public that re-elect him anyway.

It's gritty, bold, rash, uncompromising, uncensored, and really doesn't give a flying rip with new takes on old political tropes. Essentially, it's Spider Jerusalem on a Tuesday morning out of retirement.

Now read it.