
In Your Dreams by Amy Martin

ohtrisarahtops's review against another edition

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I was so excited to find out that I had won this book from the author since the description of this book sounded fantastic. I haven't come across too many books in the Young Adult section that deal with the topic of narcolepsy (then again not much in the adult fiction sections either) and I became very interested in finding out what this book was about.

When you read the description you think "Oh there will be some paranormal twist seeing as Kieran can see bits and pieces of the future." Well there was no paranormal element to this book, at all and I think that because the author didn't take the easy route out the book ended up being much more interesting and likeable (Don't get me wrong I LOVE paranormal books, it just wouldn't have worked too well with this story).

I loved how the story takes place in a small town, it creates a story where the people involved all know each other and care about one another as well as the fact that the characters have to try hard to keep a very big secret because in a town that small everybody knows everyone else's business.

Zip was an interesting character. She was funny and spunky and loves to read. I found myself hoping that she gets her happy ending and that everything turns out alright for her. We also have Kieran the new boy in town who has narcolepsy. He's funny and loves to read as well. I immediately loved him seeing as he makes jokes about most things. Then we have Kayla who is Kieran's sister. She starts off distant and anti-social but you get to see another side of her and I found myself liking her as well.

While the main character loves basketball and it is discussed many times throughout the book I found myself able to keep up with the information and it was delivered in a way that made it very easy to understand, even for someone like me who knows absolutely nothing about basketball.

I never imagined this book would take the turn it did. I was suprised and I found myself hurrying through the pages just so I could find out what happened next. This book was a quick read and I will definitely be checking out the next in the series when it is published.

mel_h's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Loveable characters? Yes


jen286's review against another edition

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In Your Dreams was an interesting read. I was really hoping it wouldn't turn out that Kieran was a Faerie, and thankfully that was not what the big reveal of what is really going on.

The story starts out and I instantly like Kieran. He is so cute and sweet and he is so positive even though he has his narcolepsy to deal with. I can't imagine high school while falling asleep randomly. Add to that how he sees bits and pieces of the future and you have an interesting main character.

Zip was a little more....I didn't hate her, but her obsession with basketball and looking down on girly girls I didn't like. It was like if you like makeup and clothing there is something wrong with you. She definitely thinks she is better than other girls, which I really don't like. There is nothing wrong with being girly, and there is nothing wrong with not being super girly. It just depends on what the person likes, and you shouldn't look down upon the others just because. So I didn't love her because she was kind of close minded.

I did like Zip and Kieran's slowly evolving relationship. It wasn't insta-love which was nice. They just hang out and grow together slowly. So the whole first part of the book I was enjoying. It was nice. Then the big reveal as to what is really going on with Kieran, which was not as crazy as I thought it would be. Kieran is a little unforgiving after that. I understand being upset with your family instantly for keeping such a thing a secret for years, but to hold onto that grudge forever? I just wanted him to get over it. He can't understand why they might do that? He can't understand how they were trying to protect him? He says himself he is 18 now, well maybe he should grow up some and try and see it from their point of view.

Then we have the prom. Slight spoiler alert ahead. Zip keeps having this dream where she is dancing with Kieran at the prom and suddenly the lights go out. She has a bad feeling leading up to prom, and is super worried abut what will happen. So most of the way through the prom and nothing has happened yet so she thinks perfect! Nothing will happen now! I mean no way this could happen in the last 5 mins! It doesn't, but still. Then they go to the after prom party and are dancing there and the lights go out! Zip is terrified, people are leaving, and she is like let's go! Well they get out to the secluded car (people have left already) and she instantly forgets her fear because she has an overwhelming desire to make out with Kieran in the back of the car. I was just like wait what? You instantly go from terrified something horrible is going to happen to super horny cannot think about anything else but getting with my man? Really? I spent the rest of the book thinking about that and just shaking my head. It was so odd...I didn't get it.

Overall I did enjoy the book. The story itself was a little simplistic, but it was fun. The last part though was a bit much so it ended on a low. I still would read the next books, but since the next one supposedly is a cliffhanger I am just going to wait until the third book is out.

Also posted to Jen in Bookland

rainlady6's review against another edition

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I was given this book to read in exchange for an honest review and I have to say that this book has one of the most inventive story ideas that I have read in a long time, if not ever.
Kieran is the cute new boy that just moved to a very small town and the first day of school he makes a huge impact by having an 'episode' in class. What are his episodes? He has narcolepsy. For anyone that does not know what that condition is, it basically makes a person fall asleep at random times. You could be walking down the hall, eating lunch, having a conversation, and scarily, driving and just fall asleep. As you can imagine this causes huge problems in Kieran's life. He has very over protective parents and a sister that is more like a bodyguard and his condition prevents him from being a normal teen. As I started to read about his situation I was thinking it would be refreshing to hear about a teen relationship that has to deal with the real life situations medical problem can cause. I was right about that. It was heartbreaking at times to think about how much it already impacts his life, and how uncertain his future as an adult will be. Most of the time the situations caused by his narcolepsy are funny, but only because Kieran has such a great attitude about his condition and can easily laugh at himself.
Zip is the other half of this teen romance. Obviously Zip is a nickname, but it is all anyone has ever called her. I fell in love with her character right away. She is the typical girl next door, future valedictorian, head of the girls basketball team, but still sweet and humble. This was refreshing because it seems like most of the time the girls in teen romance books are on the fringes of the school population. If a girl is smart and captain of the basketball team they would be written as part of the 'in crowd' and would be very stuck on themselves. It was refreshing to have a girl that was popular and at the same time be a normal, nice person. Zip never once considers Kieran's narcolepsy a reason not to be his friend. In fact through much of the book most of the other kids at school won't even talk to Kieran. Zip's acceptance and unshakable loyalty to Kieran will make anyone fall in love with her character.
Just when you think the narcolepsy is the only twist in this story of teen love you find out that Kieran's family has been keeping a huge secret. This throws the whole story in to a new direction. Zip gets pulled in to a crazy situation because of her relationship with Kieran. This is where you truly see how much Zip cares about Kieran and how far she is willing to go to protect him.
There wasn't anything about this book that I disliked. All of the characters are well written and the story is told in such a way that everything that happens is believable even if it seems so strange at times. This is a wonderful book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great read with a new twist on the typical teen romance.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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I am so glad I loved this cover and gave the story a chance! I was not disappointed.
Allie is so cute and spunky. Her silly mannerisms and lack of relationship experience works to make her endearing, sweet and naive and not annoying.

The best part of this book were the conversations. They felt natural and
real. And most of all, the were hilarious! Her back and forth banter with Kiernan was so cute! And every time she interacted with her mom, it sent me laughing like a maniac! The dinner with the parents - OMG! I was laughing so hard my family thought I'd lost it!

A great story that sucked me in, kept me laughing and turning the pages. I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to read the next one!

neenor's review

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When Martin approached me with In Your Dreams, I instantly knew I wanted to read it. I'd heard of similar storylines before - you know, main character has narcolepsy but secretly dreams of the future - yet Martin's take on it just seemed to have that little be extra; the setting is so normal and realistic, but then this massive sci-fi twist is thrown in. The author has created a book where the reader is put in Zip's shoes, and rather than reading about a boyfriend with this crazy power, you feel like you're the one with the boyfriend with this crazy power.

Zip can't wait to get out of her small town, a place that lacks pretty much everything. That is, until two new siblings arrive at her high school: model-esque Kayla, and her hot brother, Kieran, who suffers from narcolepsy. After Kieran collapses on Zip's desk in English class, the pair strike up an unlikely friendship which quickly turns into something more. However, Kieran has been keeping a secret from her - he saw Zip months before they actually met, but in his dreams. Kieran sees glimpses of the future, something that sounds cool at first, but is actually pretty frightening. And with him dreaming of a mysterious man who looks far too much like him, Zip is about to be thrown into an entirely new - and scary - world.

I finished this book days ago to be honest, and I'm still reeling from it. As I said, the concept has been done - but Martin's take on it just seemed much more fresh, turning it into something exciting and new. The writing was pretty average, but in the best way possible - it was so easy to slip into, and I found it to be quite informal, making the reader feel like they're friends with Zip, Kieran and Kayla, not just a bystander. I also loved the setting - hey, I have a bit of a soft spot for dingy town settings, alright?

Zip was a great protagonist. At first I was unsure, as it made a point that she loved basketball, and I...well, let's just say that I am as enthusiastic about sports as I am about the British government. Yet Martin made sure that there was a bridge for readers who didn't understand anything about the sport, so in the end my cluelessness didn't even matter. She was a very likeable narrative - not a know-it-all, but not an idiot, just very down-to-earth. Kieran was pretty great too (and yes, I do have a book crush on him!) And the two of them together - um, excuse me, but where is the fan? It was so hot, it made saunas look like something out of the Arctic. I SHIP IT!

I think possibly the best part about In Your Dreams was the pace. That may sound ridiculous, but let me explain: a good book needs a good pace. If things happen to quickly, the reader doesn't have enough time to process what's going on; but if the pace is too slow, then the reader gets bored. The pace Martin set was perfectly in between these two alternatives - we were given enough to be satisfied, but not enough for the entire plot to be ruined.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. Yes, the concept has been done, but not the way that Martin has done it. You're enticed by the synopsis, hooked from the first page, and left reeling for days after you've finished it. If you love sci-fi or are just intrigued, go and buy this book asap - and watch this space, as my review for As You Wake will be up sometime within the next few months!

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review against another edition

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I was attracted to this book by the pretty cover, but I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the book itself. Would it be your average run-of-the-mill paranormal? Would it end up stunning me? Would I hate it, or love it?

The answer to those questions would be somewhere in between. In Your Dreams was a nice story, but it didn't dazzle me. I felt that until the end, things were a bit too slow-paced for my liking. I'm picky about what I consider a 'great' romance, (I love YA Books; romance is something I have to read whether I am inclined to or not, so I've gotten a bit particular as to what I like in Romance) and it wasn't something I didn't like, but it wasn't something I LOVED. It was just in the middle; pretty good, but not WOW!

The characters...what do I say about them? Kieran was pretty well developed, but I didn't truly adore him like some characters. I didn't connect with Zip at all, though. She definitely wasn't my favorite character.

On the bright side, In Your Dreams is a YA paranormal romance; however, considering how many YA Paranormal Romances there are, this one was pretty original. And it doesn't have that cringe-worthy cheesiness that tends to be present in this type of book, something that I was very grateful for! That is one thing I liked about the Romance; it wasn't blown out of proportion like it can be in the paranormal genre. And Kieran's narcolepsy adds to the plot in a good way; it's original, and it sheds light on a condition that tends to get overlooked.

Will I read the next book? Maybe. I did enjoy the ending, and I'm kind of curious to see how the sequel is. In my experience, the first book of the series is either the absolute best or the weakest. I think that this series will get stronger as it goes along, however, so I will probably read the sequel.

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.

Firstly I would like to thank Amy Martin, author of In Your Dreams, for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this book.

In this YA book we find sixteen year old Zara aka Zip with big dreams of getting out of this small place and doing something big. Everything in her life takes an unpredictable turn when a new boy joins her school and he is no ordinary boy but has the unique disease that is narcolepsy due to which he gets glimpses of the future events and becomes unconscious without any prior warning and sometimes becomes just like a corpse when he is having this fit. There is a grave secret behind Kieran’s condition and now the secret is about to reveal. Is the secret going to shove Zip into the paths of unknown dangers? Will she stand by Kieran’s side while he figures out the mystery?

I really loved this story. It has a sci-fi twist to it which made it real interesting and I mostly enjoyed the passionate love between Zip and Kieran. The secret behind Kieran’s state kept me hooked to the story and I went on turning pages on and on till the end. The characters are developed and I loved Kieran’s character the most because he is just the kind of guy I want for myself, well apart from the Narcolepsy, of course. The writing style is good and I felt it utterly comfortable and enriched. There is action, mystery, thrill and overall a cute and heart touching love and the dedication towards it. Over all a great read and would recommend it to all of you rocking readers out there. Check it out and you are ought to enjoy it.

keirrod93's review against another edition

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Zara 'Zip' McKee lives in a small town in Illinois where everyone knows everyone. She is a 16 year basket ball star a junior in high school and likes to stay out of the spotlight. A new family moves to town where she befriends the two children Keiran and Kayla. The first time Keiran and zip talk is funny and also sad because the readers find out what it is like to have narcolepsy. I though that was a great idea to have for Keiran it was unique and I loved Keiran tremendously. He was so sweet and funny and normally had a great outlook about his condition because of the great things that happened while he slept ( a secret that blew me away). Zip and Keiran were great together and I loved watching their relationship grow gradually. This book was full of action and friendship I would highly reccomend this to ya readers. Thanks to the author for giving me a Copy in exchange for my review. I can't wait to read the next novel coming out in may!

sarah1984's review against another edition

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22/1 - I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed In Your Dreams. I thought it was going to be a slightly cheesy, silly YA supernatural romance, and probably full of editing errors. Thankfully I was mostly wrong. The supernatural really doesn't show up at all, it's just hinted at and then dismissed as a reaction to an unknown drug ingested in the womb. The romance was appropriately slow for who the main characters were - a boy who has to be chaperoned by his sister to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and a girl who has been too focused on basketball and her studies to notice boys as anything other than friends. There were some editing errors (see below), but this was nowhere near the worst example I've read recently.

Page 24
'...doesn't happen to me at lot...'

Should be a lot.

Page 45
'"I guess is the first time...'"

There should be a this between guess and is.

Page 72
'"...sometimes things things that don't happen...'"

For this sentence to make sense there needs to be the words I dream between sometimes and things.

Page 82
'...back in the Seventies.'

Why is seventies capitalised?

Page 104
'He shoots me his trademarked grin...'

Since this is written in the present tense, as if it's happening right now, that should be trademark.

Page 160
...'"maybe he'll ever be truly real..."'

Should be never.

Page 180
'...catch sight of a green file folder in the floorboard...'

First of all, from the context of what's going on I understand the sentence to be saying that the 'green file folder' is found in the footwell of the back seat of a car. I'm not sure whether Martin means 'footwell' when she writes 'floorboard' or not. If she does mean 'floorboard' (not really sure where in a car there is a 'floorboard', but that's beside the point) then how can something (other than a nail) be in a floorboard? On or under, there is no in when it comes to floorboards.

Page 197
'After every few shot, we all huddle up to view the results.'

That should be new.

Page 250
'"...wasn't even enough in his right might to unbuckle..."'

That should be mind.

I liked both main characters, although I'm not a fan of Zip as a nickname. This was absolutely worth reading and I'll definitely be on the lookout for the next book in the series at Amazon (at a good price, of course).