
The Fun Family by Benjamin Frisch

geekwayne's review

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'The Fun Family' by Benjamin Frisch is a harsh look at modern family life that starts out rather humorous, but at 240 pages, it wears a bit thin.

Robert Fun is a successful cartoonist who has a cartoon that is reminiscent of The Family Circus by Bil and Jeff Keane. The Fun family seems to live a picturesque and idealic life, but hiding beneath the surface are all kinds of weird things. It takes the death of a beloved family member to send Robert over the edge. His marriage falls apart and his son Robbie is left to continue the strip, even though he is only a child. There are collector obsessions, pop psychology obsessions, and religion obsessions among the many extremes that this family finds itself in.

The moral is normal is weird, or normal people are really sick, or something like that. I got the nods to problems with American culture and their need to obsess over things. I liked the idea of it being based on a familiar comic strip, and there are some gags that are pretty clever. The problem is that by the end, I felt beat over the head and I don't know that I felt any sympathy for any character.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Top Shelf Productions, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

ogreart's review

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While I can appreciate what the author, Benjamin Frisch, was attempting with this work, I found it to be not to my taste. It was unrelentingly depressing the whole way through. I had trouble dealing with the despair I found on every page. To see the doppelgängers of the Family Circus characters descend into various forms of madness made me profoundly uncomfortable. I can see the value of the social commentary being made, but I do not think I would ever reread this particular work.

I received an electronic ARC from in return for an honest review.

fireth's review

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This book exceeds my expectations. It started off as the perfect 70s sitcom-ish happy family, but the happy level went south and got dark very quickly. I really like the story, but was surprised by the low ratings it got on Goodreads. Did they read what I just read? Definitely going to re-read it and recommending it to others.

Special thanks to NetGalley, for providing a free copy from the publisher, in return for an honest review.

wesleyboy's review

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Was it a great story? No, but the artwork was really good I liked how deranged the whole situation was.

droar's review

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Lovely art & a biting story, just very much not my thing. While I can see the satire, it just a hair too real to be enjoyable for me. Despite my reservations with this book it was an interesting concept executed well & I'd be happy to read anything further Frisch puts out.

ljrinaldi's review

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This has a good premise, but like a one-trick-pony it just wears out its welcome really quickly.

I get the joke, that the beloved cartoonist behind the family strip is missing a few gears, and that life is not all pure and good and happy. Great. But then to go on for 243 more pages about the divorce, and the kids and the son taking over the cartooning. I got bored I skipped ahead to the end, and was still bored.

Sorry, not sorry, but this book is not worth the non-paper it is printed on. It is not because I don't like satire. It is not because I don't like graphic novels. It is not for any of those reasons. I can see now why it was an instant download from Netgalley

Thanks to Netgalley for providing this book for an honest review.

macbean221b's review

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I received THE FUN FAMILY as an ARC through

I've seen several reviews of this book that were written by people who really obviously missed the "joke" and therefore hated it. I get what it's trying to satirise, and I see the aspects of pop culture it's using to do that, and...I still don't like it.

kittykult's review

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The Fun Family is a dark and sometimes surreal satirical take on comic strips like The Family Circus. If you're expecting a happy ending, read something else, because everyone is self-serving and crazy right up until the last panel.

NOTE: I received a free copy of this book NetGalley. I received no incentive to read or review this book other than said copy of work. The review below contains my own thoughts and opinions. Special thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

themagic8's review

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This book was..a lot.

kaitwalla's review

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This is a fantastic graphic novel that everyone seems to have expected to conform its storyline and characters to its style. It's satire, and fairly well-baked at that. My only quibble is that the ending seemed rushed, and could have used more room to explore.