
Much Ado About Magic by Shanna Swendson

mamashark32's review against another edition

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This book was fantastic! I love the Katie/Owen storyline and that the action kept going until the very end. Can't wait to read the next book.

rusticreadingal's review against another edition

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I was so happy to find Much Ado About Magic! The Enchanted, Inc. Series are some of my favorite books and I always wondered if there'd be more adventures for the characters. I have to say, this book was another great, fun and highly enjoyable addition to the series. I can't wait for the next book, No Quest for the Wicked, to be out!

melissasbookshelf's review against another edition

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Another great Shanna Swendson! Looking forward to book #6!

nattyg's review against another edition

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Cute. Short. Quick read.

amibunk's review against another edition

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I really loved Shanna Swendson's previous installments in the Magic Inc. series, so it grieved me to no end that this latest novel just wasn't as great as the others. Maybe Ms. Swendson took too much of a break between books, but this story felt slow, the characters felt flat, and the writing seemed a little stiff.

andreagraves5's review against another edition

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This book was a long awaited 5th book in a series. I read the first four books 2 years ago and have been dying for this 5th book. So, finally it came! Yay!

I love the characters in this book and the ending was awesome and not predictable!

Everything else I have to say contains spoilers, so please skip this if you haven't read the series.

Please scroll for the spoilers:

I loved how the book started out and just dived into the main conflict. The characters are so much fun and have been well developed.

I never liked/trusted Ramsey the whole time and suspected him of being the force behind all the trouble all along. I had caught that he was using a charming spell early on. He was definitely a dude with quite a plan, gotta give him credit for that, lol! He really had it out for Merlin, and basically had a 30+ year grudge and plan that took that long to fulfill. Ramsey was pretty darn smart with how he fought Merlin in the end, and thank goodness for Owen's intervention, otherwise, I think Ramsey would have won.

I loved the whole background on Owen being revealed and that he could finally find out his own story that he never had answers to until now. I think his parents really weren't bad people, they were just young, clueless and believed Ramsey at the wrong time and were used and turned bad. I thought it was cool the mom figured out a way to leave evidence for Owen. I also loved that James and Gloria could explain why they were co cold during Owen's growing up years, and how they had been told he would be taken from them if they became to attached and lovey dovey. It made me like those characters so much more and appreciate why they were the way they are. I love that they doted on Owen when he was recovering from loosing his powers, and how they were gushy and lovey, finally, what they had wanted all along.

I loved that Katie stepped up to the plate and was not so helpless as she was in previous books. Now that she has a clue, she is a much stronger heroine and more fun to follow. I love that her not having magic makes her just as valuable as those who do have magic, not to mention, she is very streetwise and can figure out scheming plotting from SpellWorks. I loved that Katie went poking around even though Owen told her not to and that she told him she loved him while she was yelling at him (he needed it) and giving him a kick in the pants, since he was being so clueless. I love that he always loved her and was so sweet when he came around to seeing the spell lifted from Ramsey.

I just love that it ended with Owen loosing his powers and that Merlin had a serious need for Owen to do some very top secret/specialized stuff that only a past super wizard who has no powers now, would be amazing at. Very cool. I'm totally excited for the 6th book that is due to release in the next month or so. I will be highly anticipating it! :)

One last note... it burns my hide that the publisher of the first four books would not publish book 5 & 6 and leave all the fans hanging on the edge of their seat for years. It made me thrilled that Shanna self published these books. Yay, Shanna - so glad you did that! Thank you!

mathchic84's review against another edition

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Absolutely wonderful and well worth the wait. I'm excited to see what is up next for our friends at MSI.

claire_loves_books's review against another edition

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This was a frustrating book, it feels like MSI are playing a waiting game rather than being proactive about Spellworks, they just seem to let it get to a really awful point before they fight back. Also I get that Spellworks have better PR but they are also outright lying and casting malicious spells on the general population, it's difficult to believe that everyone just falls in behind them and believes everything they say.

This book also made me dislike Katie even more for her whole "I abandon you all for the greater good" martyr act, clearly Owen and the company have been suffering while she was off in Texas and I can't believe that none of her friends told her to get back to New York.

It was also pretty predictable.

I think I'm done with this series.

blumenstadtkind's review against another edition

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This book was so surprisingly good. I didn't expect this series to get better 😁 but it did.

roscoehuxley's review against another edition

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5th book in the Katie saga... This time, Katie and Owen find their old enemy Idris is just a cover for the real enemy. They need to up their efforts to fight this new obstacle that seems to be taking over not just the magical world. The requiste battle at the end leaves Owen and Katie in a very different place.