
Light in a Dark World: Legends of the Destrati by Dina James

mellhay's review

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Oh wow....Kyle...Nikolai & Katrina...and all the secondary characters. I do hope Dina is working on more stories in this world with these characters!

***** Full Review *****
The stories progress in order through time with Nikolai, Katrina, and Kyle along with addtional characters but all tied to at least one of these three characters. Each story drew me in and went by quickly. Each is a complete short story in same world. I enjoyed meeting these people very much, and WANT more of them. Each story compliments the others with its information shared, growing the world and characters as you go. This is a collection of short stories though, that to be remembered.

Oh boy, I do want more stories with these characters! The main and secondary ones alike. There are little threads Dina can follow further and I do hope she does. Easy and quick read with each story I feel more.

Dina has brought me, through these short stories, to love this world and characters. Even love the one I didn't know I would...Kyle. I've never followed short stories like this before, where I got to know the characters so closely this way. Hats off to Dina for creating a world and characters in a magnificent way to love and get so much more from them.

Play Dead
Nikolai is in London on a mission to find an outcast vampire as he passes a bar where a "vampire lair" is downstairs. Humans posing as vampires. When he moves to pass a scent catches his attention. Something smells good, or someone as she catches his eye. To Nikolai something in her eyes asks him to save her, so finding he's in the mood for amusement and wants this woman he descends into the bar. But there just might be more there than sport for Nikolai with this human woman.

We get Nikolai's view and Katrina's, the woman he follows into the bar. I found I liked Nikolai and his ways. Although since short story, the relationship with Katrina felt to move fast. However, after I read a few more stories in the book, I understand the quick connection with Nikolai's kind, it doesn't happen often but it does happen.

We meet Kyle, the man Nikolai is on a mission to find and bring back to the council for justice. However, Kyle is a rather interesting...character. He seems like the helping (or potentially hurting) hand, unpredictable as he doesn't belong to a vampire family. I like the potential with havoc and mystery he can add to the story and future ones. Kyle is a hard one to explain, but wonderful to read. He's powerful - the most so, and has a strong air around him, he will help but don't cross him as you will not win. And he has a dry teasing about him, yet he's wise.

In From the Cold
Kyle has visited the graveyard, one grave in particular. Nikolai follows him and extends Katrina's invite to come see them. However, Katrina is determined and thinks Nikolai didn't extend properly when Kyle didn't return with Nikolai, so goes on her own. Kyle agrees to come on this special day, in which he confesses to Katrina of the past...a love found then ripped away.

Kyle seems to spend his time alone, missing someone. We get to see through Kyle's eyes, learn a few of his secrets and how he came to be. A happy yet sad tale. I felt bad for him when hearing his tale, but I do love Kyle in this story! This is where I start falling for Kyle.

Katrina is adjusting with grace, although with moments of doubt, to being Queen of Destrati, yet being different, she's immortal and human; not a vampire. She still has much adjusting to do. Katrina is also learning quick she has a great friend and ally here in Kyle, and a hint as to why he willingly, and offered, to help Nikolai and Katrina be together in Play Dead.

Katrina leaves a feeling of hope in the end for Kyle and I'm hoping to see more of this story to come.

With Great Power
A fledgling is found and brought to the home, a modern female Yvette, who's refusing blood. She was abandoned by her maker and Nikolai feels Katrina might be able to help - being modern herself. Nikolai has to leave for a meeting and leaves Katrina in charge, feeling she's ready as the Queen. However, what Katrina learns from the fledgling might hint at danger for Nik and others...maybe even a war.

Nikolai and Katrina have been married for over a year now and Nik is 100% confident Trina can rule in his steed, Trina isn't so sure. Trina hears from her people the faith they have in her, believing she is strong enough. Trina stands up to meet the inner strength everyone knows she has and becomes the Queen in this story. She show she is smart and quick thinking with the idea she comes up with.

What is great about this short story is Trina stumbles slightly but gets through and comes out with a solution. She makes a mistake but recovers and moves on to correct for it. I enjoyed meeting other members of the Destrati clan along with their humor.

Deliver Us from Evil
Marcos is forced to walk through the rain, as running water dulls vampires abilities and it was storming. Hungry and searching for food he finds a symbol in a window of a psychic's shop that he recognizes but can't put his finger on why, yet relieved at its sight. So he enters the shop where he never would have before. Marcos might find more in this shop than he was looking for, maybe a woman he can't get from his mind.

Marcos is attracted to this woman, Mary, and doesn't know why. Mary is an interesting woman as well. One that is strong, yet has to pay the bills or lose her shop as well as the apartment she already lost. She finds a job that will give her money, but Marcos isn't so pleased with it. Marcos is a bold person to go after this woman as he does, yet it's entertaining and enjoyable to read.

I'm starting to see vampires pulled to desires through scents in this world. As each story grows the world for me, this one added to the list greatly.

Marcos is a new character in this world, and yes this story has a connection to the Destrati clan. You have to read it to see. I do hope to see more of Marcos in the future. It's nice to meet Marcos and see him finding his way home again. Oh, and yes, he remembers what the symbol means and the connection with Mary.

We meet Ian as he is preparing his armor to go after Anton. He learns from Kyle, Anton is an immortal Sun god in soulless form like them, and Kyle will go with Ian to assassinate him. Ian will see more behind and in people here along with a great secret in himself as well.

Ian is an interesting character. Someone new and different...almost different like Kyle is different, but not the same as Kyle. Different in their being. I get the feel of vampire, yet not - something more. I started thinking Ian as a monk or priest, which at some point in his life he did employ as a priest and still knows the ways. And now he's a vampire... or something else? I teetered on this thinking for most of the story, until I learned the truth. Oh my! You will be surprised what you learn as well. It all fits together in the end and makes complete sense with my doubts and questions. This story was WONDERFULLY laid out.

There is more religious belief talk and mention in this story, but I really like the view and angles of the meanings. This is one journey Ian needed to take and learn at the right time.

I loved the mystery, yet all the clues are dropped so when you learn the truth your jaw drops. One of my favorites with the story line.

A Hope and a Prayer
Kyle is so troubled in his mind, even his usual waiter senses it and asks after him. Upon Kyle's next return to his frequented restaurant, he learns of his favorite waiter is now dead, just like the string of murders with a winter fox hair left. When Kyle finds the murderer, he learns the outcast wants his help, in exchange for information she has that might help Kyle get back into his home region. Choices are there, but which will these being pick?

We see Sarina again. We first met her in the first story, you'll have to read to learn about her. She is one evil lady. She likes to do things for her, which is part in why she's an outcast now. We learn more of this Light and Dark world, and those in between.

Kyle gets to chat with a Seraph. The Seraph that allies with the Destrati clan. I loved this chat in the biker bar. LOL! That was great. This story leaves a few ties open, for what might come involving Kyle and his ties. I do love Kyle as a character and there is more to go with him, as suspected with every meeting of him. More stories easily could come about Kyle. And I do want more.

Bonus Story: Unmasked
Kyle's decades silent doorbell rings. Upon opening he finds three young tricker-treaters. The unexpected visitors gets Kyle thinking about Nik and Trina's Halloween Charity party as this year it's an orphanage. So curious of the connection to the vampire Destraiti clan, Kyle joins the party for the first time, to find more young children roaming the residence.

Kyle is kind to the young tricker-treaters and give a a little history on the "All Hollows Eve." Which is always cool to see what the take is in the world I read. Kyle is such a closed person, but here he opens just a little for one night with the children. In the end...Oh I do Love Kyle! And a little surprise might end up in all the orphans treat bags.

I do enjoy Kyle, Nik and Katrina together. They are great complements to each other and relax me into an easy smile. This was a lovely story to end with, and to fall even harder for Kyle as well.

cem_214's review

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4 stars, maybe even 4.5. This is the first vampire book in a long time...maybe years, that I have enjoyed. Thoroughly enjoyed at that. The characters just captivated me and I loved how all the short stories tie together.