mary_soon_lee's review

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This is the first book of the five-volume Dent-Young translation of one of the four great Chinese classics, commonly known as "Water Margin." As with the other Chinese classic that I've read, [b:The Journey to the West, Volume 1|13593194|The Journey to the West, Volume 1|Wu Cheng'en||153262], it was evidently written to entertain, being a quick read with generous servings of humor and action, and occasional asides to the reader. Also in common with "The Journey to the West," it is interspersed with frequent poetic interludes. I found the poetry less fine than that in "The Journey to the West," but I appreciated the way it lightened the tone. I note that this edition includes pictures that complement the narrative nicely.

I found this easy and diverting reading, and I particularly appreciated the background details of clothing, food, weapons, furniture, customs. Had I felt a fondness for the characters, I might have liked this very much, but alas I did not. Given that the cast of characters is extensive, and that I'm only one fifth of the way through the epic, perhaps I will grow attached to at least a few of the many heroes. But for now it is hard to imagine myself forgiving the one who sliced his wife's throat in anger, or the one tore out the heart and liver of a former friend.