
The Ice Queen by Jovee Winters

ameserole's review

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Before diving into this book, I was wondering why I never dove into it. After, though, I can see why I hesitated...

The Ice Queen was okay. Not my favorite so far but it wasn't completely horrible either. Instead of reading the KU version, I was listening to the audiobook and I'm afraid to admit that it mostly felt like background noise. I mean, yeah the goblin tricked her and stuff. Yes, bad things were happening throughout the kingdom and her love life. Yet, I was just bored with everything..

I wanted to like Luminesa and her mate.. but I just wasn't feeling it this time around. Maybe if the pace was a bit better throughout the book then I would've enjoyed it more. It just seemed like a lore more happened in the last half of the book than anything.

Not sure if I will dive into the next book or not.. maybe it will get better maybe it won't.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review

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The story of the snow queen it was nothing spectacular but it was a story i enjoyed the story itself was a 3 star

[a:Shiromi Arserio|4953952|Shiromi Arserio|] however the narrator had a beautiful voice shes a 5 star narrator so im gunna say four star and look for more of this Narrators stuff!

toriedawn1's review

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Not my favorite book in this series but still one of the best Ice queen retellings I've read. Luminessa is flawed, scarred and has been through more than anyone should be expected to deal with. It was nice to see her grow as a charachter and learn that softness does not always mean weakness.

raven168's review

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2.5 stars

After really enjoying the last one, I had higher hopes for this series but this book was just okay. This one never really had anything exciting happen. It was more low key and mellow with the romance sort of just being sweet happenstance.

Luminesa had a horrible back story and it was what had happened to her that has made her into the ice queen she is today. She hates all humans, but does have a soft spot for children because they're still innocent. When she claimed her land there was nobody around, but now a goblin has been making her life hell because he says she stole his land and he wants it back. This goblin has gone to Baba Yaga for her help to end this once and for all. And with their plan in place, he goes back to Luminesa to make a deal with her. She knows she should never play the goblin's game, but when Luminesa sees that he has trapped children inside a nightmare of ice and snow she is compelled to try and save them. She knew there was also an adult male trapped there, but she had no idea he was actually a centaur.

Alador put up one hell of fight when the goblin came for him, but still managed to get captured and trapped with the children. He had grown up his whole life hearing the stories of the evil ice queen and how she is cruel and uncaring. So when Luminesa shows up, he doesn't want to trust her. But it doesn't take long for him to start changing his mind about her the more that he watches her and learns about her.

In fact, the two of them immediately feel a connection that they don't understand. So during the day they search for the key to their freedom, and at nights before they must fight off creatures to protect the children, they get to know each other more and more.

And that's pretty much what we get here. Their low key romance and the fighting off of the goblin's creatures. It's not a surprise when we find out where the key is and Luminesa is forced to make a horrid choice. She loses with either choice she makes, but with Alador's words she's convinced she can still find happiness after.

The epilogue was actually my favorite part. Luminesa tried for years to do what Alador told her to do and nothing ever worked. She just suffered more and more after each attempt. Thankfully, Alador had his sister to snap him out of it before it was too late.

I'm probably not going to be continuing this series. I only had these three books and I honestly have no interest in buying more. While the stories are interesting, it doesn't seem like enough to really pull me in. Plus, I've read what happens in the future books and that's not a plot twist I care for.

book_dragon_of_wv's review

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Amazing as always!!!!

This story is so wonderful! You go through many emotions while reading! I love Ice Queen and her Horse!!! I cannot wait for the next story!!!

acrosby8's review

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Cute. A nice winter themed book for Christmas. As aways a fast read and it doesn't take much time to set up the world buildin.

emmybird86's review

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We first met the Ice Queen a couple of books ago so I was excited to get to read her story. This story was good and I enjoyed the characters. I can’t wait for Baba Gaga’s story!