
Fractured Days by Rebecca Roland

pause_theframe's review

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I am just jumping into this series, but already I know I am going to have to pop back and read the first book, as this one was so addicting I read it in two nights! I genuinely couldn’t put it down.

I love the world that Roland has built. It is full of depth, detail, excitement and truly feels real. From page one, I was immersed in the world and lives of the characters. It was also interesting to get the extra detail, from my guest post, as it showed just how intricate and real the world is to Roland, everything, even the most minute detail has been considered, in order to make this world one that you can dive into and really be a part of.

The characters had a great collection of personalities, and I found myself connecting with them, to a point that I was matching them up to people I know, and picturing myself in their world. I felt a true part of the journey, and really hooked onto the people and creatures. Yes, in excess to creating very real people, Roland also made me actually believe in the creatures that she described. I trusted or hated them and really felt a sorrow, when I left the book, and had to face reality, and the fact they didn’t exist.

The pace of this book was excellent. There were pauses, that allowed the intricate details and surroundings to be built upon and to give you a full perspective of the plot. However, we were also thrown into fast-paced, exciting sections, where I was wholly immersed in the action.

I highly recommend this read, and as mentioned, I recommend checking out the entire series. This is a brilliantly written book and very enjoyable!