
Fathomless by Jackson Pearce

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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I am so upset that I couldn't get into this one! I have been looking forward to it for so long! I gave it over 100 pages and decided to read a review that told me what happened in the end because I didn't feel much like continuing on.

It's so unfortunate that Jackson Pearce didn't just stick to writing gritty fairytales, instead of trying to link all her books somehow with the evil character/s (which don't actually fit in with this fairytale).

Anyway, I'm only going off reading someone else's review. Maybe it's the mood I'm in, I need something to really grip me to keep me going.

shhchar's review against another edition

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Fathomless is a dark retelling of The Little Mermaid (not the Disney version.) It's filled with monsters, love, and many complex ideas. I recommend it for anyone who enjoys reading about the darker sides of fairy tales.

This story was definitely different than an average YA novel. Most of everything/everyone in the book could be taken as a metaphor or symbol. One of the main themes was Good versus Evil, and I had a hard time telling who represented what. Part of the one was trying to figure it out.

My main annoyance was how dramaticized the 'love triangle' was. It's in quotes, because I don't even think of it was a love triangle. Two parts of the 'triangle' barely even had any scenes together. If this book was meant to be about romance, then I don't think it did so well. The book didn't need to be all about romance, its darkness and writing was already doing perfectly. It was just annoying when one character freaks out because the other two are spending time together.

Ah, the characters. I really liked Naida/Lo, although it was tough telling which was which because they had very similar writing-voices. She was my favorite character, because of how different she was from everyone else. She kept a common goal, and that was admirable. Whereas I didn't like reading Celia's POV. I felt like her introverted to extroverted personality changed too quickly before I even got a chance to know her. Also, I did like the additions of her sisters but they could have gotten a better back story. Jude was not a swoon-worthy love interest at all. I don't know how to explain it, but he was just too average for me to root for any romance.

Like the plot twists, the ending came out of nowhere! It was definitely a safe ending, but it wasn't expected. I wasn't totally satisfied with it, because I still have some questions about the characters, and what will happen, etc. With the dark theme in this book, it was a bit out of character to have such a safe ending. But it didn't ruin my opinion overall.

I recommend this to anyone who is in the mood for a dark fairytale!

mollywetta's review against another edition

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This was creepy and beautiful, but the constant back and forth of the first person narration distracts me. I never enjoy this way of telling a story. Some books, like [b:The Scorpio Races|10626594|The Scorpio Races|Maggie Stiefvater||15535056], are so amazing I can get past it. But this one is not.

thestoryowl's review against another edition

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Downright creepy twist on the little mermaid. Not sure if it's my life circumstances or the story, but it made me sad. I liked the creepy element and the characters were good. Nice example of sisters who aren't "lovey-dovey always get along"

missbookiverse's review against another edition

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+ So, so toll geschrieben <3 Ich liebe die Atmosphäre, die Jackson kreieren kann. Das Meer, die Sonne, alles wie zum Riechen und Fühlen.

+ Die Meerjungfrauen sind keine typischen Schwanzflossenwesen, dadurch aber nicht weniger bedrohlich-schön.

+ Das Mysterium in diesem Buch ist wirklich spannend. Total verrückt, was Jackson Pearce aus ihrem Fenris-Mythos von Band 1 und 2 alles rausholt und was für absurde, aber irgendwie funktionierende Verbindungen sie mit den Mädchen aus dem Ozean knüpft (obwohl ich darüber gern mehr gewusst hätte,
Spoiler wozu müssen die Mädchen denn diese "Wasserkur" machen bevor sie Fenris werden? Nur um sich zu vergessen?

+ Es gibt nicht nur Märchenelemente aus dem allen bekannten Disneyfilm sondern auch Details wie ein messergleicher Schmerz in den Fußsohlen, wenn die Meerjungfrau an Land kommt.

+ Die Verbindung zu Sweetly ist super. Man kann beide Bücher auch als Standalone lesen, aber wenn man sie alle kennt, macht es riesigen Spaß die subtilen Verbindungen zu entdecken.
SpoilerLo war in ihrem früheren Leben Naida, Sophias verschwundene Schwester

+ Es geht um Geschwisterzusammenhalt und das Vertrauen unter Schwestern. Das sind die Menschen, denen man alles sagen kann, die immer für einen da sind und die wichtiger sind als jeder Junge der Welt.

± Apropos Jungs, Jude bleibt leider ein wenig blass, aber so wichtig ist er dann ja auch nicht.

+ Los Hin- und Hergerissenheit wird perfekt dargestellt. Sie will wieder ein Mensch sein und eine Seele haben, müsste dafür aber jemanden umbringen. Ist es das wert?

+ Die Szene, in der
SpoilerNaida am Ende aus dem Wasser kommt und beschließt Celia umzubringen war genial, weil sie genau parallel verläuft wie der Moment, den Naida zuvor bei einer anderen Meerjungfrau, die das Wasser verlassen hat, beobachtet hat. Mir ist ein kalter Schauer den Rücken hinunter gelaufen als mir über die Wiederholung des Szenarios bewusst wurde.


first "review" // old
No beautiful illustrated cover like Sisters Red and Sweetly had? WHAT? NOOO!! PLEASE! I WANT A BEAUTIFUL BLUE/GREEN/TURQUISE MERMAID/WAVES/WATER cover with a secret image T________T Not this boring, standard stuff ;_;

ameserole's review against another edition

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Fathomless is the third book in the Fairytale Retellings Series and it's like a mixture of two fairytales for me: hercules and the little mermaid. WHY? Oh well Celia is the youngest of triplets and can see the past..while Lo was once a human but is now a mermaid. I guess it could just be about hercules.. maybe.. idk. I'M WEIRD!

Then comes in Jude, heyyy judeeee, who is a possible love interest for both Celia and Lo. I did, however, ship Jude with one girl.. and I hate that I did..but then again I really do hate love triangles!! Okay, so I totally shipped Jude with Lo. I just think there wasn't that great of a connection between him and Celia. Mostly because Celia kind of frustrated me to no end. However, I also wouldn't see this as a romantic book at all.. because the romance did nothing for me. I guess I don't really care who I shipped Jude with because it was just meh to me.

Besides the "romance", the mystery and twists were amazing! However, I think the first two books were way better than this one. I can't wait to see how this series is going to end with the next and final book.

justicepirate's review against another edition

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This was a really interesting book that sucked me in after reading just the introduction. The book is about a girl named Celia who is a triplet who has some form of a supernatural ability that she doesn't tend to like at all. There is also a sea-creature named Lo who lives in the ocean with her sisters of the sea. There is a part of Lo that is a mystery and she has a longing for life that she doesn't comprehend. When a guy falls in the ocean, Lo and Celia meet and their lives are forever changed.

It is a very well written book with great descriptions and I was just so curious to learn more and more. Although the ending was good but not as amazing as I had hoped it would be, it was still a great story. I enjoyed it.

melinda1962's review against another edition

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This is actually a 3.5 read for me. I would of liked more background information on the how and why they become “mermaids”. But I really enjoyed the authors take on the darkness of them as they lose their souls.

lisawreading's review against another edition

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I liked about 2/3 of Fathomless. Unfortunately, once the plot twists of the final 1/3 of the book were revealed, the whole thing was pretty much ruined for me.

It's too bad, because there's a lot to like about Fathomless. It seemed from the outset like a sensitive, interesting take on the classic Little Mermaid story. Life under the sea is not filled with singing crabs and dolphins, but rather with a bunch of mermaid lost girls, former humans who were brought by an "angel" to live in the ocean, where day by day they forget their former lives and identities. But when one of these girls encounters a human girl on the shore, she starts to remember who she was... and to realize that the angel story might not be the truth.

But, but, but... the plots just goes off the rails, and a completely out-of-place element is introduced, and the book falls apart. I was engaging in some serious eye-rolling by that point, and maybe even a little unladylike snorting as well.

If you want to know the cause of my eye-rolls and snorts, you can read my spoiler-filled review here.

Suffice it to say, my overall reaction to this book is: No. The lovely descriptions and interesting set-up do not justify the mess that is the conclusion and resolution. Nope.

kice7788's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book- it had me from the start but I really don't see the little mermaid in it. there is mermaids but other then that and saving Jude I really don't see it but none the less it was a great story!