
From Friend to Fake Fiancé by Jules Bennett

beyondevak's review

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Jenna and Mac's story gets a thumbs up rating. Best friends finding love was a good angle. Although I was not necessarily all in on the mafia aspect of this story, I admit that the internal struggle that Mac and his brother (Braden) had to deal with, regarding not taking the family's traditional approach to dealing with threats versus doing so, was pretty darn interesting. It was also interesting how both Jenna and Zara viewed the power and position of the O'Shea family.

The stand out character in this story, as well as in the last, was Ryker. He once again captured my attention. He was intense. I can't help but think of him as a dark avenger, ready to sweep in and save Laney, no matter the cost. I would love to know his story. Actually, I would love to know their story. Those two shot sparks off each other. Pow! If they got together, it would, no doubt, be explosive.

Rating: 3+/5
Recommend: +/-
Audience: Adult
Status: M, R
Chemistry/Intensity: Yes
Conflict/Drama: Yes
Family Dysfunction: Yes
Humor/Wit: No
HEA: Yes
Stand Alone: No

Source: NetGalley

melinda1962's review

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The heroine in this book is concerned about her size, shape and weight. The hero constantly tells and shows her that she is sexy and beautiful the way she is. He also goes on to think to himself and verbally how women with curves are the most beautiful of women. The heroine came into herself and became confident with her body and sexuality. Perfect book based on this alone.

chrissy3562's review

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From Friend to Fake Fiancee was a sweet friends to lovers story. Mac had his reasons for not wanting love, but Jenna broke through his barriers. It was amusing watching Mac try to justify being with her while trying not to fall in love. Jenna didn't want to fall for Mac either, but once she'd crossed that line, she wasn't quite as resistant as he was. The background story of the missing scrolls that was introduced in the first book and carried on into this book really intrigued me. I can't wait for the next book because I want to find out where the scrolls are. I'm hoping that Laney and Ryker get a book next. Overall, this was a good harlequin book and it kept me entertained. I give it 5 stars and look forward to more.

lovelee8's review

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Cute and sexy. I really enjoy Jules Bennett writing style. She doesn't go on and on with endless descriptions of everything. This was a light, fun book and I will definitely be reading more of Jules Bennett's books.

lauraanne9's review

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4.5 Stars

There is nothing better than a well-written friends to lovers story. Well, maybe a well-written second chance, but just maybe...and that really isn't the point here.

Romance is a genre where the end is a foregone conclusion. You know the characters will get a HEA, and you actually want Mac and Jenna to get theirs. Their connection is obvious, their chemistry sizzles, and their affection for one another jumps from the page.

In romance, what you need to have a good story, other than the romance, is a skilled author who can take a story with a pre-determined destination and give you an enjoyable ride. Jules Bennett does this very, very well. Her writing is smooth, it flows cleanly and there are no "side eye" moments where you ponder why the hero is all of a sudden talking like Kermit the Frog. The dialog seemed like what real people would say and their actions what people would do in the situations. I always appreciate this, as awkward dialog just stops me cold and pulls me right out of the story. None of that here.

I love that both Mac and Jenna were not perfect, that they each brought pieces of themselves to the relationship that they were not sure the other could live with. This is real intimacy, and this is the fun of the friends to lovers, as they know the scars and imperfections of the other person and love them anyway. And, at the end, that is the foundation of real intimacy.

I thoroughly enjoy a fun, sexy romance where I feel what the characters are feeling. This one had it all.

Oh, and Bennett is totally right about the origin/inventors of swimwear. Just saying.

***ARC Provided by the Author***