
Mercy by Joshua Grover-David Patterson

leighanneslit's review

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**DISCLAIMER** I received this book from the author in exchange for a completely honest review.**

Zombies. They have worked our way into every day culture. It's something that we see so much of that its really becoming a cliche. Mercy is a book about zombies. BUT, it is not an average zombie book, and you should read it, and I'm going to tell you why.

Georgina's plane has crashed. She is stranded on a deserted island with only a handful of survivors. Sounds like the opening of some survivor type thriller book, doesn't it? Well, essentially, that is what this is about, but when you throw zombies into the mix it becomes this hybrid that I really enjoyed reading.

The book is set up in the format of a journal. Georgina finds her carry on that included the notebook that she's writing in a little while after they washed up on shore. Georgina is trying to keep hope that she will be able to get home to her adopted daughter, Mercy. Through her journal you learn about life on the island, the people on it, what they're doing to survive and how the crash began. There are some tense moments in the book where you're really wondering how they're going to get off the island and how they're going to survive various other things along the way.

One of the things that I liked about this book is that it wasn't JUST about zombies. A lot of zombie books are just that. In this book we get a look inside several of the characters and what they think, how this insanity is affecting them. We get a look inside Georgina as well, and her feelings towards motherhood and her adopted daughter and there are some fantastic passages about her feelings and that subject, which I thought really added to the story.

If you're a zombie fan, pick this up! Its a great book with that gore that you come to expect from anything with the label 'zombie' but there's a lot more to it as well. I really enjoyed it. 4.5 out of 5 stars!

iain_gibson's review

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Mercy is not a zombie novel. Sure it has zombies. Sure they eat their way through members of the cast - but primarily it's the story of a mother desperate to get back to her daughter. Its exploration of character and some of the situations are reminiscent of Stephen King - although it doesn't dwell on the gruesome moments of horror in the same way as King does - which is certainly a blessing for the more squeamish. That's not to say it still doesn't have those moments of horror, just that Patterson's motivation doesn't seem to be to gross-out his readership. Out of all of the zombie-enhanced fiction that I've read, this is the one that I think would be most appealing to a mainstream audience.

Mercy is a well-paced read, never overstaying its welcome as the plot manages to keep moving so that it never feels tiresome. Stylistically it's fairly lean - which suits its diary format and again keeps the eye moving down the page. Very enjoyable - I'll have no hesitation in picking up the author's next novel.