
Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil by Paul Levy

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**from Amber McZeal Pacifica, on somatic justice, IDA talk Sp'21

Satan/Saturn/Wetiko is catalyst for greater consciousness (66)
Snake Garden of Eden → knowledge of right and wrong/choice/free will
Judas → crucifixion
Lucifer noble to take on the dirty work/give God the element of choice/counterwill
Jung Psych and Religion

“This brings up a question: is evil a factor that obscures the unfoldment of the cosmic drama, or is it a necessary ingredient in the mystery of divine Incarnation?” (66)

Wetiko “cure” is contact with the Self/your inherent wholeness/True Self nature
“This is to discover that there is no place to take refuge, except in the true nature of our being. Taking refuge in the impermanent physical forms of the world is, ultimately speaking, like taking refuge on shifting sand. Only what is truly ourselves has the power to heal. In a very real sense we do not cure wetiko—wetiko cures us of our wrong attitude. Our quest to comprehend the nature of wetiko activates this very self-curative process. Our illness is nature’s attempt to heal us and to raise us up to an entirely new level of wholeness.”
Art is the opp of wetiko- it frees, a contagion of freedom/consciousness that spreads the insight that the artist had to everyone else who consumes the art
Art isn’t just painting, it’s engaging with your life, putting language to your unique experiences and insights (44)
“The artwork then becomes a living testament to, encoded with, and a carrier of this experience of transformation, as if the work of art unlocks the door through which this transformation becomes activated in and transferred to others in an act of living transmission.” (44)
Imagination is divine, diff from fantasy
“Unrealized creativity is one of the most destructive things in the human psyche. “ (47) we are made to create. Daemon → demon.
Our imagination can be used against itself to think it is not imaginative (traps)
Four-valued logic: (1) true, (2) false, (3) both true and false, or (4) neither true nor false. (71)
Nagarjuna, Buddhist philosopher
Dependent co-arising: “We are all collectively dreaming up the field while at the same time reciprocally being dreamed up by it“ (77)
“ Jung never tired of warning that the greatest danger that threatens humanity is the possibility that millions of us can fall into our unconscious together and reinforce each other’s blind spots, feeding a contagious collective psychosis in which we unwittingly become complicit in supporting the insanity of endless wars; this is unfortunately an exact description of what is currently happening” (77) LOLING
“The greater the gap between the conscious and the unconscious, the greater the chance of falling under a collective psychosis such as wetiko.” is there a counterpoint jesus spiritual figure? Trump is wetiko, Baldwin- the danger is when people blindly adopt popular attitudes and neglect reality from their own experience.
“In a full-blown psychic epidemic, the conscious and the unconscious actually trade places, which is to say the unconscious steps into the driver’s seat, which should be occupied by consciousness.” (82)
“Wetiko psychosis is highly contagious, spreading through the channel of our shared unconsciousness.” (81) feeds on our unconscious fears
Hijacks the “survival instinct” reptilian part of our brain (88)
People love people who r sure of themselves- they feel insecure/don’t know, but THIS person does. Project their authority outwards. “Falling victim to one’s own deception can have a mesmerizing effect on others, as wetikos appear so sure of what they are saying that they are able to project this conviction to others.” (91)
Archetype lives through a person → superhuman charisma
“we momentarily forfeit our humanity and develop a compelling charisma, which can have a gripping or enchanting effect on others. A person can then take on archetypal dimensions and exercise corresponding, almost superhuman effects” (92)
Who are such avatars?
Christ- “Seen as a symbol in our shared waking dream, Christ can be said to be the “Incarnation” of the Word made flesh, that is, the conscious incarnation of the positive aspect of the archetype of the Self, embodying our wholeness (holiness) in living flesh and blood.” (93)
To do so consciously means to channel for good, unconsciously– for evil. Not quite sure on this one
“Just as the pendulum with the strongest swing entrains all the other pendulums into its swing, the person who is channeling the living power of the deeper, archetypal force can potentially entrain and entrance others. This power can be used for the highest good—helping people to awaken—or it can be used for the deepest evil so as to manipulate, disempower, and enslave other people. Being archetypal, this energy is fundamentally neither good nor bad, but can potentially manifest either way, depending upon our intent.” (94) It’s true, gravity literally exists emotiomagnetically too, like some people’s weather makes everyone else feel that way too
People project onto you what they can’t deal with/see (95) “​​wetikos are unconsciously doing the very thing they are reacting to and accusing other people of doing. While projecting the shadow onto others, for example, they will accuse others of projecting the shadow onto them. To use an extreme but prototypical example, it is like someone screaming that you’re killing them as they kill you. If their insanity is reflected back to them, they think it is the mirror that is insane.” (95)
Wetiko cannibal- the thing attacks the “other” (really itself) because it thinks the other is attacking it (projected). Hence cannibalism.
All the world materialized is just the psyche being externalized, the collective unconscious playing itself out “Jung states that “the world powers that rule over humanity, for good or ill, are unconscious psychic factors.... We are steeped in a world that was created by our own psyche.”2 “ (100)
“The totalitarian psychosis running rampant throughout the world today is the psyche’s way of revealing to us that we are forgetting the crucial role it plays in creating our experience. Marginalizing our own authorship and authority, we then dream up totalitarian forces to limit our freedom and create our experience for us.” (101) When we sleep on the psyche, it destroys us. As within so without. We ignore our creativity, so we are outwardly trapped.
Buddhist “As viewed, so appears” (106) “Projections change the world into the replica of our own unknown face.”
Synchronicities are acausal creative acts made by the archetypes (107)
The world is a reflection of our own projections. Wetiko thrives when we disown our projections as something “external” from ourselves and pretend we r sep from it. How to see yourself in the world’s villainy? (108)
The world is an interactive mirror, like a lucid dream! (108)
Symbol- bridge between us + universe (110)
Christ’s kingdom of heaven is the symbolic dimension (112)
The cross is a symbol for holding the tensions of our good and bad, holding them in tension w/o dissociating and projecting CRUCIFIES the ego. Wtf. (132)
Self created ego to aid its growth “We have to develop a sense of an egoic self in order to be able, when the time is right, to offer it to something greater than ourselves. In order to surrender, we must have something to let go of. The development of the ego is part of the growth and evolution of the Self, as if the Self realized it needed and thereby created the instrument of the ego in order to actualize itself.” (184)
The sight of evil kindles evil in the soul (188) Jung
Lion’s Gaze: (188) “One of the most beautiful teachings in Buddhism is called the “Lion’s Gaze.”14 The following example is given as an illustration: If you throw a stick at a dog, the dog runs after the stick; but if you throw a stick at a lion, the lion will chase after you! The stick represents an uncomfortable negative emotion that gets triggered inside us. When we are triggered— when something “pushes our buttons”—it activates an unconscious, compulsive knee-jerk reflex. “
When you see evil, instead of dissociating, projecting, and judging them as if you are morally righteous and superior, see yourself within it. We are all capable of evil, evil is in all of us. To cut off and judge is to lose to it, to lose to unconsciousness, reactively.
Evil has many forms, each person is one single appendage of a larger piece that works together (199) lawyers, the dictator, office people, well-meaning campaigners against
We are magicians- we create our own realities- wetiko uses this power against us, entrancing us with our own powers (226)

“The unconscious is revealing itself by synchronistically configuring events in the outer world so as to give shape to itself. What is happening in our world is the unconscious manifesting itself in, as, and through the forms of our world. The unconscious is revealing itself through its very projections onto the world. We are living in a truly historic moment of time in which, just like a dream that is potentially becoming “lucid- ified,”” (212) we dream up our world from our unconscious expressing itself. At this moment, the dream is becoming LUCID
God is now incarnating thru collective unconscious (215)

God and human mutually redeem: “Paradoxically, humanity is a living, breathing alchemical vessel in which spirit has seemingly become trapped, while simultaneously being the very instrument through which spirit becomes materialized in space and time so as to be liberated into greater orders of freedom. As the ancient alchemists intuited, it is as if God, with our help, is born into and out of humanity. Deo concedente— God willing—as the alchemists never failed to add” (216)

Consciousness is our agent of transformation
Self and ego need each other, just like God and humans need each other: “ At the same time, the realized Self can only be born in time and space through an ego” (217)

Christ symbolizes the Self
When u can’t internally deal w/integrate smt, it gets dreamed up/acted out unconsciously, projected outwards: “There is a psychological truism that says when an activated inner psychic content is not consciously realized and integrated by the individual in the course of the individuation process, this content will manifest itself externally in the outside world, where, as if by fate, it gets unconsciously dreamed up and acted out in a literal, concrete, destructive, and potentially initiatory way” (218)

Before, God incarnated light form (Christ pure, spotless), now thru darkness?
Apocalypse means coming of the Self
How we need each other: Spirit (high vibration) descends into densest matter (humanity) then transforms itself, refines itself back, purified: “Humanity is the alchemical retort in which God descends into the densest matter, transforms Itself, and out of which the refined spirit emerges” (221)

Self reflection is divine- “Not merely the “subjects” of our inner process, we become the “objects” of a deeper, mythic, archetypal, and divine process that is incarnating through us. We are the conduits through which the universe, in becoming consciously aware of itself, is waking itself up. Self-reflection is therefore the best service we can do for ourselves and the world, as well as being the highest way for us to serve and love God. It should get our highest attention that wetiko disease is the very catalyst and inspiration for our self-reflection” (224)

Like a lucid dream, what you choose to perceive will be reflected back to you. “People who are identified with being wounded are perfect abodes for wetiko to take up long-term residence. When I solidify myself as having a wound, just like a dream, where the inner and the outer are mirrored reflections of each other, the universe instantaneously reflects back and supplies all the evidence I need to prove to myself that I really am wounded, which further confirms and validates my point of view of seeing myself as someone who has an unhealed wound, ad infinitum” (231)

“Being like a dream, how we perceive instantaneously generates the universe to reflect back our perceptions, which further confirms the very perceptions which generated the reflections of them in the first place.” (232)

“There is a secret tie between the powers that seemingly obscure our true nature and the very true nature they appear to be obscuring.” (234)

Your wound/your Self is unique AND universal at the same time, paradox (235). The Self is incarnating through everyone.

“In distinction to when we are afflicted with wetiko, which is to be continually grasping and clinging, attempting to fill a void within ourselves that can never be satiated, which is, in essence, to be coming from a place of lack, need, and scarcity, when we are wetiko-free we embody and express a place of wholeness, of fullness within ourselves. Not needing anything from outside of ourselves, the “economy” of our psyche is self-sustaining, neither depending upon nor requiring “imports” such as recognition or validation from outside of itself. Feeling safe within ourselves, we have no desire to impose our will, control, manipulate, coerce, or force others to do anything or be a certain way. Because we genuinely embrace and accept ourselves, others typically feel accepted when they are around us.” (276)

Storytelling for liberation (NOT self prison quicksanding) is magical act- as we are making our reality over and over with our stories:
2 ways of storytelling: “there’s a way of telling our story that solidifies and reinforces the spell we are under, and conversely, there’s a way of telling our story that liberates us from our spell. The first form of storytelling feeds wetiko, while the second type of storytelling dissolves wetiko and is worthy of the name “art.” Storytelling is a shamanic art- form through which we can, shaman-like, journey back in time and change the past, transforming the past by changing how it affects us in the present. The fictive power of the literary imagination is the imaginal power of the psyche.” (278)
By forcing you into contact w the wholeness of Self that is untouchable to wetiko, it connects us with our true nature (284)
“Seen as a dream character in Buddha’s dream, Mara was an aspect of Buddha’s own consciousness that was dreamed up to play out this very unpopular, adversarial role so as to help Buddha become illumined.” (289)

“To understand the meaning of and utter the name “wetiko” is a form of exorcism.” (292) Naming is important

IDEAS are powerful
“ In finding the name, however, we are accessing the divinely sponsored power of the word to create an idea, a living psychic organism of real value and merit, with an intrinsic power all its own. Like a symbol crystallizing out of the psyche, an idea grows out of the dark depths of the unconscious like a lotus emerging from the mud. Ideas can be liberating, or they can be extremely destructive. Jung writes, “The most tremendous danger that man has to face is the power of his ideas [or lack thereof] “ (296)

“In other words, a novel idea opens our inner eye and helps us know by giving us insight into something previously unconscious. What Plato called the “eyes of the soul,” ideas are the modes of consciousness through which we envision and create our life.” (296)
“A true healer knows that they are meeting themselves time and time again in their patients.” (310)
What parts of ourselves are we dreaming up to meet us? “A more fundamental aspect of my being was making itself known to me, and was using my experiences in the world—with my father, the blind woman, and the psychiatric system—as its canvas.” (315)
We are dreaming (317)
“I was beginning to realize that the same deeper, dreaming Self that dreams our dreams at night is dreaming our lives. “

“As is true for each of us as well, the symbolic events that were literally transpiring in my life were a synchronistic reflection and revelation of a living process deep within myself. “

The nonlocal field

“As is true for each of us as well, the symbolic events that were literally transpiring in my life were a synchronistic reflection and revelation of a living process deep within myself. “ (320)
