
Cincinnatus: The Secret Plot to Save America by Rusty McClure, David M. Stern

terminatee's review

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[July 6, 2012] I think it's always fun to read a fiction book whose setting is a city or locale in which you live or with which you are very familiar. I was drawn to reading "Cincinnatus" because I live in the greater Cincinnati area. If I was to judge this book by its cover, I would be soooo far off the mark. This is one of the few books I can honestly say I couldn't put down. A great thriller. Of great literary value? No, but then most thrillers aren't. But it was fun, and I enjoy a fun book now and then. Flaws? Some, but nothing I couldn't overlook. The one thing I didn't care for about this book (the hardback edition) was simply its cover, and unfortunately I think the cover will dissuade some potential readers from giving the book the chance it deserves. The book jacket is boring and does nothing to encourage you to pick up the book. A word of advice: give the book a chance anyway. You will be rewarded.