ellelainey's review against another edition

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** For the full review, please check Divine Magazine - https://www.divinemagazine.biz/book-review-falling-hard-by-dale-cameron-lowry/ **

Cover – Hot!
Would I read it again – Yes!
Genre – LGBT, Contemporary, Romance

Reviewed for Divine Magazine

I'm new to Dale Cameron Lowry's work, but as soon as I was asked to read and review this, I jumped at the chance. The blurbs sounded incredible.

I loved that the blurbs for all stories were included at the beginning. I always read the blurb of a story before reading the book, but when there's a collection like this, it's nice and easy to flick back before starting each story to get an idea of what to expect. I also loved that there was a brief explanation of what each “Part” represented and that each story came with a heat rating. That's great information to have on hand. (Example, one flame equals no sex, two is fade-to-black and then more detailed as they increase to five flames)



What a fantastic collection of stories! And, don't underestimate that tag in the title. This really is a story about men falling in love. It's not erotica. It's not cheap thrills. It's not even cheesy romance. This is real men, of all different ages, backgrounds and showing a range of diversity in various forms, sharing their stories of romance and love.

Normally, I offer a star rating for each story, but I don't need to do that here. Every story is 5 star quality. Perfection. Beautiful. Romantic. All of these stories are those things and more. Some made me cry, some made me laugh and you can bet your bottom that I was smiling through almost every one of them. They may tackle tough issues, real challenges that relationships can face, but they do it in a respectful, compassionate way that draws the reader into the story. Because these are feel-good stories of love and overcoming all the odds.

I've fallen in love with Dale Cameron Lowry's writing and I'll be reading any and every book they ever write.

The characters are diverse, well explored and detailed only enough that it feels comfortably like I know them but without drifting into excessive detail. The stories are sweet, charming and beautiful, because they place the emotional connection of the couples at the very heart of the story and only add the heat when appropriate. And the attention to detail within the worlds – whether it be sci-fi, contemporary or paranormal – is incredible. The authenticity of the characters and their struggles – race, hearing, religion and humanity – make these stories real, relateable and the kind of stories that will stick with you for a long time.

These stories have been crafted with love.

You couldn't ask for a better collection.

aligroen's review against another edition

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A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

This is a great collection of stories. The men are all looking for love or are enjoying the love they already have which was a nice variety. They all ended great but took a bunch of different ways to get there, just like in real life. Most of the stories are only told from one character’s point of view, but the author does a wonderful job of showing the other characters emotions and feelings through their eyes.

In Mi Alma Damian and Alma aren’t quite sure how to approach the other with their growing feelings but their tension works wonderfully in building their friendship, I thought both of these characters played well off each other. In Loggerhead Jake and Eric show that it is easy to put yourselves and your relationship on the back burner a bit, but I loved seeing them make their relationship even stronger during their trip. Theo and Alfonso begin a wonderful friendship at the beginning of Reading the Signs and keep it going via skype when their course is over for the summer and seeing Theo learn what love really is, even at a distance, is great.

Born of Fire was an interesting concept; Aodhán becomes abducted by fairies and realizes this and how much Cainnech could mean to him if they were free, but they have to support each other once they are free from the fairies. Ghost of a Chance was one of the sweetest stories in this collection; Jeremy and Frank build a great friendship that turns into a strong relationship even though they are somewhat separated on the physical plane, but their love is what can keep Frank solidly in Jeremy’s life. Rajiv and Mateo miss each other so much in Far From Home, but have figured out the next best thing to having the other with them. In Sweeter than Blood Keith has not been very welcoming to the vampire lifestyle and when he finally takes a chance on Andres he realizes that maybe John is the one he needs.

In Rough Love Blake and Michael are trying to start their relationship off well, but don’t know how to talk to each other. When they finally do we can see what they have been holding back and how much more perfect they are for each other. Pacific Rimming show how there is always room in people hearts for more people to love if they want and Ken and Mike know that if they give it a chance Jason could easily fit into their lives. Seeing Jason realize that he can have the love he has wanted is wonderful.

Cover art by Dale Cameron Lowry is great and eye catching.