
Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan

heather326's review against another edition

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Have you ever been to a point where you have read just about every storyline you could possibly imagine? Become bored and jaded with the idea of ever hoping to find something new? Thought that there is no way you'll find a new author that will make you fidget in your seat, bite your nails, or read the whole book in sitting? Well, that was me. That was totally me until I read Undeniable.

Now, I'm going to say that the warning posted in the Overview section at kinda put me off. If you aren't familiar with what I'm referring to, here you go:

'Warning: This is not a typical love story. This is an all-consuming, soul-crushing, tear-your-heart-into-pieces story. It’s intense, gritty and raw, dark and disturbing, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is an epic love story that knows no boundaries and has no time limits. It grows and develops—with hurt, sacrifice, and heartache—over the span of a lifetime.

This is Eva and Deuce’s story.'

Here I'm thinking, "Wow, that author has some balls posting something like that. Sounds cocky even.T There's no way a book can live up to that." I passed the book on by and kept trolling for something new to read. Which for me is very hard to do. I've been reading romance books for over 20 years. I've read just about every plot line, every genre you can imagine trying to find those hidden gems. They are seriously hard to find when someone like me, who can read 10 books (easily) in a week, is sucking up books like crack. Of course it helps that I have a Nook and you can go into your local Barnes & Noble and read for free, most ebooks, for an hour. It's like they are my drug dealer..."Hey, sweetheart, the first one's on me. If you like it you know where to find me."

Well, I was hanging out at my local Barnes & Noble, came across the book again, and thought, eh, I'd give it a try. I hit the 'Read In Store' option and I was blown away.

This book is NOT your typical love story. It's so much more. It's something that could happen to any one of us. I don't know many people who can grab a billionaire, werewolf, or 1000 year old vampire. One of the reasons I love this series is because it's real.

It's not a sweet, melt in your mouth story, like a Hersey's Kiss. It's like a Sour Patch Kid. It's a lip puckering, sour sugar coating with a sweet chewy center. There are so many layers to this book but no matter the layer you are going to love it.

I'm not to repeat what the warning stated. Why? Because it will just be redundant. It's all true.

So if you are ready to step outside of your normal reading comfort zone, please, read this book. I read it in one sitting. And then turned around and read the second one in the series the same one siting. I don't regret it and I don't think you will either. I'm eagerly waiting book # 3, due out in November 2013.

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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Un livre complètement fucked-up, des personnages complètement cramés par la vie, une ambiance sombre, dure, une romance à des kilomètres des standards habituels ...

Ce qui est sûr, c'est que ce livre ne ressemble à aucun autre. En effet, rares sont les livres aussi âpres, durs, déchirants ...
Le souci c'est que j'ai tellement lu d'avis sur ce bouquin que j'avais des tas d'idées préconçues, je m'attendais au pire et finalement j'ai eu un mal de faire abstraction de tout ça, au début en tout cas.
Puis je me suis laissée porter par cette folle histoire. Car oui, les personnages ont tous un degré de folie plus ou moins élevé, ils vivent dans un univers violent où les codes sont tellement, tellement différents des nôtres. La violence, la crudité des propos et des situations font partie du paysage pour eux, et il est impossible de les "juger" en vertu de nos codes moraux.

L'histoire entre Eva et Deuce est déchirante, ils s'aiment follement, se font du mal, ne sont pas fichus de reconnaître la paix et le bonheur quand il est enfin là... Chacun a son propre mécanisme de défense, mais ils ne peuvent tirer un trait sur leur histoire pour autant. Le fait qu'ils se croisent au fil des ans, que le roman se déroule sur un laps de temps très long apporte encore plus d'intensité au livre, car on voit passer sous nos yeux une grosse partie de la vie des personnages et on espère, on retient notre souffle jusqu'au bout en espérant qu'enfin, oui, enfin, les personnages vont s'apaiser et trouver le bonheur.

Les personnages secondaires sont nombreux, à commencer par tous les Horsemen, et les diverses femmes qui font partie du club, ainsi que la famille d'Eva. J'ai apprécié ce bunch de bikers, fous et cramés par la vie eux aussi, j'ai eu un faible pour Cox, Ripper et Jase, le "tonton" Joe m'a touchée ...

Alors oui, le style est âpre, cru, trash, que ce soit dans les situations vécues ou les mots choisis, mais ça fait partie intégrante du style des MC book, en ouvrant ce livre, on accepte d'embarquer pour une virée d'enfer, on sait qu'on va souffrir, qu'on va forcément passer par tout un tas d'émotions, mais c'est justement le deal !

Un livre sans concessions !

nikki52010's review against another edition

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Not sure how I feel about this book. It was my first motorcycle novel and should not be read if you have a problem with the F bomb being dropped every few lines of dialogue. This book was exactly how I thought motorcycle clubs are like. Cussing, boozing and sexing. While this book wasn't my favorite, I am still curious to see how the remaining books in the series go.

1bookobsessionconfessions's review against another edition

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I love the grittiness and the realistic look at some really messy relationships.
Deuce and Eva stole my heart from the very beginning.
There’s these rare, beautiful moments that stole my breath. Words and thoughts that are just so emotional and so stunning.
In between those moments there’s lots of craziness and absolute train wreck’s happening. I think it’s what makes the sweet and deep moments stand out.
You don’t get an easy love story, but it’s a really fantastic one!
I absolutely loved this story and all the characters!
I can’t believe I waited this long to read this series.

tuttidolci's review against another edition

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Was this supposed to be a Romance? Because it 100% felt like a contemporary drama similar to MC (Motorcycle Club) television shows that are chock-full of lust, sleaziness, infidelity, and pedophilia. In my opinion, there wasn't a single part of this story that showed the protagonists (or any secondary characters) as people worth caring about, much less people falling in love. Lots of fucking was had, sure. And everyone was hot/sexy/gorgeous...yay. [insert eye roll here]

Suffice to say that I found no magic in the storytelling. No chemistry that made what the protagonists had feel special. They were just 2 people (a man and a girl-child) who had the hots for each other and had sex whenever they crossed paths throughout her adult years (although he did finger-bang her when she was 16 - he was in his 30s at the time). In fact, none of their encounters felt romantic at all, nor did the sex ever feel like part of a building romance. On the contrary, it always felt cheap and disposable, in the same way the male protagonist treated all the females in his life.

Still, I gave this story 2 stars because it was well written, even if the tale itself was not something I enjoyed.

astrodish's review against another edition

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I have a feeling people are going to not like this review.

Mainly because from the reviews people either LOVED this book so much it made their teeth ache or HATED with a fiery passion.

And I'm..just underwhelmed.

This was not the worst book I've ever read by any means. I just found it...bland?

Shocking for the sake of shocking?

Don't get me wrong I didn't like the cheating (seriously keep it in your pants) the fact that the age difference gets introduced to us when the heroine is 5 years old (No) and all the verbal/physical abuse to women throughout. ( we get it. We get how MC clubs see women) That whole "true grit real life" thing didn't seem as real as I expected from all the warnings. I suppose that I read enough reviews to not be shocked by it all.

The characters were extreme to be almost silly had me going no way. Like psycho kind of brother/husband and all the crazy that entails (you want me to believe that the other guys in the club including her father who love the heroine and are wrapped around her finger wouldn't do ANYTHING?

bhookjunkhie's review against another edition

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4.75 stars....THIS WAS AWESOME!!...I couldnt put it down!..a wild, and gritty ride..very raw and sometimes surreal..(WTF did that just happen? Fu*#ing ASSHOLE!) emotions were all over the place!!!I didnt give it a full 5 stars for 1 minor was resolved but for some reason it bugged me...but thats what great books do dont they?...push your limits, make you think, uncomfortable and squirm at times:)...This book did all that!...LOVED:)

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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have a very hard time rating this book. So I am giving it four stars because the author is brilliant. The writing style is amazing and flows in a wonderful harmonious way. The characters were fierce. And the story itself was very catchy.
But I had a hard time relating to these characters. Which in turn opened up new ideas and possibilities in my mind, and also made it difficult for me to submerge myself into this foreign land.
I couldn't understand the relationship between Deuce and Eva. The age difference was the main factor keeping me at bay. Not just the numbers between them, but the fact that Deuce literally watched Eva grow up. Not directly by her side, but he was in the same running crew as her father. And something about this didn't settle right with me. Let's not even discuss the fact that he does things with her at the age of 16 when he is like 30.
Then there is the whole sleeping with the club girls. Over and Over and Over. Deuce couldn't seem to keep it in his pants. Even though you read from his POV how incredibly important Eva is to him. And how much he wanted and needed her more than anyone else. Yet he "sinks" himself into another familiar girl over and over and over. What is the difference between Eva and Miranda? Miranda was taken care of. She was around for like 18 years. How are they different to Deuce. Honestly I found this behavior repulsive. And I hated how he referred to Eva as "bitch" But I guess that it goes with the whole biker gang/club territory and world I am so unfamiliar with.
Lets discuss Eva a bit. I really liked her in the beginning. I thought she was unique, spunky, and going to turn into one hell of a woman. But then things started wierding me out and getting creepy. Her entire relationship with Frankie was disturbing. From the beginning. When she claims 16 year old Frankie sleeps in her bed and "jerks off" beside her at night I was completely disgusted. And confused. How can she even remotely believe this behavior is okay or therapeutic to Frankie. I understand he has issues, but she knows this behavior is not normal or okay, otherwise she wouldn't threaten to rat him out about it. Not cool. But she allows this unhealthy obsession to continue to grow and blossom then wonders how she ends up with him in the end? She even goes as far as attempting to "justify" Frankie raping her? Where did that sassy, strong, mouthy little girl go? Frankie continues to ruin her and we lose Eva all together. I don't feel that she ever returns in the book.
I really wanted to love this story. And I was completely hooked because it is catchy. I just haven't decided if the biker gang story is for me.

drez80's review against another edition

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I had a hard time picking my rating. I really did like this story, but it was very hard to read some parts. I know the description mentions it being ugly, and it definitely was that. I did really enjoy the fact that Eva didn't just sit around pining after Deuce and hoping he would come to his senses. She moved forward with her life, slept with other people and married Frankie. I hate those female characters that just sit and cry and wait for the guy to come around. Have some pride and self-esteem please.

The worst part for me was when
SpoilerDeuce cheated when she was pregnant and on bed rest, and she knew what he was doing, but she stayed because she promised not to run. I just wish when she walked on him with Miranda when she was 8 months along that she just walked out instead of getting into the fight with Deuce which started her premature labor, and then she just forgave him. I know she made him promise no more women, but at that point for me, I think they both had been through too much crap together, and she should have just walked away because he couldn't seem to not hurt her.
I loved Cage standing up to his old man and sticking up for Eva and Danny... a lot of kids wouldn't admit to liking the step mother, even if they did actually like her, let alone stand up to their father for her. I think I'm gonna mark it as a favorite but only 4 stars. The writing was great, and I totally felt all of the emotions of the characters along with them, but I just can't get over the
Spoilerpregnant cheating

melissaverasreads's review against another edition

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DNF at 55%

This book was INCREDIBLY BAD. :)