
Charmed: Magic School by Katy Rex

brittster622's review

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Charmed was my favorite tv show during its air time so I was very excited to try this manga. It was ok. I as enjoying having the Haliwell sisters back but it seems kind cheesy sometimes and that really pulled me out being immersed in the story.

geekwayne's review

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'Charmed: Magic School' by Katy Rex with art by Jonathan Lau is a manga based on a popular tv show.

The Halliwell Sisters find a young girl named Delia with some pretty strong powers and decide to help her out by enrolling her in a magic school where she can learn to use her powers safely. The only problem is that someone or something wants that power and Delia and her new friends may not be safe.

I am a little familiar with the tv show this is based on, so I can't speak as to how accurate they got things. I was a bit lost getting in to it, but got up to speed pretty quickly. I liked the story and the surprises and the art was decent enough.

I received a review copy of this manga from Diamond Book Distributors, Dynamite Entertainment, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.

roobie's review

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⭐️2 stars⭐️

Well this was in no way a manga. Not the reading style or the art. It wasn't bad but sadly not what I expected and wanted it to be.

Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book.

nbd99's review

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I was expecting so much from this graphic novel since I loved the TV show and it had so much potential but it was just lacking.

courtagonist's review

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This was such a fun read! I loved getting to know the characters even more then when watching them on the screen!

queenkoko's review

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Before I begin to bash this, let me just state that this would have been great as a story without it having to do with Charmed. A young witch coming into her magic and being sent to a school for magic is great to work with. Adding Charmed to it just made it worse. However, 

I appreciate the LGBT+ representation which was something not shown in the television show. Not sure if it was shown in the Zenescope comics either. The characters are one dimensional. They are either nice or mean. No type of depth.

As someone who has seen the original series and read S9 & S10 of the comics by Zenescope, I was thoroughly disappointed with this mess. First off this is a GRAPHIC NOVEL not a Manga in the slightest. I am also unsure where on the timeline this takes place. From what I gathered Wyatt and Chris are both in the story so it takes place after S6. Leo is no longer an elder but a whitelighter? Was he demoted? Paige is headmistress of Halliwell Academy. When did this open? What happened to Magic School?

The artwork isn’t the greatest in regard to the Halliwell sisters because they look nothing like their TV counterparts at all. I couldn’t even tell them apart.

If one other thing was done right, it was how they captured the essence of Phoebes ego. Here is a quote that is spot on! “And not to be a jerk or anything, but I am the most popular columnist at the bay mirror. My fans expect real advice”.

This has potential if they move away from Charmed and try to make it their own thing.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

beammey's review

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*I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.*

I've been a fan of Charmed for years, so when I saw there was a manga I was really intrigued, unsure if it would live up to the hype of that I think the show is. I'm happy to say it did. The characters are well written, the plot line is solid, and the artwork is absolutely amazing. I couldn't wait to read the next page to see how this would end. 4 out of 5 stars.

clara_lara's review

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Ok so yes, it wasn't really a manga as commented below but I really enjoyed it! The author really got the different personalities of the sisters spot on :)

xbookwormyx's review

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*This Book was generously provided by NetGalley*

I was excited to read this as I am a massive fan of Charmed. The premise was good but the execution was not. It was very short, there was barely any character development and everything was fast paced. I think there could have been more detail in the story and for the pacing to be slower. I also didn’t like the shadows on characters faces, it just looked like they had dirt marks on themselves.

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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3 1/2 stars rounded up

I received a copy of Charmed: The Manga through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I used to be a huge fan of Charmed when I was younger, so when I saw that they were coming out with a manga version, I knew I had to give it a chance!
I should mention though that while it is called Charmed and is described as a story about the Halliwell sisters, they’re really only a small part of the story being told. The main focus is on a new character, Delia and her adjustment to the new school she’s being sent to. The famous sisters do show up, but they’re present for only about a third of the volume, if that.
I think if you were to go into this hoping for a continuation to the TV series then you might find yourself disappointed. However, maybe if you went into it expecting Delia’s story it’d work out better. I certainly hope that’s the case (you can probably guess which situation I ended up in).

Charmed: The Manga was fun and whimsical in a blast from the past sense. I do like the idea of Charmed continuing in manga form, even if I wasn’t completely thrilled with this specific book. It suits the sisters oddly well, don’t you think?
The art style really suited the plot and the sisters’ well. Think about it – they basically acted like anime/manga characters half the time during the show (with their dramatic reactions and arguments) so it’s sort of an intuitive leap, all things considered.
Delia was an interesting character, all things considered. She had all the makings of a typical witch story; dark background, suppressed magic, moving to a new city to control her magic, the works. But those tropes aside, her character development and personality were decent. I think I liked a few of the side characters more, but that’s okay.
I was sad by how little the Halliwell sisters actually seemed to matter in this book. Yes, they were present, and yes one of them is the headmistress of the school…but it still didn’t seem like they were really part of the book. Not in any way that counted. Even the climatic ending, where they rushed in to save the day. You’d think at this point in the series they’d be confident and capable, but instead it read as them being almost…bumbling. It wasn’t a very flattering picture of them.
While I didn’t love it, I will say that I had fun reading it. Some of the side characters were really unique – I think they could hold up a whole series on their own, truth be told. Still, tropes and complaints aside…it was cute. Though maybe I should credit that to nostalgia and the manga influence?

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks