
Dragon Knight's Ring by Mary Morgan

raven168's review

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I reluctantly went into this one, but definitely with hopes that it would be better than all of the previous ones. And it was. Thankfully. Adam and Meggie were such better characters than the others and that was mainly because neither of them managed to annoy me with stupidity. *phew* These two made a very good couple and I enjoyed their interactions all the time.

When Adam lost his love, he lost himself. After he healed physically, he left home without a word to his brothers and at some point he encountered a wandering priest whose words had a huge impact on him. That encounter also eventually led him to joining in the Crusades. Needless to say, he did not find what he was seeking there. Only more death and suffering. Now he has returned home, not to stay, but to close the door on his past. His brothers are obviously happy to see him back, but they have much information to fill him in on. A lot of which Adam just can't understand. They're allied with the MacKays? He's actually a Dragon Knight as well? Not easy to wrap his head around. Going to the place where he lost his love, he intends to say goodbye but asks to see her just one more time. Not realizing that that will get him thrown into the future. But that's not near as shocking as when he comes face to face with the one he lost those years ago.

Meggie lives with her cousins but has no memories are her life prior to her waking up in the standing stones a couple years before. She tried to remember, but has come to accept that maybe she never will. After all, the most important thing in her life would be her son. Without her memories she has no idea what happened to his father, but Jamie means the world to her. Especially because he is so very different from any other children his age. When this ruggedly handsome man shows up at her doorstep acting like he just stepped out of medieval times, she doesn't know what to do with him. She is inexplicably dawn to him, and that scares her. But when faced with him being gone, she wants him to stay.

So begins Adam's path to redemption. He must help Meggie regain her memories before it is too late and evil wins. Lachlan has been sent to that time by his evil lord and if he wins pretty much everything will cease to exist. No pressure. Fortunately for Adam, three of the Fenian warriors have decided to go against their laws and take things into their own hands in order to save the realms. Conn has even taken it upon himself to teach Adam how to use his new Dragon knight powers. Which are kind of interesting.

Everything was going well for me until time was up. Like I said, the book had done so well with not annoying me with the characters acting so damn stupid. Until this point. I can see why the rest of the warriors would want (or even need) to go the future to help fight this evil. But then you have the women all bursting into the room and demanding to be taken too. With the children! Oh for fuck's sake. Really? What in the ever loving hell could they possibly do? It was absolutely pointless and stupid. Especially considering they actually didn't do a damn thing.

It all comes down to Meggie and Adam to save the day. And they do. Just not without a cost. I do have to say that considering the build up to this final battle it was spectacularly underwhelming.
SpoilerAll it took was Meggie using her own gifts to say some words and banish Lachlan. Honestly, I don't even know why all of the Knights had to summon their dragons together because they didn't actually do anything once they appeared.
After their victory there was much happiness, but also much sadness. I was a little surprised at how it ended, but I guess it makes sense.

One thing I will say about this series is that I was very happy with the children here. Normally I do not like books that have kids in them. They add nothing for me and I tend to always think they actually take away from the main story for me. But here, I really liked them. First with Ian and now with Jamie. And I think that it's because these kids are a lot more mature for their age than even some adults, but also still just kids. They were simply enjoyable.

I'm glad to be done with this series. It really wasn't a favorite for me. The stories were good, but I just couldn't stand a lot of the characters. Which kind of ruins the whole thing. But now I'm on to Conn's book. I love that Fae so his book better be freakin' good.