
Humanity by Weiwei Ai

getlostmatilda's review

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3 stars

Ai Weiwei's 'Human Flow' documentary provides us with much needed insight into the current migration and refugee crisis. It delves into human experiences and emotions, from people trapped in war-torn countries, to refugees in camps or on route to safer communities, to officials and political leaders in countries that are making life-changing decisions about the fate of refugees.

This book of quotes is an accompaniment to the documentary and Weiwei's other work. It is more of a motivational book than anything else - convincing readers why we should care about others and how it is our duty and part of our nature to treat everyone as human.

I would have rated the book higher if it held more text and didn't solely focus on quotes. It would have made more of an impact for me if it re-told some of the experiences of refugees and migrants that are introduced in Weiwei's documentary.

I would recommend everyone watch 'Human Flow', and I will be re-watching it soon too, but probably wouldn't recommend picking up this book unless you're interested in just reading inspirational quotes.

darren_cormier's review

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Please read this book! Please, please, please!
I have read this collection of quotes and insight from Ai Weiwei on the international refugee crisis (and our crisis of compassion and humanity) twice, knowing I will read it a third and fourth and probably a fifth time.
Anytime I feel like I need a refresher or a boost to my waning hope, I know I can turn to these words and actions.

critterbee's review

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*eARC Netgalley*

ianridewood's review

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"We all have to understand that humanity, and liberty, needs to be defended by each generation."

pilyoh's review

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learned a lot from this little book.