mehsi's review

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Re-read #3 on March 2020. Re-reading most of my graphic novels now that I have to ration my reads due to Corona (my main book provider is closed aka the library and will be closed until May/June probably). This was a fun re-read and I loved the mix of comics with text explaining some more about relationships and Japan. I wasn't a fan of her figment of imagination, if anything I found it annoying and distracting (and a tad childish). I loved seeing Grace and Ryosuke together.
All in all, I am kind of glad with this situation as that means I am picking up books for re-read again. Up next are the other 2 books by Grace.


I got these comics recommended to me by GR, and I decided to do a bit of a search. After reading a bit on this author's website, checking out some of her comics, I decided to buy this book, and I can tell you, that I am delighted to have read this one. I can even add that I will be buying the remaining books she brought out, and I am keeping an eye on her website.

My initial thoughts were that this would be a comic book, a book with only comics about a girl's life in Japan, how different it was, how her relationship is with her boyfriend (now husband), telling us off long distance relations and how that went. I truly thought it would be all that and more comics, and I was pretty satisfied with that alone, but then, while reading the book, I found out that it actually contained much much more than that. There are parts with text, explaining about life in Japan, how stuff works in Japan. And it was all highly interesting and fun. I love finding out more about Japan, and it is even more interesting when it is done from someone who isn't officially Japanese, and who sees stuff from a different vantage point. Don't get me wrong, I also love finding out about Japan from a real Japanese person's viewpoint, but it is so much more interesting when it is someone just like me, someone who never been to Japan and is finding out about all the things that happen there, slowly discovering how life works there.

It was really fun to see Grace and Ryosuke together, they are really a cute couple and they match so well.

The art is pretty decent, it was the one thing that had me hesitant at first to try this book. But after a bit I started liking the art, and now? I don't even mind that it is a bit wobbly at times. If anything, it gives a special charm to the book, makes it feel more real.

All in all, I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Either you are interested in Japan and want to find out more about it (this book is perfect for that), or you are just interested about auto-biographical comics that feature romance, everyone will like this book.

And me? I will be eagerly waiting for the mail man to bring me the other 2 books I ordered at

Review first posted at

ritmanbooks's review

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Este es un libro que se lee muy rápido. Junto a las tiras de cómic, que Grace dibuja con un estilo sencillo pero adorable, hay algunas explicaciones sobre los términos usados en ellas o sobre diferencias culturales entre occidente y Japón.

Como persona que ha vivido varios años allí, me he saltado las partes que explicaban cosas que yo ya tengo interiorizadas, pero he de decir que me ha gustado ver Tokio a través de los ojos de Grace, ya que la cultura americana y la española difieren en muchos puntos y, aún así, me he sentido identificada en muchas de las situaciones que ella describe. Especialmente, situaciones que rozan el racismo, por parte de ambas culturas.

Le doy tres estrellas porque entretiene, pero no es un libro que destacaría especialmente. Eso sí, es ideal para leer en el transporte público o en salas de espera, ya que, al no tener un argumento lineal, puedes interrumpir tu lectura en cualquier momento y retomarla más tarde sin ningún problema.

stella_starstruck's review

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I quite liked it. As a woman in an interracial marriage myself I found myself understanding and nodding along to some of her points.

It wasn't very deep, but sometimes that is all that you need. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel!

nimirra's review

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After following Grace from her blog and subsequent YouTube channel, I was curious about her books. I enjoyed the comics I've read posted on her blog, so I planned to read the book whenever I had a chance to get my hands on it. Luckily, for me that was sooner rather than later! She very gracefully (see what I did there? ohohoho) is offering her three books currently on Amazon for free! I downloaded them at first chance and just blasted through the first.

So my thoughts on the book? Well if you're a fan of the blog or her videos and are hoping to see more of the quirky and fun musings she shares- well you're in luck. All of those elements and more are present here. I especially enjoyed the written parts where she went into further details on some background info for certain comics and the foreword written by her husband. I look forward to seeing what other amusing adventures these two (three!- sorry Marvin) get up to in the next book.

ninineji's review

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Grace Mineta was giving her books for free on Amazon so I decided to have a try. First, I think it's such a nice initiative. I really appreciate it as I don't necessarily have enough money to buy and read all the books I'd like to.

The author writes and draws about her experience as an American woman in Japan living with her Japanese husband. Not all the comics are specifically about their intercultural relationship or differences, but a lot are. It's very cute, quite funny and easy to read. I particularly loved the comic strip about the earthquake game (maybe because I did that too back when I was in Japan.).

If you love Japan or are in a biracial couple, you may really like it.

sirisolh's review

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annelives's review

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If you like funny situational biography of everyday life living in a foreign country, mostly told in comic form, with tips and asides on visiting/living in said country this book is for you.

I love the Texas in Tokyo YouTube channel and this is a sort of extension of that. I also like the simplistic art style of her comics. Now on to the next installment.

nuckerla's review

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Bought this book after I had already fallen in love with Grace's vlogs on YouTube. It's definitely an interesting read and the comics are charming, but to be honest I really liked the cultural comments and explanations provided in between the chapters best. Altogether an interesting book!

janelinor's review against another edition

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I've been a fan of Grace's blog for a long time, so I was really excited to read this book, and it didn't disappoint! It's funny, charming and a pleasure to read.

theportalmaster's review

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I enjoyed this comic so much! It had a lot of information about Japan and living with someone who doesn't share your native language, which I personally think is beautiful for many reasons.