
The Shadow Princess by Mary Hart Perry

100pagesaday's review against another edition

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1888, just about a year after the death of German Emperor Frederick III, his widow is still in mourning. Princess Victoria, daughter of Queen Victoria of England, has let grief overcome her, until her niece, Princess Maude, visits with terrible news from the queen. A murderer is terrorizing London streets and Princess Victoria's nephew, Prince Eddy is a suspect. Victoria has been asked to come back to London to help deal with the press and hopefully clear her nephew's name. While she is in London, she enlists the help of Detective Inspector Thomas Edmondson to keep her up to date on the case.

Although this historical mystery was written purely as fiction, I liked that a lot of history was included. While Princess Victoria, or Vicky, was never involved with the investigation herself, her character and state of mind were perfect for her path in this story. Prince Eddy was factually a suspect in the Jack the Ripper case and I'm glad that this was included as an impetus for Vicky's involvement. I enjoyed the story from the Ripper's point of view. The author had a clear understanding for the Ripper's purpose, attitude and mental attributes. I actually wish that we could have more insight into this character's mind than a few short chapters! The ending was done brilliantly, the way that the Ripper was handled in the end was very creative while also coinciding with history as well as tying up the end of the story.

The Shadow Princess was received for free in return for an honest review.

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chelsea_jack's review against another edition

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There's a lot to like in this historical romance featuring the daughter of Queen Victoria and a detective inspector investigating the Jack the Ripper murders.

Separated by class, drawn together by both mutual attraction and a shared sense of loneliness, Vicky and Thomas's relationship unfolds alongside some truly horrific murders.

I enjoyed the novel's solution to the Jack the Ripper case - it's as good an explanation as any for the serial murders.

I appreciated the layering in of historical fact. In particular, the role of the newspapers in whipping up the public's response was a nice touch. I also liked the role of class and class divisions in the book - I felt that the attitudes of the various characters to class were appropriate even where they might rub the reader wrong.

I did think that the younger princesses - Maud and Sophie - were a bit unfinished in this story. Their participation in the story needed a bit more conclusion to satisfy me - perhaps in future books?

See my complete review at To Each Their Own Reviews

Received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

booksuperpower's review against another edition

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The Shadow Princess by Mary Hart Perry is a 2014 Diversion Books publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Vicky, daugter of Queen Victoria , has returned to England after the death of her husband, bringing her daugher, Sophie, with her. She returns just as the first murders are being commited by the infamous "Jack the Ripper". Queen Victoria confides in her daughter that Eddy, the queen's grandson is a suspect in the killings and the public is accusing the queen of trying to lead the investigators away from Eddy. So, the Queen packs up for a little trip and pleads with Vicky to keep close tabs on the case. Vicky isn't the only one the inserts themselves into the investigation. Her daughter and niece also attempt to discover who the ripper is in a misguided attempt to prove Eddy isn't the killer.
Once Vicky meets the Inspector, Thomas Edmondson, the two have an instant chemistry between them. While Edmondton is leaning toward a royal coverup he is still interested in seeing Vicky and hearing her opinions. In fact, the two begin to make up reasons to see one another to the utter horror of Vicky's daughter, Sophie. How could her mother keep company with with a commoner?
The press also have their hands in things as they throw around all sorts of theories and accusations.
As members of the royal family find themselves crawling around in White Chapel at night looking for the ripper, more killings take place and more pressure is added to the Inspector to find the culprit.
This historical fiction/ Victorian era romantic mystery was a very enjoyable read. While it is obvious the author did research and added real live events to the story, there were many liberties taken and if you keep in mind that this story was written for entertainment purposes, you will find yourself swept up in the adventure and romance.
The class differences and the duty both Vicky and Thomas must uphold makes their relationship impossible. Vicky would love to just toss all of it aside and fall headlong into an affair with Thomas, but of course in reality this could never happen. In the end they would both regret such a decision. So, we are left wondering if we will be cheated out of the HEA.
The identity of Jack the Ripper would remain a mystery for many, many years. Recently some historicans and authors believe they know who the ripper was , and I think they make a strong case. They author gives us her version of who the killer is and wraps things up explaining why the killer remained anoymous all these years. The story of Vicky and Thomas also concludes with more satisfaction than I thought it would.
Writing about Jack the Ripper makes it impossible to avoid some graphic depictions, but overall the author did a good job of keeping that to a minimum. There was a nice balance between the mystery, the adventure, and the romance. The characters are familiar to us, but the author puts her own stamp on their personalities and motives.
If you enjoy historical mysteries and romances you will like this one as long as you take it all too seriously. Oveall this one is a B.