
Spellbound by Crystalwizard

weaselweader's review

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She coulda had Harry Dresden but she chose Jason instead!

Lynda is a brand spanking new freshly minted wizard. In fact, for her final magic exam in front of a group of senior wizards - which she passed with flying colours - Lynda chose to cast a binding spell on a young man who "volunteered" to accompany her from a local hangout spot. Well, he didn't REALLY volunteer but ... no matter ... Linda could hardly have been more pleased with the success of her spell. What Lynda failed to predict that night was that like a flywheel that just came off its axle, her life was about to spin irretrievably out of control.

An evil wizard has very ugly designs on taking over both her and her city; her binding spell, now quite irreversible has worked way too well and, wouldn't you just know it, she's falling in love and has to deal with some very meddlesome parents!

Spellbound is an utterly charming young adult urban fantasy that can be read in a single sitting (and almost certainly will be) because I dare say you'll be as charmed as I was. The dialogue flows with pinpoint natural ease and the story will carry you along to an obvious but heartwarming ending.

Recommended for fun-loving readers looking for something guaranteed to make them smile!

Paul Weiss
