
Through Blood, Through Fire by Robin Wasserman, Cassandra Clare

neverstopreading's review against another edition

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«C’è stato un tempo in cui credevo non fosse rimasta molta gioia in serbo per me. E ora...» Il suo sorriso brillava come il sole. «Perché sembri tanto sorpreso? Sì. Potrei perderli un giorno. Come perderò te. Non riesco a sopportarne il pensiero.»
«Ma sopportiamo così tanto che ci sembra inimmaginabile. Il solo vero insopportabile fardello è una vita senza amore. Me lo hai insegnato tu.» Intrecciò le proprie dita con le sue, le strinse forte. Incredibilmente forte. «Tu e Will.»

niloagray's review against another edition

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He llorado mares? Pues sí mi ciela.

hellomadalyn's review against another edition

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I’m gonna be honest, this story didn’t wow me, but it gets five stars for the ending alone. I CAN’T STOP CRYING OMG

slowshows's review against another edition

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look i realise that i’ve kind of spoiled some parts of tda for myself reading this but i will get my jem and tessa crumbs from wherever i can

soumiii's review

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Also the Rosemary story was sad, and Jem is turning into a drama queen “What if, lost in his own happiness with Tessa, he’d enabled her suffering?”, like man, you were never this dramatic.

yarixyari's review against another edition

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This was the first audible book that I’ve listened to and one that I’ve listened to from start to finish and I absolutely adored it. Jem and Tessa are so lovely and to finally have a background on Kit is so great’ def would recommend it!

pnj's review against another edition

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I love Rosemary. I wish we got to know more about her and Johnny Rook cause it was really fun and heartbreaking.


I miss Will so much.

spookysoto's review against another edition

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Rating: I liked it

I sound like a broken record but this collection’s title is misleading, it doesn’t center around the shadow market and that’s a shame. The collection should’ve been called Jem’s adventure or something like that, since he is the common thread around them.

The more she tries to develop Jem and Tessa’s relationship the less I like it. It’s sooo melodramatic, soooo perfect, cloying and doesn’t seem real. I’m over it, I don’t care about them as a couple, #SorryNotSorry

This story once again is about the lost Herondale, I wish it had focused more on
Spoiler Rosemary and Rook’s story
, how they met and fell in love, it was there but I wanted more. “She thinks about training him, how he loves that she’s stronger, faster, better...”

katharinabir's review against another edition

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They are going to name that kid Will and it will all come full circle

saskiacb's review against another edition

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I'm not the biggest fan of Jem and Tessa together, as individual characters they are great, so the four stars go to Rosemary Herondale and Jack Crow. She really suffered and gave up so much for her loves -- the unbearable pain she must have endured...