
Mrazivé kousnutí by Chloe Neill

breezy610's review against another edition

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everything always seems to work out for Ethan and merit. I hope it stay that way in the next book.

snoopydoo77's review against another edition

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3 ½ ★

OMG, I don’t even know where to start with this book. There was so much going on and let me just say not everything was good or made sense.
Okay let’s just with the thing that bothered me the most. GNOMES, yes you heard that right honest to god freaking gnomes! With all the other mythical creatures that could have come into that story she chose gnomes. WTF!!! There are like hundreds of other things she could have chosen, that would have made way more freaking sense than gnomes. Honestly, when I read that I felt punk’ed and even put the book down for a few hours if not a day before I could see what else she came up with. Once I got over the part with the gnomes ( I hate saying or thinking about them) , the book got better. I liked it way more than the last book that is for sure.
Anyways, so Ethan is back and he turned into a giant Asshole, but that is not just him there is much more to it. But I don’t think that should excuse his behavior at all. It is the typical ‘I want to be with you’ but a minute later ‘I don’t want to be with you’ Ethan. I swear he is Bi-polar. But what I did like was that he did in the end stand for the house, his house and really didn’t care about the GP or what they have to say more or less. Talking about the GP, they are still trying to destroy the house and doing everything they can, it is not clear whether they succeed or not even at the end of the book. Kind of wish that all would be done and over with.

You can find my full review here:

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Sixth in the Chicagoland Vampires urban fantasy series about Merit and Ethan of Cadogan House in Chicago.

Read with caution. I'm so irritated that I've left some spoilers in...

My Take
Well. It was better than the last story, Drink Deep. Which actually isn't saying much. The ending on this makes me hopeful that whatever is next in this series will be better. We hope.

Falling back on the tired hack's old reliable to drum up tension by having Ethan do the "oh, I can't possibly be with you" dance" without having any good reasons. Talk about l-a-m-e. Then a repeat with the Queen of the Fae.
SpoilerHer lover rejects her and she suddenly turns around and gives up the information to Merit?
Heck, at this rate, Neill won't need to write any more books. We can just look up the formula.

It was somewhat interesting with evil Mallory. Neill could have spent some time punching this up and making her seem truly evil with her painful desire, but that was obviously too much trouble. It's only irritating the way Neill has depicted Mallory. Couldn't be bothered to put the time in on making Mallory truly conflicted. Instead, she's just "so what?"

Then there's Mallory's "punishment". Oh. Brother. Oh, yeah, I'm just weepin' in mah beer. Gag. After everything Mallory has done. All the evil she has done and the people she's hurt.
SpoilerWhen Merit goes to see her, she's all of a sudden "so sorry for what she's done"?
Gimme a break. Again. Neill just isn't willing to put the work in to make a great story. As for Mallory, I'm going to hope that Neill's plan is to punish her in the next. And stop punishing her readers.

Then when Neill tries to up the drama and tension with the GP and Darius about Cadogan House. Yeah, I was furious about it, but the anger was totally tempered by my frustration with this story. Part of me just didn't care. Not a good state for a reader. Or for an author wanting to sell her books.

Admittedly, I'm being rather prejudiced against Neill at the moment, which is why I'm hoping I'm not being pissy about the surprise reveal
Spoilerabout Tate's split personality.
It was rather ingenious, if awfully convenient.

One truly positive series of events are how the other supernaturals throughout the city are coming to support the vampires. Even the fairies see Cadogan House as someone to protect.

Overall, I'm disappointed. Again. The only ray of hope is Cadogan House's decision at the end, although I did enjoy virtually eating the food at Little Red's.

The Story
The Order has screwed up and Mallory is on the run, seeking the Malificium. She's not the only one, for Seth Tate is also after the book.

Between them, the good guys haven't a chance.

The Characters
Merit became a vampire the night she was attacked. No, not by her attacker. Her rescuer. Now she's the Sentinel of Cadogan House and responsible for its and Ethan's safety.

Merit's grandfather, Chuck Merit, was the city's supernatural Ombudsman until the new mayor fired him. Working with him besides Catcher, were Jeff Christopher, a computer whiz and werewolf, and Marjorie as admin.

Ethan Sullivan is the acting master of Cadogan House. He may have returned from the dead, but it doesn't mean that the GP will reinstate him. Malik is the official Master. Cadogan House. Think of it as a clubhouse, a frat house for vampires. Margot is the house chef. Luc is House Second, Kelley is the current guard captain, Juliet and Lindsey are House Guards,

Jonah is captain of the guards of Chicago's Grey House and was Merit's partner after Ethan died. He's also part of "the Red Guard, a secret organization that keeps an eye on vampire Masters and the Greenwich Presidium (GP), the British Council that rules" vampires. He's still Merit's RG partner. Darius West is the head of the GP and furious with Cadogan House. Charlie is his majordomo and has faxed a very particular (and long) hospitality rider of Darius' requirements.

Noah Beck leads the un-Housed vampires in Chicago and is a member of the Red Guard. Lacey Sheridan is Master of Sheridan House; Morgan is Master of Navarre House House; and Scott Grey of Grey House.

Gabriel Keene is "the head of the Apex of the North American Central Pack of shifters". He'll take charge of Mallory since the Order obviously can't. Their unofficial headquarters is Little Red, a bar in Ukranian Village run by Berna.

Mallory Carmichael was, is?, Merit's best friend. Then she found her magic and let it go to her head and tried to burn down Chicago, searching for the cure to her pain. Catcher is a sorcerer, exiled from the Order, and has been Mallory's boyfriend and teacher. Now? He's not so sure. He also works for Merit's grandfather. Or he did.

Diane Kowalcyzk is Chicago's new mayor. And absolutely clueless. She thinks Tate is innocent! McKetrick is a Chicago-based vampire hater who will stop at nothing to take them down. Paulie Cermak was Tate's protégé. Seth Tate was the mayor of Chicago until he was discovered running a drug ring. He has powers no one has ever seen before and it turns out he and his twin are both angels. Tate is the good while Dominic is a Dark One, his opposite. And Dominic has an obsession with Justice.

Todd and Keith are the potty-mouthed gnomes who try to help. I think their plaids and stripes could'a done the trick.

The Order is a union of sorcerers who were responsible for keeping Mallory imprisoned and keeping the Malificium safe. Seems they need a good shake-up. Simon Baumgartner is the head of the Order and I suspect he needs to retire as he's screwing up right and left. Paige Martin is the disillusioned recorder of Order history and is the sorceress currently tasked with keeping the book safe.

Claudia is the fairy queen and her guards are worried about her with Dominic on the loose.

The Cover
The cover is all blues with a bite of red in the title. It's Merit in jeans and leather with her katana on her back, standing at a crossroads just outside the nightlit city of Chicago. The land surrounding the city is flatter than a pancake with a view that could go on forever. It's a good cover as Merit and Ethan, Mallory, and Cadogan House are all at a crossroads.

As for the title, well, it was Biting Cold in Nebraska where they went to rescue the book.

yodamom's review against another edition

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Merit, why do you keep putting up with his staling ? I think this is abusive to you, please don't take it anymore.
Frustrating, that is the theme of this book. Merit finally has her Ethan back, kicking biting and grumpy-ness all intact. So why aren't they bumping the headboard ? Because Ethan has issues again...zzz.......repeat, repeat, repeat. So, she picks up her sword and goes to battle risking her life to save him, and their relationship, if it is one?!?!?
The evil this time is a woozy, big winged and bad, bad, bad. He was released into the world thanks to our precious little power hungry Mallory. Best friend and distorter deluxe, what a winner she is. Well, the gang gets together and risks it all to try to save her, really why not ?!?!?! Everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Yeah sure.
Meanwhile the house is under the evil eye of the 'something council of vampire house' sorry I don't remember their name. They are old school, full or arcane rules and threats. 'you must be who we want or you are kicked out of our special club" is who they are bullies. Just what they vampy gang needs while trying to save humanity from the big bad evil flying around town.
Phew then finally some frustrations are relieved ! FINALLY ! The end of the books was nice with a light cliffhanger. It could have easily been the last book in the series. The next book will start a whole new 'life' for our characters.
Overall I enjoyed this edition to the series. I felt it was stretching out the old plot a bit too much, and did not like the whole relationship staling agin thing. I hope their future is adventurous.

kerithesmutslut's review against another edition

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Nail biting good as always!

misslover's review against another edition

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I am extremely happy to know that as from my last review, it's not too good to be true! Oh Ethan. You're the best.

halynah's review against another edition

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Great installment - exciting, eventful, rewarding in the romantic department. Can't wait the next installment, because the end of this book suggests a very promising and gripping sequel!

shawniebooks's review against another edition

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I was feeling annoyed with where I thought the series was going after the last book. I'm back into it after this one. :)

luciearan's review

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