
The Destiny of Shaitan by Laxmi Hariharan

b00kr3vi3ws's review

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Welcome to a post-apocalyptic India… Yes that’s right! In India!! All the post-apocalyptic books that I have read are based in the west, often making me wonder why no other country, or continent for that matter, ever survive an apocalypse? I mean doesn’t ‘end of the world’ actually mean end of the rest of the world but the west? It seems, Ms.Hariharan heard my musings and wrote a book on it!
Yep, so for a change, welcome to a post-apocalyptic India where instead of zombies, we have really angry Gods & Goddesses going on a rampage.

Set in a futuristic dystopian Bombay (present day Mumbai), the storyline follows the lives of three individuals – Yudi, Rai and Tiina (nope, that’s not a typo – her name is actually spelt with double ‘I’).
They are all from different places, I will not disclose their original locations, destined to come together to save not only the Earth but the universe from the power hungry Shaitan. The protagonists soon realize that they are not only fighting against the Shaitan but also against the darkness within themselves. Will they be able to do what it takes in order to defeat this ‘devil’ who is hell bent on destroying anything or anyone in his path to ruling the universe?

The character development is amazing. Each primary character has their own background that they come with and then grow as a person throughout the book. Maybe Rai got a bit neglected on that front, but that’s okay. I liked Yudi and didn’t like Tiina so much. The author has mixed in Indian Mythology quite well specially the ‘curse’ parts. In Indian Mythology, Gods are well known for granting boons with loopholes and cursing – with loopholes too! The plot is interesting and fast paced. The author has managed to create a story that will probably keep you stuck to its pages right until the end. At no point did it seem to be dragging, in fact my only complaint is that the ending came a bit too soon.

Overall this book covers a lot of topics – from mythology to space-travel to teenage drama to family issues. It’s a great YA-post-apocalyptic-dystopian novel that has something to offer to a lot of people.

ctorretta's review

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Not my normal genre but Laxmi weaves so many things together that even after reading I’m surprised this world and the plot makes sense! The world is great but my favorite part is of course the fight scenes! I just can’t get enough blood and gore but it didn’t go overboard, it fit what was going on. I never felt like Laxmi added it in there just to grab your attention. All of it was very artfully done. Most fight scenes were also pretty short so if you have an aversion to the gore that comes from them, it should not bother you at all.

I love the way the plot but even more so the way the mythology is weaved into the story. I know a bit about mythology but this really added a depth to the story and totally mesmerized me.

Now, I don’t normally read space books, but this is literally a world above anything I’ve read before (in the fantasy genre that is). The worlds grip you like you are seeing them first hand. Rudi, Tiina and Rai grow and you can see that growth through every adventure and mishap they have. They have to learn by their mistakes and grow up fast in this world! Plus the idea that they have half the lives of humans, who would want to be out waging war and finding an Isthmus!? I’d rather be living my life but this is not what these teenagers do, they face things that are crazy.

This is definitely not my normal genre but I did enjoy this book. I say if you’re not way into fantasy but want to give it a try, then this book is for you. There are twists and turns at every corner and the bit about the relationships just kept making me want to read more.

lthom009's review

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I did not like this at all. The storyline is very convoluted, and the fantasy world is poorly thought-out, in my opinion, with new crazy elements being introduced every paragraph and no cohesiveness. I thought the characters were inconsistent, and the book really could have used some editing. The grammatical errors and lack of punctuation made the plot, and the dialogue especially, very hard to follow. The main ideas could have made for an interesting story, but the execution was boring and confusing.