
Master of Smoke by Angela Knight

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Seventh in the erotic Mageverse paranormal series. The focus is on Eva Roman and Smoke.

My Take
I sure wish Knight had taken more time to write Miranda as a more intelligent character; she was so wishy-washy, I wanted to choke her. And Knight is setting us up for Master of Shadows with Belle Coeur and Tristan as the romance focus.

When Eva rescues Smoke, he is all over her. He believes that she is the One for whom he has been waiting. He is so emphatic about this…and then Knight mentions it once, maybe twice more. What? No explanation. Smoke is so carried away about Eva and what she means to him and that’s it?

Then there’s Miranda. She knows how awful her stepfather is. She knows that if she is no longer available that there’s no point in punishing her mother. So. What does she do? She folds.

Sadly, Warlock isn’t giving up so we get the full course of attacks and love scenes…yawn… There’s a small subplot to reinforce our opinion as to how awful Warlock and his Chosen are involving Warlock’s daughter, Miranda, and his evil plans for her…bwah-hah-hah…yawn…

Knight must have been in a hurry on this one. Yes, she has a plot…and subplots. She simply hasn’t bothered to develop them up to her usual standards. I found the writing juvenile and lame. Don’t bother.

It's eminently missable.

The Story
Initially created by Merlin to police the Mages, Warlock has gone round the bend and is paranoid with power and the gathering of more.

At the moment, Warlock is focused on taking Smoke down, a god-cat-elf creature. Luckily for Smoke, Eva Roman, a bitten Dire Wolf, just happens to be in the woods where Warlock is torturing him and is able to help him get away but not before he falls all over her with his excitement at having found the woman for whom he has been waiting all these centuries.

The Cover and Title
The cover is appropriate. Cute guy with lots of smoke. I liked the blue-green background as it felt very elfin.

The title is all about Smoke, the god-cat-elf, for he's the Master of Smoke. Gawd, I sure hope so…

prettylightsandcitynights's review against another edition

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The only thing I didn't like about this book was the split personality disorder thing that was going on. Oh, and I also disliked the whole werewolves have human-like boobs thing. The absordities of some of the story are laughable, while some of them are revolting. I mean, the guy was attracted to a big, hairy, beast with a muzzle and claws instead of mouth and hands.

laurla's review against another edition

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"you're like a two-year-old, you know that? you keep asking questions i dont know the answer to."

"fluffy liked his gorgeous ass just the way it was - buck naked so she could eye it lovingly. and drool a little. she'd especially been looking forward to watching him walk up the stairs. preferably in slow motion with george michael crooning 'i want your sex' in the background."

"fluffy started singing 'i want your sex' in the key of R. fluffy wasnt going to be on american idol anytime soon."

"being scared of your own reflection is the stupidest phobia ever."
"but it can't hurt you."
"you think i don't know that? you think i don't feel like a fucking fool?"

"i have an idea for a new comic book movie. ana-CONDA man!" she sang it.
"you're good for my ego."
"i'd come up with a theme song, but all the blood has left my brain."

"i've come up with a sidekick for anaconda man. her name is noodle woman. she's not much of a sidekick, just kinda lies there with her eyes rolled back in her head and a sated smile on her face. but she drives all the female super-villains crazy."

caseemiller's review against another edition

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cdcsmith's review against another edition

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Not my favorite in the series, but it was good and the sex scenes were well done (as always and let's face it, that was why I read it - insert a blush here). What I like about this series is that she is always testing the limits. I do think I would have liked it better if some things had been done differently (sex with the character she couldn't bring herself to because he wasn't David enough as an example). I like that there are 2 more stories woven into the mix just waiting to be told. The writing is wonderful. I finished reading this in the car on the way to visit my son's future college and found things I could share with him (the whole Monty Python bit). It's just nice to have well written sex scenes, it's better when there is a good, solid plot and a story worth following even if there weren't sex scenes.