
The Grimm Conclusion by Adam Gidwitz

elysia_16's review against another edition

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Want to read a book with TWO characters that go on ONE adventure and then get SEPARATED and then REUNITED?? Well if you do then The Grimm Conclusion is the book for you! The genre of this book is Fantasy. I really liked this book very much and it may be my 2nd favorite book of the series. My favorite book is In A Glass Grimmly. *Spoiler Alert*?
In this book there is a couple and these people wanted a child really badly. So one day the woman was cutting an apple when she cut her finger and a drop of blood fell on the snow covered ground and she wished she had a child. So nine months passed and she bore twins. Their names were Jorinda and Joringel. The father died when he saw his beautiful kids. the woman remarried and the new husband didn't like Joringel. His two daughters didn't like Jorinda. Sadly one day the step dad brought home a big basket with apples in it and then he told Joringel to go and get one for himself, but then the step dad slammed the top of the basket on Joringel's head and Joringel was dead. The step dad then tied Joringel's head on with a kerchief and stuck an apple in his hand and then Jorinda came along and asked her brother if he could share the Apple with her, but he didn't respond. The step dad told Jorinda to slap Joringel if he didn't respond to her question again. So she asked Joringel again and when he didn't respond she slapped him and his head fell off. She thought she had killed her brother even though her step dad had killed him. So the step dad cut up Joringel and put the parts of him in a big stew pot and the stew pot in the icebox. The step dad told her to NEVER tell anyone about this. Then when Jorinda was burying her brother's bones under the Juniper Tree she saw a small bird and that bird was Joringel. Later on the stepsisters started calling Jorinda Ashputtle because she cleaned the fireplace and got ashes on her and also because she had to clean the chamber pot. So one evening Jorinda and the stepsisters got invited to a ball, but Jorinda couldn't go. Jorinda then knelt by the juniper tree that night and the juniper tree gave her a dress and a pair of golden shoes. She went to the ball and danced with the prince until midnight and then she had to leave. She went the next day and then the next. She lost her shoe the third night because the prince told his servants to put tar on the stairs so she couldn't get away, but Jorinda managed to get away. The prince however found the golden shoe and exclaimed that whoever fit the shoe would be his bride. Many women's feet didn't fit and then the prince strode up to the house where Jorinda lived and her stepsisters both tried on the shoe and they both couldn't fit their feet in it. Then Jorinda tried it on and it fit perfectly. She was the true bride! The bird that was Jorinda's friend, sang a tune and he got a gold chain, red shoes, and a cinder block. The chain was for the mother, shoes for Jorinda, and he killed the father with the cinder block. Then right where the bird was hovering a moment ago, now stood Joringel. then the prince rode up to the house to fetch Jorinda and she left without her brother. When it was night Joringel crept into his mothers study and read a small passage on the juniper tree and how if you ate a berry when the moon wasn't out you would have no feelings. so Joringel did just that. Then three ravens talked a bit to him and he followed them to these dark woods and he built a fire and saw three hanging men hanging from the tree. Joringel cut the ropes and sat them down next to the fire (the three men were dead). The side affects were sudden idiocy. Joringel got mad at the corpses because they kept falling into the fire and finally he put them back on the tree and the ravens told him to follow them again so he did. Jorinda, on the other hand was worried about the king, the prince, and her brother. the next morning the king sent Jorinda to Malchizedek's Mansion so she could collect the taxes that he wasn't paying. he told her that he would pick her up tomorrow morning. Jorinda took out her sewing kit to pass the time and when it was night she heard many strange sounds and thought it was Malchizedek, but it was his "pets". The animals were ferocious and had gleaming red eyes. Jorinda had to stand right in the middle of the room so that way the beasts wouldn't get to her. finally it was morning and the king strode up to the house and was surprised that she was alive. (Malchizedek killed the people who came to his house.) He asked her if he payed the taxes and she told him that he didn't so the king left and told her to stay another night. when it was nighttime Jorinda wondered if the animals were gonna come out again but they didn't. instead a half a mans legs came outta the chimney and then the other half came sprawling down and the front half of the man was moaning "Help Me!" Jorinda took out her sewing kit and took the legs of the man and stuck them by the top of the man and started sewing them together. When she was done the man told her "thank you, now I'm going to kill you." He suddenly grabbed Jorinda's neck and Jorinda couldn't break free. Thankfully she managed to get her scissors and cut and pull out the thread holding him together. at last the man went limp and she gasped for air and threw the man into the fire until he was gone. the next morning the king came for her again and she told the king she didn't collect the taxes that night either. so she told the king that she would say one more night and if he doesn't come that night then the king could have the land. night came and Malchizedek came out and asked Jorinda what she wanted and they had a short conversation about the king taking his land and the ogre not paying his taxes because of that. Jorinda even made a proposition to him and he agreed to it. The next morning the king was surprised to see twenty pounds of gold coins sent to him from Malchizedek. Later on Jorinda meets a unicorn in the woods and the king tells his trusty hunter to kill Jorinda and the unicorn. The king and the hunter end up getting killed by the unicorns parents. Joringel comes across an ivory monkey and he ends up taking it with him.Jorinda ends up making it back to the castle and she becomes The Queen Of The Kingdom Of Grimm. She was queen, a tyrant, and she was cruel and cool. The people of Grimm thought she killed the king and hunter. They said the prince would return with an army to dethrone her. Jorinda made every man and boy at age of 16 to march and be apart of her army. Jorinda crushed her citizens with heavy taxes. She trusted Herzlos most of all and he did what Jorinda ordered and did it with great relish. About a year had passed when Joringel came to the castle and the brother and sister were happy for just that moment. Jorinda decreed the law that if any parent hit a child hey would be punished severely. Then one morning Jorinda woke up to a banging noise and threw open her window only to see Joringel outside and he told her to come with him because the castle was under siege. Then both of them jumped down into a headge and ran until they found the unicorn that Jorina was friends with and climbed on his back and rode until the unicorn left and the children slept. They woke up and were confused to see the castle looking different. Then they both heard a voice inside their heads and they ran and ran until they came to the place where the voice was and they collapsed. The author tells them that they are in Brooklyn and he reads the first and half of the second book of the Grimm series to them. Sadly Herzlos kills Jorinda. Joringel goes to Hell and uses the ivory monkey on a demon so he can see the Devil and uses it on the Devil's Grandmother and tries using it on the Devil, but fails. The Devil gets Jorinda and they both manage to get out of Hell. When they arrive at the castle they see that children are now chained up and Herzlos is the ruler. They go back to their house the next morning and their mother is happy to see them. They form a plan and at night they rescue some children and they say that they will make A Kingdom Of Children. When Herzlos and his huge army arrive for battle they use Machines of war and are winning the battle until Jorinda and Joringel tell their own story by letting the author come in and help to write and choose what happens in the battle. **Spoiler Alert** Kids Win,(also i have probably added other spoilers in too...)The conflict is person(s) V.S. Society. It's that one because the two twins go on a vast adventure and learn and know many great things along the way.
I was angry when the man that Jorinda helped at Malchizedek's Mansion decided to kill Jorinda. In the text it states, "At last, Jorinda connected the first stitch to the last stitch and tied the thread off with a sturdy knot."There," she said. "All done." The pale man with no hair and wide eyes stared at her. And then he said, "Thank you." She smiled at him. And then he said, "Now I am going to kill you." "What?" she cried." When I read that the man was going to kill kill her a wave of emotions swept over me. First it was surprise, then anger, then worriment and last, plain disbelief. I had to re-read it so I could actually interpret what he was going to do to her! I was scared when Jorinda had to face those red-eyed beasts in Malchizedek"s Mansion the first night. In the story it says, "There was a single place, right in the center of the room where neither the cat nor dog could reach her. So she stood in that spot, hyperventilating, trying not to pass out. And then there were more eyes. Pairs of fiery eyes all around the room. Jorinda decided to scream. She screamed at the top of her lungs as more huge black beasts-bears and wolves and wolverines-leaped from the walls, their eyes blazing, their jaws, snapping, their claws swiping. But, all at once, all stopped in mid-air and crashed to the floor. All were on chains. If she stood as straight as a board and as still as stone, directly in the center of the room, not one could reach her. So Jorinda waited for 6 hours until the first ray of sunlight shot through a windowpane. At that instant, all the murderous creatures instantly disappeared. At which point, Jorinda passed out." I hated/loved this part. I hated it because all the animals were trying to kill her even though she did nothing to provoke them! I loved this part because she survived and I was amazed that she could stand like that for so long and not move an inch.
One of my favorite quotes in this book is as follows from the text, " The Devil's Grandmother glared at the little carving. Then she said, "'re the boy with that cute ivory monkey..." Suddenly, her eyes rolled back in her head, her body went stiff as a board, and she fell over. "What the Hell!" cried the Devil. "What just happened?" I cracked up when I read this because it was hilarious. I think it was funny because the Devil controls/lives in Hell and he says WHAT THE HELL.
One of my favorite parts in the book is when Jorinda and Joringel are telling their own story and they talk about Herzlos dying. In the story on pages 338 and 339 it says, " As Eddie approached, Herzlos the oppressor cowered on the ground, unable to rise from where the ravens had beaten him. When the great salamander opened his leviathan jaws again, every remaining soldier ran-save Herzlos. And when Eddie blew fire across the forest floor, Herzlos glowed like a red ember, and then grayed, and then blackened. And died. It happened just as Joringel described it." This part was marvelous and fantastic because the twins go t to tell their own story the way THEY wanted to. And they successfully beat the great army Herzlos controlled. They also vanquished Herzlos.
I would rate this book 5/5 stars. I would rate it that because it was one of the BEST Grimm book Adam Gidwitz wrote in this series! In my opinion at least. I loved that the author got to help the main two characters in this story and did it awesomely! I would recommend this book to people who like the Grimm stories and like creepy/bloody/gruesome books. Here's a quote that is touching: " There is a power in children. There is a belief. A strength. A joy that makes just about anything possible". I truly believe this quote and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. -Kelsey

shelbymarie516's review against another edition

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All the stories come to a real life allegory about being a kid in a world of chaos. Divorce, abuse, etc. Hansel and Gretel and Jack and Jill go to Brooklyn...

akookieforyou's review against another edition

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This was a very fun and well executed finale to the series. I liked this one a lot more than book two, and the ending was pretty satisfying.

mbenzz's review against another edition

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Not quite as good as the first 2, but still funny. I thought the chapter where the twins end up in Brooklyn and meet Adam the author was a bit confusing and unnecessary. I did NOT like the kids leaving the fairy tale world and bring brought into our really cheapened the story for me.

The whole point of fairy tales is to escape to another time and place. To read about far away characters in far away places having amazing and fantastical adventures. Having Jorinda and Joringle wander into 21st century New York City is just wrong. It took me a few chapters to shake my head of that and return to the Marchenwald. I kind of felt like I'd been awakened from a really great dream, then tried to go back to sleep and recapture some if it's magic. Unfortunately it just wasn't the same for me after that.

Overall though, this was a highly entertaining series. I'm really glad I found this little trio of books. They're certainly dark, and not at all for children, but they're fun as well. A little misstep with this last book (in my opinion), but a great collection of stories as a whole.

dustyshell's review against another edition

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I have thoroughly enjoyed this series, however this last one wasn't as enjoyable to me as the first two. There was a broken fourth wall that seemed out of place, a jump back out of the fairytale world into the modern. Even still, there were several points in which I laughed and cringed (appropriately because Grimm tales are quite macabre). I love the mashing up of several tales into one, the weaving of characters into the story of a brother and sister's adventure. Definitely an entertaining series and the narrator is excellent on the audiobook.

lannthacker's review against another edition

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A satisfying ending to the trilogy. It was the hardest for me as a parent to read (My father he killed me, my mother she ate me). And some of the fourth-wall breaking and analysis of the meaning and import of fairy tales was above my kids heads. But I was happy to have another funny conversation with the devil and his mother, and that my memorization of how to pronounce Eidechse von Feuer der Menschenfleischfressende found additional use.

leskit's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed all 3 of the books in the Grimm series. Lots of fun to read, good messages.

inkstndfngrs's review against another edition

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I was fine up until the point where Adam Gidwitz became a character... I felt that ruined not just the book, but the whole series for me. I appreciated his voice as narrator; that's typical in fiction, but actually inserting yourself into your novel as an afterthought...seems very fan fiction-Mary-Sue to me.

antisocial_auntie's review against another edition

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More odd than the first two with a meta story of characters and storytellers.

n414327's review against another edition

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adventurous dark funny medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


UMM HELLO?? Why are there so many low reviews? This book is absolutely amazing. I grew up on the first 2 books of this series but didn’t realize there was a third until recently. It did not disappoint. Personally I thought the plot was super interesting and I LOVE when Adam is in the story and the perspective sort of changes. I adore this series and this book is definitely worth a read