
After Light by Catherine Hunter

jennahazzard's review

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This book perfectly engages the reader's emotions and tells an inter-generational story that was gripping. Hunter has this way of writing that withholds and reveals details that you didn't even realize were important. The way she ties the three narratives together seemed effortless and surprisingly doesn't interrupt the flow of the story.

The characters were raw, flawed and worked to reveal the complex tensions that arise within a family.

The cherry on top of this read is that Hunter is a Canadian! This book had a bit of that typical "Can Lit" feel, but it was enjoyable and somewhat hopeful, not completely depressing, like I was expecting.

diannel_04's review

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There must be something wrong with me because everyone else seemed to rate this book 5 stars. The writing was good but the character of Deirdre was so self absorbed and selfish that I just didn't want to read anymore about her, in fact, I wanted to reach into the pages and slap her.

First she probably (although it's never clearly stated) kills her first husband. Then she walks his children to a convent, distracts the nuns and sneaks off when they aren't looking abandoning the children. She goes to Galway and marries the man she has been in love with since before her marriage. He goes to visit his family, is in a train wreck and loses his leg. She doesn't even bother to go to him because he isn't worth anything now and takes off to America without letting anyone know.

She has his son, marries another man and basically is miserable and unappreciative of anything and then I stopped reading.

If this was my grandmother I wouldn't want to know anything about her. In fact I wouldn't want to even know her.

I really hate self-centered, narcissists so I hated this book.