
Stinking Rich by Rob Brunet

encharro's review

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I received this book free from a Firstreads Giveaway.

It's a pretty good adventure/crime book. There's not a ton of action, but there is a lot of crime of all sorts. There are many characters and eventually you will keep them straight because they keep reappearing. Character development is limited, but there is enough of a backstory for some to give some depth. Others possess little quirks and traits ranging from comical to chariacture-esque, like a lawyer who's always trying to take what's not hers or a biker always somehow being covered in poo. It's not a great work of literature or a skillful telling of an investigation. However, if you are looking for a fun, easy story about a dozen people trying to get their hands on a crap-ton of money, you will find it among the pages of Brunet's book. I found the last 50 pages to be quite enjoyable and found myself putting off cooking dinner to finish the book. I recommend it for a fun read,

bjerz's review

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I met Rob Brunet at the 2014 BoucherCon in Long Beach and was captivated by his book's premise: What could possibly go wrong when a motorcycle club hires a high school drop out to tend a barn full of marijuana? Sadly, the book is neither as fun nor as interesting as this premise might suggest. All of the characters are self-absorbed knuckle-draggers, and many are cruel, so you end up rooting for no one. Ok, maybe the gecko.

The ending is the best part of the book.