
1-900-A-N-Y-T-I-M-E by Tracy Price-Thompson

mochagirlalysia's review

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I have had this book on my bookshelf for years. I got it from a book club book swap and I took it because of the cover and the title. It sounded interesting and reminded me of the Spike Lee movie Girl 6.
Bertha was born with a voice of an angel but was cursed with a body deformed since birth. With the help of several surgeries and a foundation that provides assisted living, Bertha has made a life of her own. With several steady clients, Bertha transforms herself into their fantasy girl once their credit cards have cleared.
Overall the story was interesting, sad and very very sexually graphic. I know you are thinking what can be so graphic about phone sex but this book says it all and leave nothing to the imagination. Toward the first have of the book each chapter is about one of Bertha's clients and how they become a client. I thought the writing style was easy and simple. A quick read that will have you gasping here and there. One thing I liked about this book was the diverse clients she had and the diverse reasons for them to call her in the first place.
You know I am about a great ending and an ending can make or break a book for me. The ending was so quick and everything tied up nicely. It was a bit too predictable and I was thinking something else might come about to make it better somehow. So for me the simple, predicable ending gave the story an overall soap opera feeling. I mean what are the chances of them all finding out who she is. Again a quick and easy read with some hot and graphic sex and violence.