
Do or Di by Eileen Cook

valeriew's review

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UGH!!!! So this was suppose to be a romantic comedy. Yeah, not so much. The best part about the whole book was Collin and he was not in it enough in my opinion. I really hate books about affairs. I get what happened, she had no idea the loser was married since HE DIDN'T TELL HER!!! What a freaking loser! I did like the ending except I wish she would have exposed the truth. That would have been kind of awesome. There is some language and some talk of premarital sex but no details.

nin275's review

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Despite disliking Erin (The protagonist) throughout the book as she keeps making bad decisions, I ended up liking it at the end because of its individuality. This story doesn't end when a knight in shining armor comes to scoop up the princess up in a white horse. The book ends with this quote which I absolutely adored -

There comes a time in a woman’s life when she must admit that the quest for Prince Charming is not going as expected. At that time she has several ways she can respond. 
The wise woman realizes that a woman doesn’t need a prince to make her a princess. She had it in her all along.

Scare away bitches, 'cause I've arrived!

An unrelated gif because I like it.

angiehoer7's review

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Really enjoyed this light read.

literallykaren's review

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I hated myself a little more every time I enjoyed this book. Luckily, it wasn't all that often.
The editing was bad, but I tried to be lenient about that because I didn't know if it was initially bad or if it was just in transferring it to a digital copy that the mistakes came about. I don't know why, but somehow that's more acceptable to me.

**Spoiler alert** I do not enjoy reading about cheaters. I think it makes you a horrible terrible person to have an affair with a married person.... regardless of how often you are introspective about it or how much you hate yourself for all the cliches you realize you embody. The only thing worse than a person who cheats with a married person is the married person who cheats.

Do I dislike chicklit now? Or do I just hate the last couple of ones I read? I suppose only time will tell.

symptomatic's review

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Nice fluffy read! Has lots of plot, and I enjoyed Erin's (the protagonist) progression as a character. This book isn't just a romantic comedy. I liked how the subject of cheating was handled, and although I was surprised by the ending, it left me feeling satisfied. I'd love to check out other works by this author.

kellyhager's review

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Erin is working at a radio station, which is her dream job. Sort of. She's wanted to be an on-air personality but instead she's in sales. Still, she knows that one day she's going to get her chance.

And she does! Unfortunately, she's a last second fill-in host on the station's uber-popular (and uber-sexist) show. Her co-host? Colin Stewart, the "Voice of Seattle." And when the show takes off, she finds herself agreeing to pretend to date Colin.

To further complicate things, she's also decided to participate in a mentoring project. Her assignment? A teenage girl who thinks that her other mentor is Princess Diana.

So yeah, things are very complicated in Erin's life. But is that necessarily so bad?

So far, I've read two-thirds of Eileen Cook's genres (YA and chick lit) and I'm pretty sure she can make everything fantastic. (We'll see; the middle grade ones are next!) This book could have been roll-your-eyes obnoxious because we all know what's going to happen, right? Well, not exactly. There are plenty of curve balls I didn't mention in this review. But even if Colin and Erin DO end up together (and I'm not saying they do, mind you), how it happens is most of the fun.

Also, I love Diana (yes, the teen girl's name is Diana) and she's surprisingly astute for someone who is (a) so young and (b) so deluded (or is she?).

As with all of Eileen Cook's books to date, this one is highly recommended. It's only available as an ebook but Amazon sells it for $3. Guaranteed you spend more on lunch, so why not give this a try?