
The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance by Harper Miller

shardy1's review against another edition

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Could have been much better if it could be edited again. Just to many errors

tita_noir's review against another edition

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This book had me feeling some kind of way.

Way out of my comfort zone that is for sure.

This book is about a D/s relationship. It isn't a BDSM book with all the spankings & such, even though Rick does have a 'playroom'. It really is a relationship book about a strong submissive who completely lives the life and her search for, and successful landing of, a caring Dom.

This was a very sweet book that alternates POVs between Micah, the female sub and Rick her Dom. Rick was simultaneously Masterful and nurturing, while Micah was strong minded about how she needed to cede control.

The two fall in love fairly soon, but take a while to admit it, mainly because they need to negotiate their relationship on two levels. One of course is the more conventional emotional relationship and the other is making sure they are a right D/s fit for each other. I liked how the author told both levels of that story.

It was also very sexy.

One thing I really appreciated was reading the author's foreword on using lowercase for Micah's name as well as any other references to her (even when she refers to herself in first person the I is in lowercase). Meanwhile all references to Rick is uppercase. While his proper name was expected, whenever Micah used pronounce such as 'Him' and 'He' they were also capitalized. It had the curious effect of giving him an almost Godlike quality. You really start to believe in him as Dom. It was rather fascinating.

Really good book, I recommend it even to people like me who get a little squiffy about D/s stuff.

readermonica's review against another edition

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THE SWEETEST TABOO was a wonderfully erotic BDSM love story. I'm not overly fond of quick reads, but Miller was able to wrap a complete and thoroughly enjoyable read in under 200 pages. There were no holes in the story, no missing plot, no questions left hanging mid air. THE SWEETEST TABOO is a tightly written and fulfilling contemporary erotic tale that will suck you in and leave you completely satisfied in the end.

The story is written in a manner that I haven't encountered before and took a bit of getting used to. Personal and proper nouns are capitalized or not according to who is being referred to even in third person. For example when referring to Rick He, His, and Me are always capitalized denoting his Dominant status.Whereas when referring to Micah she, me, my and her name are always in lower case denoting her submissive status. This rule also extends to the secondary characters if they are part of the D/s lifestyle.

Micah is a 30 year old professional woman confident in her abilities and sure in what she wants in a personal relationship. Although a submissive, Micah takes control of her wants and needs and will not settle for less than the right Dom to offer the gift of her total submission and trust to. Micah's last long term relationship was with a man who didn't understand or respect her needs and she is determined not to waste more time on a man who is not worthy of receiving what she has to give. When Rick begins to pursue her she is still a bit leery of his intentions and whether or not what he is offering is real. Rick is offering her what she has been longing to have for years, a committed and monogamous long term relationship. Micah has to decide if she is going to allow insecurities and an abundance of caution to cost her what may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to find a partner that is not only interested in supporting her very specialized needs, but revels and thrives in the D/s lifestyle.

Rick is a successful doctor and Dom who has been burned by love and has stepped away from committed long term relationships. However, after his first harrowing interaction with Micah he knows that he has found the woman who will make him reconsider what he wants. What I loved about Rick is that he isn't afraid to aggressively pursue Micah and heeds his instant attraction to her. Micah isn't a leggy, long haired woman that normally grabs his attention and Rick enjoys her differences.

Things move quickly between Micah and Rick but it feels completely plausible. When Rick tells Micah "I'm looking for her; My obedient vixen, My lover, My friend, My wife, My everything." I was totally sold on him. (Yeah, I'm a sucker but I totally embrace that about myself!) Everything between the two is consensual and done with mutual respect. I very much look forward to more books from Harper Miller and hope that this is just book 1 in a series. There are two secondary characters that would make interesting stories. Micah's best friend Kisa is a submissive on the hunt for her perfect Dom and Rick's friend Josh is a Dominant who's tastes definitely run toward the outer limits of what I will probably be comfortable with. However, after reading THE SWEETEST TABOO I will definitely trust Harper Miller to take me on that journey. If you are looking for a well written and sexy erotic BDSM love story THE SWEETEST TABOO is definitely a winner. This one is going on my favorites list!

You can find more from me at Monlatable Book Reviews

lvlewis's review

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There's a lot to love about The Sweetest Taboo!

I love Rick and micah. I love how he doggedly pursued her after a chance sighting at a BDSM club where he intervened during a medical emergency. I absolutely love how, despite each of them having strong feelings for each other early on, they held out and didn’t say what they were feeling because they wanted to be sure. I love how Miller schooled us in the finer points of the lifestyle in this book. I loved how micah and kisa were such great BFFs. I loved Rick’s and micah’s parents and the input they had into their lives. It’s a sad fact, but interracial couples still have to live in a world that is marred by racism. Their parents loved them enough to caution them about how other people might feel.

The sex scenes were hot and that’s where Miller was able to really shine in showing. One thing that really thrilled me was how Rick expected micah to only be submissive to him and not be some shrinking violet that everyone could walk over. I wanted to stand up and cheer when he said, “I want her to be kicking ass and taking names,” when she’s not with me. I think a lot of people have misconceptions about BDSM based on a lot of fictional accounts of the lifestyle, so this was a fresh alternative to the stories where Doms are painted as cave men and subs are painted as mousy women who have no backbone.

As a first book it was not without its mechanical issues, however, this book is one I will keep in my arsenal of research material for how a BDSM relationship with a side of romance should look. Many kudos to you, Author Harper Miller.

I received an ARC of this book and provided my objective review.

readermonica's review

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THE SWEETEST TABOO was a wonderfully erotic BDSM love story. I'm not overly fond of quick reads, but Miller was able to wrap a complete and thoroughly enjoyable read in under 200 pages. There were no holes in the story, no missing plot, no questions left hanging mid air. THE SWEETEST TABOO is a tightly written and fulfilling contemporary erotic tale that will suck you in and leave you completely satisfied in the end.

The story is written in a manner that I haven't encountered before and took a bit of getting used to. Personal and proper nouns are capitalized or not according to who is being referred to even in third person. For example when referring to Rick He, His, and Me are always capitalized denoting his Dominant status.Whereas when referring to Micah she, me, my and her name are always in lower case denoting her submissive status. This rule also extends to the secondary characters if they are part of the D/s lifestyle.

Micah is a 30 year old professional woman confident in her abilities and sure in what she wants in a personal relationship. Although a submissive, Micah takes control of her wants and needs and will not settle for less than the right Dom to offer the gift of her total submission and trust to. Micah's last long term relationship was with a man who didn't understand or respect her needs and she is determined not to waste more time on a man who is not worthy of receiving what she has to give. When Rick begins to pursue her she is still a bit leery of his intentions and whether or not what he is offering is real. Rick is offering her what she has been longing to have for years, a committed and monogamous long term relationship. Micah has to decide if she is going to allow insecurities and an abundance of caution to cost her what may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to find a partner that is not only interested in supporting her very specialized needs, but revels and thrives in the D/s lifestyle.

Rick is a successful doctor and Dom who has been burned by love and has stepped away from committed long term relationships. However, after his first harrowing interaction with Micah he knows that he has found the woman who will make him reconsider what he wants. What I loved about Rick is that he isn't afraid to aggressively pursue Micah and heeds his instant attraction to her. Micah isn't a leggy, long haired woman that normally grabs his attention and Rick enjoys her differences.

Things move quickly between Micah and Rick but it feels completely plausible. When Rick tells Micah "I'm looking for her; My obedient vixen, My lover, My friend, My wife, My everything." I was totally sold on him. (Yeah, I'm a sucker but I totally embrace that about myself!) Everything between the two is consensual and done with mutual respect. I very much look forward to more books from Harper Miller and hope that this is just book 1 in a series. There are two secondary characters that would make interesting stories. Micah's best friend Kisa is a submissive on the hunt for her perfect Dom and Rick's friend Josh is a Dominant who's tastes definitely run toward the outer limits of what I will probably be comfortable with. However, after reading THE SWEETEST TABOO I will definitely trust Harper Miller to take me on that journey. If you are looking for a well written and sexy erotic BDSM love story THE SWEETEST TABOO is definitely a winner. This one is going on my favorites list!

You can find more from me at Monlatable Book Reviews