
Away by B.A. Wolfe

nikewls's review against another edition

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this is one of those times where i really wish i could muster up a good review because this book deserves one!!!!!!

radioactivechick's review against another edition

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Make sure you have tissues at the ready. The end of this book is a total ugly cry fest! I can't even tell you how much I loved this book. I need the sequel to be out like yesterday. You can't help but fall in love with Cassie and jase. Their story is beautiful and heartbreaking in the end. This was one hell of a first book for an author. I will keep my eye in her and expect to see great things from her if that was her first book!

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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Wow! What an emotional read. Be sure to have your tissue ready for this one, and honestly I never even saw it coming.

Cassie is a sweet, sort of naive (at least that's the way she comes across to me) girl whose running from a bad decision and life as she knows it. Luckily for her, she takes a wrong turn during her escape and ends up stuck in a small town and in the arms of Jason. Ahhh Jase. Sweet, polite, gentlemen Jase. He immediately does everything in his power to take care of Cassie and try to get her to open up. They are instantly drawn to each other but don't act on it right away because of the secrets they are keeping.

Cassie's secret is revealed pretty early on to us as readers and it's not too far in that Jase knows but Jase's secret was harder to figure out. What exactly happened with his brother, where is he always going to "help" his father? I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. When it's finally revealed it's pretty shocking but not nearly as shocking as how the book ends.

Cue full on ugly crying and having to fight the urge to throw my Kindle across the dark bedroom. What. The. Hell? I can't even begin to process this and now I'm dying to find out what happens in the next book. There is a next book right? OMG.

This is a great debut and I highly recommend it but be prepared to have your heart broken and your eyes swollen.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

louisas's review against another edition

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I am writing this review after reading it for the second time, and its just as emotional as the first time. I love Cassie and Jase, witnessing their relationship develop, its heartbreakingly beautiful. Well done B.A Wolfe, you have written a book that will stay with me for a lifetime!

bookflutter's review against another edition

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**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review***

First of all, I'd like to congratulate B.A. Wolfe on having a fantastic debut! While reading this book, I kept asking myself, "She didn't write other books?" The writing of the story flows so well and is impeccable. Everything about this book is great. The story starts off with Cassandra, running away from her parents and sheltered life. She decides to visit her best friend, Melanie who lives a few hours away at another college. During her drive to Melanie's, Cassandra is involved in a car accident located in a small rural town.

Then she meets Jason, a handsome and charming cowboy, come to rescue her from the accident. Unfortunately, with no car..she's stuck there..indefinitely until car is fixed. The connection between Jason and Cassandra is so real but magical at the same time. Reading about them gave me butterflies..yes butterflies!!! I was so hooked to this book and read it in 2 sittings. If I didn't have to work, I probably would have finished it in one day. I felt that I really connected with Cassandra. She is scared, hurt, feels alone, and is ashamed of her mistakes. She tries to keep her head high and not let the bad things get to her but deep down, she's in pain. Just knowing what she went through brings me sadness. Shoot! I wanted to help her..and save her myself. I also loved Melanie. I think she is the perfect best friend a girl could ask for. She is loyal, smart, witty, sexy, and so "I don't give a shit about what you think"...I loved it!! No matter what happened, she always had Cassandra's back. I am hoping to read more about Melanie in the upcoming sequel.

Then there's Jason...wheewwww! This man is hot!! I was not a fan of cowboys until now!! He just screams, "Do Me!!!" But I didn't fall in love with him because of his sex appeal; yes..that helped. I fell in love with his demeanor, his humbleness, his ability to care for a complete stranger; just because it's the right thing to do. Jason is the perfect gentleman. He is kind, generous, hilarious, a great dancer, has great taste in music, and loves scrabble!! How can you not love this character!!??? smiley

There are so many good qualities about this book. It is a moving and overwhelming love story between two people who never expected to find love, and not only, overcome their inner demons, but also bring hope back into each other's lives. You will laugh, smile, and cry *get the tissues ready*. I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait for the next one!

christie_seiler's review against another edition

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This novel was so fast paced I almost couldn't grasp all of the events. It was a page turner and a heart breaker.

linnybeebooks's review against another edition

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I really wish I had been warned of the major character death but I just jumped right in reading. I am now a wreck. This was a great story, it's just not my cup of tea.

jenn703's review against another edition

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WOW, what an amazing story. Not what I expected it to be (not that I know what I expected) but amazing and very touching. Everyone could use to meet someone like Jase and learn to be more like him.

*I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
*Review done for Kylie's Fiction Addiction

heatheray's review against another edition

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I am trying to find the best way to put how this book affected me into words. Normally when I finish one book I move straight to the next book on my calendar. When I finished reading Away, first I posted to Facebook –


Sitting here bawling my eyes out. I just finished Away by B.A. Wolfe.
Why oh why do authors do that to me????


I was left completely incapable of functioning. I didn’t want to touch another book. I didn’t want to watch TV. I wanted to sit in my little hidey hole (if I actually had one) and reflect on what had just happened. This was a book hangover to the nth degree.

I walked into the kitchen trying to control my sobs and my husband said what? What happened? He probably thought I had gotten a phone call about some tragedy. I was all this book, and this couple, and OMG I can’t stop crying. His best friend was sitting on our couch just staring like what in the heck is going on???

He thought I was a tad crazy, but then again he doesn’t like to read so he doesn’t know how emotionally attached we can get to these characters AND he knows me pretty well after 12 years. He’s used to a little crazy.

If you are reading the reviews, you’re read the blurb. You know that this is about Cassandra and Jason. They meet after she crashes her car into a tree. Jason immediately is her savior, the perfect country male, respectful, sweet, protective. Cassandra has spent her whole life pleasing others, not doing what she wants to do, in fact, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do.

The whole story is based on them getting to know each other, on their secrets being pulled out, and it freaking tore my heart out, stomped it on the floor, then shredded it for a bit.

This is that kind of book. It’s one of those books that takes you soaring to the top of the roller coaster and then plummets you down into the depths of despair.

If I wasn’t so anti-spoiler, I would go into the ending, in fact this one has me tempted to use the spoiler tags on Goodreads, but I just can’t bring myself to do it, but I am desperate to know how you all who have read the book felt about the ending. I know with 131 5 star reviews on Amazon, people are loving this book as much as I did, but everyone seems to be like me, we don’t want to give away anything that isn’t in the blurb.

From Goodreads, it looks like this is B.A. Wolfe’s first novel and I am so impressed. Not many authors leave me sobbing with tears just streaming down my face feeling lost as to what to do next, usually I just have a little teary eyed thing going on, they don’t actually fall.

I am dying to know if there is going to be a sequel. From where we were left there was a definite conclusion, but there was also a hint at more to come. I must read if there is. B.A. Wolfe is now on my favorite author list and this book is going over in my sidebar of my blog as a top fave of 2014.

Thank you so much for my ARC!

redpandavivi's review against another edition

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Well... when I took up this book I thought "take a break from frankly violent characters and drama." I wanted something sweet and this book was sweet for the time being, until it wasn't. About 60% of the book was very cute and romantic. I empathized with the characters and liked them. But the other 40% is not a romantic book. And no one warned about this.

No one expects in a romantic book the theme of death, fatal diseases and not a happy ending. Most of all I was touched by the theme of the disease of the protagonist. It was heartbreaking. and this drama did not make the book good, it only left a feeling of emptiness behind it. because the topic of kidney disease is close to me and when it turns out to be the main plot at the end of the book, it made me feel uneasy. Even anxious.

You can't do this to readers.

what happened to the romances? in almost every book someone is raped or dies of cancer. Now I know how people feel who are triggered by something in the book. I have stopped 77% and cannot continue. Gosh it was such sweet book.