
Civil War II by David Marquez, Brian Michael Bendis

vetathebooksurfer's review

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captain america is the coolest so far

stormqueen's review

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What a dumb Marvel event.

Carol Danvers vs Tony Stark should be something brilliant and wasn't. Carol is depicted as a fascist dictator, with very little to back it up or explain why the other characters are following her. Basically this event felt rushed and shoddy.

However, David Marquez's art is absolutely stunning and Justin Ponsor's colouring is gorgeous. It was certainly beautiful to look at, if infuriating to read.

taeli's review

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read 6/2/17

shakespeareandspice's review

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letterdee's review

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megawhoppingcosmicbookwyrm's review

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I do a terrible job of keeping up with Marvel and their ginormous stable of characters; which made the beginning of this book rather confusing. I was quite lost through a few of the first chapters. There are many moments where the timeline jumps from the past to the present with zero notification of a change. The authors/artists take the time to put a little box explaining WHERE you are, but not WHEN. Your few hints that maybe this is a different time, are things like Spider-Man being a completely different person, or a female character’s hair being straight rather than wavy. I’m sure all of this would have been more understandable to me if I followed Marvel’s mythology more closely. Thank goodness for my bestie/Marvel-Guru. If you don’t have one of these, get one at your local comic book store, or get REALLY talented at reading Wikipedia without spoiling anything for yourself (unlikely).

That all being said, this story is phenomenal! I am blown away by the relevance to today’s issues of whether thought and speech are a crime that is legally/morally punishable. Do we punish people for what we “know” they’re going to do? Then of course, the age-old questions of fate and free will and whether either exist. Heart-wrenching, gut-twisting events made me flip through the pages in a single day. The story also finally fleshes itself out and things start clicking into place less than a quarter of the way through. So despite starting out hopelessly confused, I quickly started to gain enough of an understanding to enjoy the story immensely! I’m even chomping at the bit to read more about certain characters that really stood out; female Thor never intrigued me until now, and The Inhumans REALLY caught my interest.

Whether you’re an avid Marvel fan, or just the casual reader; I’d most definitely recommend the Civil War series! It’s a great snapshot of the Marvelverse, and gives a wonderful preview of what the franchise has to offer.

adamantane's review

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HONESTLY! HE SLAUGHTERED CAROL'S CHARACTER. DAMN HIM. the only good thing to come out of this were champions and the other tie ins.

The points about predictive justice and profiling was good, but that last line about tony trusting carol but nobody else was garbage.

theeolian's review

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Read single issues.

bee94's review

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This shit is getting wilder by the second

squidbag's review

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Dialogue: brilliant. Bendis is on point.

Art: pretty. This one's fun to look at from start to finish.

Concept: more nuanced than the "freedom vs. security" debate of its Bush-era predecessor, this is the "what would you do with a tool that can predict the future" sort of debate, and it hinges on the question, "How accurate is that tool?" and its kid sister, "What margin of error can you live with?" No one in this is an outright heel, it's actually more of a Civil Difference of Opinion about Profiling Punctuated by Some Battles than a War, really.

Once you're past your internal "I'm so tired of crossover events" fatigue, this is a pretty good one, hits a lot of the typical notes, but does them well and quickly, and then gives you some honest-to-goodness character interaction and development to keep you going. Also, Inhumans are cooler than they've ever been, let's be honest. This was LAST YEAR's event, so it sets up what's happening now and leads into THIS YEAR'S EVENT.

So you know.