75_sweetestbook's review

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This is by Jenna Lee lone surviver. This is amazing book that will have you hooked. This is part of this series and is a must read.

timitra's review

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Cirque De La Lune by Emma Hamm

Rated 3.5 Stars

Cirque De La Lune is an intriguing tale about a group of outcasts in a traveling circus. I found the world it was set in very interesting as well as the characters but there were a few inconsistencies and repetition that kept drawing me out of the story. Other than that I thought it was a solid start to a new series that I'm interested in seeing where the author takes it.

Copy provided by author

littlefoot10's review

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I had the opportunity to read an early edition of Orion's Kiss by Claire Luana. This novel was phenomenal. I cannot wait to read the other stories in this set.

This specific story focuses on Mer and her curse. She is reincarnated time and time again, and her sisters...always murdered. This is a standalone novel from Claire and this novel is intense but with so much sarcasm and wit.

Mer is a one of the main characters, and she is incredibly strong and stubborn. Ryan is another of the main protagonists, and he can be caring, charming and sweet. The trials that these two have both faced in their past lives is tremendous and seems insurmountable throughout the entire novel. Seeing how they work together and separately to try and stop the curse is uplifting and scary. So many pulse pounding moments, lies at every turn and just such a ride to be on.

Claire is an incredible writer. I was surprised by the twists and turns this novel made. It was definitely an exciting and entertaining read! I cannot wait for the release date of this entire boxed set! Everyone pre-order to receive additional stories on top of the 22 included in this set.

alexperc_92's review

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I received an e-ARC of one of the novellas from author Emma Hamm in exchange for an honest review. Review can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

The story by Emma Hamm made think highly of The Greatest Showman! But without the dancing and the swooning. It's a story of love, hidden abilities, beauty, and family. I am seriously wondering if this lovely one will become later a full series! Emma Hamm's story follows a disgraced doctor, who broke up with his fiance and he was beaten to death. Then he is saved by the traveling circus where one woman has a unique and dangerous ability.

Love and wonderful descriptions add in this story making you think about it even after it's done.

debmozingo's review

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Shades of Human was amazing! I can't wait to read the rest of the boxed set. Great set of authors, and amazing stories. Worth giving it a go, for sure!

belindaclemons_123's review

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Char Webster's Stolen Magic was just great. I went in a little teary eyed because I loved the original story In Stubborn Souls and I knew parts would be taken out. But the added parts make this a whole new book I loved the newer magic system a lot and I loved getting to read these characters in a whole new light i can't wait to read more in this mystic series

bookwormbunny's review

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Lone Survivor by Jenna Lee is about a teenager by the name of Sadie. Sadie has been raised in a facility all her life, been made to fight, and knows little else. She’s an interesting character. But the author quickly lets the reader know that this facility is now what it seems. No one over the age of 18 is there. Why? Once they turn 18 they disappear and are never seen again. Sadie’s time is coming, but not just hers…her friend Alec, too. They need to escape whatever fate awaits them. But can they?
This is an engaging story and one that hooks you in the deeper you go. The desire to know what happens next drives you forward with each page turn. I like the surprises that the author throws the reader, but I struggled with Sadie as a character. On a level I expected her to be grittier. She knows that she’s in danger at all times, but it seems like focusing is just not her strong suit. Sadie to me comes off as more of a liability once they do escape the facility. She’s hurt, can barely contribute to a fight, but she puts herself in danger, which only increases the danger towards the others.
I will admit that the author has piqued my curiosity as to what happens next as the author promises to continue the story in a second book. I’m hoping that Sadie will develop more as a character and that the author will have her be less naïve and become more focused because her survival is at stake. I am rating this story 4 out of 5 stars.

leanner's review

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I'm reviewing based on the bargain so far. Only read one story but I look forward to discovering these other authors.
Lone Survivor by Jenna Lee
A suspenseful story set in a different time and place. What is the purpose of these young people raised in a clinical setting? Born to fight for what? So many unanswered questions for me. Interesting story that ended on a cliff hanger.

gracekalli's review

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I have read a few of the books in this set so far and I'm loving it!! Crimson Mage by Dorothy Dreyer, Dead Silence by K.G. Reuss, Shades of Human by J.L. Myers, and Behind Glass by Elle Scott are four of the epic stories included in this boxed set. Dead Silence is about a girl who can't tell the difference between reality or what's in her mind. A supernatural/psychological thriller. She's losing it, and she's not sure she can trust the world around her. There are things in the shadows trying to get her, voices in her head. She hears them, she sees them, she can't sleep. Is death preferable? Can anyone save her? What about the Shadow man? Does he want to help her? I went into this book not really sure what to expect. From the cover, you can kind of tell it was gonna be somewhat of a suspense/thriller. But I definitely didn't expect what jumped off the pages. It's an edge-of-the-seat, nail-biting, gripping, thrilling, blood chilling story that keeps you guessing. You're gonna love it. I did. This is an amazing series.
Crimson Mage is set in a world where Magic is illegal. Mages are imprisoned or put to death. But sometimes they are given a choice: Work for the new government or face imprisonment. That's not really a choice at all. Magic users are given an implant that stops them from being able to use their abilities. Mages are training to protect the reincarnation of the Lotus Empress, but how can they do that when everything has been shut down, silenced, destroyed, and made illegal? This book is epic and luckily, it won't be the only one to come.
Shades of Human by J.L. Myers is another great story. I've read everything she's written and I'm still blown away by the amazing worlds she creates. I cannot wait to read the 2nd book in this series. Calli (which is so close to my name it makes me grin) lost her mom at a young age (and btw, pack tissues when you read this because the first chapter makes you bawl like a baby!!) and she's shuffled in and out of foster homes since the age of four. Her mom's dying wish is simple: don't look in the mirror, don't talk back to the voices, and don't ask for help or sing. Calli doesn't understand why, but she honors the wish anyway. I'm super excited for this boxed set to come out so everyone can read these amazing stories!! You're for sure going to find some new favorites. I can't wait to read more!!
I've read a lot of books about Angels, but so far Behind Glass by Elle Scott is one of the most unique. It has a new take on nephilim. The character development is really cool, but I can't tell you why lol it would spoil the story :-D I'm not finished yet, but I can already tell you that this book is a 5 star, 2 thumbs up, totally worth reading kind of book. I'm already looking forward to reading more in this world.

The collection of books included are written by a collection of amazing authors. You definitely don't want to miss out. It's set at a stupid low price so you can't beat it for sure!! You're going to love love love this collection!! Once you're done, you're going to find that you have some new favorite authors.

alexandra_92's review

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I received an e-ARC of one of the novellas from author Emma Hamm in exchange for an honest review. Review can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

The story by Emma Hamm made think highly of The Greatest Showman! But without the dancing and the swooning. It's a story of love, hidden abilities, beauty, and family. I am seriously wondering if this lovely one will become later a full series! Emma Hamm's story follows a disgraced doctor, who broke up with his fiance and he was beaten to death. Then he is saved by the traveling circus where one woman has a unique and dangerous ability.

Love and wonderful descriptions add in this story making you think about it even after it's done.