
Cyborg and the Single Mom by Susan Grant

jacqueline1989's review against another edition

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Suburbia soccer mom falls in love with ET and I’m here for it!

Silly me is a walking-talking turtle poop who’s never read Susan Grant...UNTIL NOW! Yall, my subterranean rock dwelling ass was missing out because Reef!

If you told me I’d fall in hearteyes with Terminator, I’d slap ya silly. But, whoops, that happened because Reef 01 is- you know -an alien robot killing computer man.

And PITY HIM ‘cause Mr. Cyborg got kid kidnapped and operated on Wolverine style.

He stayed at the porthole long after Sandreem shrank to a blue-green star and disappeared, staring outside until his tears had dried to tracks of salt on his cheeks and his heart was as hollow as the void of space outside.


The bad guys send Reef in to go Murder Death Kill on Evie’s family. Luckily his computers go wonky so his humanity gets rebooted. Ex-bad guys always get my heart; especially when they fall in mushy gushy love with a divorced mom of two teenagers. Alas, Robot Boy needs some R&R, so he gets sent to stay with the heroine!

There was so much fun plot stuff in this lil doodad, but the book’s near perfection is what blew my booty away. Science Fiction always goes too hard or not hard enough for me, but HTLAE10D was my Baby Bear.

I jumped into book 3 of this series without once getting lost. Susan Grant takes time to set up the backstory for both Reef AND the universe.


Keeping the OTP apart for 100 pages let me learn our Robot Assassin isn’t a cold blooded killer. Reef plays Evie’s bodyguard and the two stay camped out at her place.

After that, the science in this science fiction takes a bit of a chill pill.

Had the setup gone any differently, Reef would’ve been less Mr. Rocket Man and more Joe The Plumber...Except, you know, with a hella tragic internal identity and morality crisis being an ex assassin/part machine who lacks his pre-kidnapped memory.

Like DAYUM son!

Boy legit fears he’s just an outsider with nothing to offer Earth, and ouch my heartstrings! But this shindig worked for me because Evie got just as much internal conflict as our sexy space traveller.

This silver spoon political family chick is a divorced stay-at-home mom who never went to college and has no career. No shade, but damn if society and her family don’t inadvertently make her feel inadequate.

She even calls it; she runs errands, her family saves the world. Literally.

Her ex husband and failed marriage, her lack of professional or academic success...OH MY GOD SO MUCH GOOD JUICEY INTERNAL CONFLICT!

She’s sad but she’s not a whimpy flower. Evie’s got a strength in her that’s quiet and realistic. This badass strong mom copes with her internal crap while being a loving parent and a supportive daughter.

That stuff is my jelly jam, and the book had tons of it...It was just missing a little bit of peanut butter.

Now I FEDEX shipped Evie and Reef ‘cause I totally bought them as an OTP. Hero loves heroine and heroine loves hero, and I believed it ten thousand percent.


The drawback of spending 100 pages on character development is that you kinda gotta rush the hearteyes. Evie and Reef fall hard and fast for one another, and that’s kind of a pet peeve. They’re not quite insta-love but they dangerously toe the line.

But because Evie is so interestingly written and Reef is so compellingly evocative, they get a pass.

Plus they’ve got a fun, playful dynamic that was pretty darn irresistible. He calls her Earthling, she calls him EXTRA-terrestrial. AND bless Susan Grant for writing a virgin hero, BECAUSE I LOVE VIRGIN HEROS!

Snowflake heroines get hella old, so I loved how Evie was the experienced one in the sack.

Reef’s embarrassment at thinking of doing the frick frack with her was soooOOoooOOOooo damn cute! Boy was a robot half his life, so attraction is a brand new game for him, and damn that’s fun.


Boy balances his horny and his respect for Evie and mad yes to that.

The romance gets my thumb’s up, but so does the story’s story! The tone and pacing kept the angsty pants from making my heart bleed all over the pages. Plus, the cool world building had my brain cells dancing.

Evie’s family save Earth in the series’ overarching plot, and that really sells this universe!

I hate otherworldly men (forgive the pun) who don’t feel like Earth foreigners, but that was SOOO not a problem here! Even though the story puts a pause on the scifi, our OTP eventually do some star travelling in the story’s climax showdown.

It added just enough science fiction back into a mostly contemporary romance.

If you want a solid fun little story, you got no excuse; go put your face in this book.


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Fangirl Musings:
