
Stay by Deb Caletti

narcissia's review against another edition

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What a great book! I don't think that I've read a book before this that deals with the issue of controlling, possessive, obsessive boyfriends so well.

Clara is a normal girl. She's not an idiot. She doesn't have self esteem issues. She isn't desperately seeking attention or approval from others. She's none of these things that might come to mind when one is trying to picture a girl who would put up with an emotionally abusive relationship. I feel like this is really important. It could happen to anyone and he/she may not even notice that it's happening. She's an easily sympathetic character, telling us her story. Her voice makes you want to listen.

Clara's friends reside mostly on the periphery in this story, but from what we do see of them they are quality friends who are really supportive and defensive of Clara. Her father is mostly awesome. Though he is not without his flaws, he is a good parent to Clara. He recognizes her needs and gives them to her. He has a real relationship with her. He's protective of her without being over protective. It's good to see a quality father-daughter relationship. Finn, the boy that Clara meets while in hiding from Christian, helps to remind Clara what normal looks like and what it is to be able to talk to a person without having to censor what you say or do around him. It is refreshing to see a nice, normal guy portrayed in such a positive light.

The novel takes place as Clara and her father leave town for the summer without telling anyone where they're going. And, though it is clear from the beginning that they are leaving with the purpose of getting Clara away from Christian's stalker-like behavior, the reader doesn't know the details of what happened between Clara and Christian right away. Chapters alternate between the summer beach trip and flashbacks that explain the course of Clara's relationship with Christian. I thought it was particularly smart to do it this way. The events and red flags of their relationship carry more weight when the reader knows that the result is that Clara had to leave town without letting anyone know where she went and that she basically must hide from this guy. It works to point out all of the places that Clara should have accepted that something was off, which can be particularly beneficial to anyone who might find themselves in a similar predicament.

There are books about physically abusive relationships, drug abuse, eating disorders, unplanned pregnancy, cutting, suicide, rape, and a vast assortment of other issues. There aren't a lot of books about how easy it is to fall happily into a relationship that becomes a cage in which one must walk on eggshells to avoid being battered with unreasonable guilt and shame. This is one of those books that should be a must-read, particularly for teenage girls.

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Damn this one.

It's so good.

Really, really good.

Time to read more Deb Caletti books.

curiousnico's review against another edition

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Like all of Deb's books, [i]stay[/i] had me entranced from the start. at first I was a bit uneasy about the way the chapters bounced from past, to present, but then I got my barring and slipped into the book. It was terrifying, her relationship with christian, and just reading about it made my skin crawl. The metaphors and relationships had me hooked, and like with all of her books, I learned a ton of lessons that I hope to never forget. a must read for everyone.

halynah's review against another edition

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Emotionally difficult read, but written perfectly - many deep thoughts, reflections, interesting observations. The story of obsession, stalking, dark secrets about parents, possibility of new beginning and love in spite of the negative experience. I loved Finn - he was very warm and real, I liked Clara - especially her ability to take part of the guilt on herself, I adored the stalker-seagull and despite everything I felt sorry for Christian - his obsession was tragic and difficult first of all for himself. I enjoyed the scenery of the book, coast, water, lighthouse, marina - it was beautifully depicted. Great book!!!

sevbetweenpages's review against another edition

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First off, I found about this book on goodreads while looking for something to read. Well, according to the stars everyone has given, I thought it was a perfect book.
Then, I started.. First, I thought of quit reading it because it was just too boring to handle. I thought that it was I who was weird because everyone adored the book but I.
I pushed myself to keep reading and eventually finished the book.
I hated Christian even though I liked it at first sight. He was just a maniac and even scared the hell out of me. I think that he didn't love Clara but the idea of love. He acted like so obsessed with her and it wasn't how the love was supposed to be. He could suffer after the break-up but he harmed himself and others around.
I love Finn, he's just a cutiepie and he was totally what Clara needed in her life.
Well, what I loved about this book: Clara's father is an author, I mean, it's the dream of mine and certainly it is what kept me going through the end. Furthermore, their story was really interesting.
I gave 3,5 stars because of the beginning but the story was really good :)

stephxsu's review against another edition

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Wow. Wow wow wow. I think I’d use the following words to describe STAY: disturbing. Beautiful. Painful. Delicately strong. STAY eloquently captures the tremulous aftermath of an emotionally harmful relationship, told in a beautiful and not overbearing prose.

The sad and scary fact is that people go through Clara’s situation every day. I know several friends who are in such relationships. And the terrifying thing about it is that there is only so much you can do to help those people. I wish I could give them all a copy of STAY. Deb Caletti’s latest offering spins a heartwrenching portrayal of Clara and Christian’s relationship, and Clara’s subsequent healing process. We feel the intensity of Clara’s attraction and caring for Christian, despite the fact that we know from the start that he is Bad News Bears. The horrible spiral that the relationship goes down is spun out subtly and convincingly.

The characters in STAY are lovely. Clara is a fairly relatable protagonist, not knowing exactly what she wants from her future, but smart enough to know what she does NOT want from her past. The thing is, any one of us could easily be Clara: there’s nothing about her that makes her stand out, that labels her immediately as a target for such a type of relationship. Clara handles the things within her control as best as she can, and I have to respect her for that.

I also love Clara’s relationship with her father. Clara’s father, a famous writer, is one of the most well written parent figures I have read recently in YA lit. He has a personality! He has his own interests and dreams and aspirations! He has his own quirks! Awesomeee.

I was less impressed with Clara’s new romance. Come on: the girl just went through the most difficult thing she’s had to go through in her life; doesn’t it make sense for her to take a break from romance? The romance just felt like it was in the story only because it is expected of YA stories to contain a romance. So, yeah. Not impressed. Clara also discovers shocking revelations about her family history, which was a side plot that wasn’t set up as well as the main one. It’s not bad, per se: it just felt like a lot of drama that didn’t entirely live up to its shock value.

Overall, however, STAY is one hell of a read. It’s beautiful, moving, and sometimes hurts to the bone to read. But at the end of it all, it is powerful and important—and best of all, it’s written well. Pick it up or buy it as a present for someone, please.

dimples0508's review against another edition

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Was this book printed out of order? I swear! I did not understand what the hell was going on, she has an abusive boyfriend? She HAD an abusive boyfriend? I don't even understand the stupid setting! Deb Caletti seems like she wrote this book in a hurry and her characters seem like she wanted to make them really genuine but it wasn't working. I honestly did not finish it because at some point the main characters possessive boyfriend says she shouldn't wear her shirt because he can see her nipples through it? wtf? How does that even happen and why is he worrying about a nipple shirt instead of worrying that his girlfriend is apparently sailing around with (cliché potty-mouth) sailors on some stupid island. Sorry I'm really harsh on this, but I hate wasting my time on ridiculous books. (my friend actually recommended this to me) and to think that I thought this book held promise and that I would read more of Caletti.
Nope, she's going on my NEVER READ list!

caitlinxreads's review against another edition

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This was a really good book, I did not think I would enjoy it as much as I did. Clara has left town with her father, they are hiding from an old boyfriend named Christian. He is obsessed with her. During the book, the chapters trade between the current and the past to show more of their relationship. Not only is she dealing with a crazy ex, her family has something that they are not telling her. I wish the climax of this book would have been a bit longer, but it was still really good with a nice ending.

jessecaw97's review against another edition

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It was hard to understand at first, with it jumping from past to present but then it just came to me when it jumped and it got really good and I started to relate to it, and then the big plot twist at the end scared me a little, but over all it was a fantastic book.

eusteph's review against another edition

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This book was nothing like I expected it to be. I am not used to 'girly' books so there were aspects of it that were very surprising to me, I liked the way the author described some of the events but I felt like she focused too much on Clara's life post Christian. I would have liked to see more detail on their relationship, I felt like this side of the story could have been explored more deeply. I was honestly hoping to have him go psycho stalker on her a little stronger, if the book as a whole was more like its last 60 pages I think I would have enjoyed it a little bit more. It was good overall though.