
A Radiant Sky by Jocelyn Davies

fran98765's review against another edition

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I thought the ending was fairly lame. Lamest epic battle ever. Very predictable. I thought the death was unnecessary, I mean, only 2 healers were standing right there... um hello... heal! The ending took the easy way out and I was disappointed.

andiabcs's review

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I had no idea I would like books about angels until I, basically by accident, picked up A Beautiful Dark. You see, I had no idea the book had anything to do with angels and paranormal events. I thought it was a contemporary so imagine my shock when it was anything but and imagine my greater shock when I actually enjoyed it. Having been a fan of the first book and a HUGE fan of the second, A Fractured Light I was so grateful when an early copy of A Radiant Sky was placed in my hands. And although not my favorite of the series, I know, I know, endings are hard, I think it fit nicely with the other two parts and I loved the series as a whole.

A Radiant Sky picks up where A Fractured Light left off. Sides have clearly been drawn between the angels and Skye is once again stuck in the middle, somewhere between light and dark, and she is pressured to pick a side. Devin, once part of the Order is now a member of the Rebellion and Asher still holds the key to Skye’s heart. The problem is that Skye doesn’t trust either side so she decides to go it alone. To take on both sides even if it puts her life in danger and breaks her heart over Asher. Stronger than she has ever been Skye has the fate of the world on her shoulders. But if she wins will Asher still be there waiting for her?

Like I said, this definitely wasn’t my favorite of the 3 books. I enjoyed it and read it fairly quickly, but I just felt like something was off. I don’t know if it was because of the lack of Skye and Asher interaction, or Devin now being on Asher’s side, or the addition of Raven into the fold of things. It just felt like too much of it was just convenient, which I understand to a point. Things need to be wrapped up in a 3rd and final book, I don’t deny that. I just wish it didn’t have to be so neat. I think that was my main problem with A Radiant Skye. The story was great, the characters were just as strong as they were in A Beautiful Dark and you could see the whole picture. I think that I just didn’t like the neatness of everything. I wanted more drama, more heartache, maybe an extra unhappy ending.

But with that said, I didn’t hate this book at all. I think it was a great part of Skye’s story and love that Davies brought her kind of full circle in a way. She grew as a character from page one of A Beautiful Dark to the final page of A Radiant Sky and that was apparent and made me happy to have been a part of this journey. Would I recommend the series even with my annoyance at the neatness? 100%, hands down, yes. Definitely worth the read and I look forward to what Davies has for us next.

ashleym10148's review

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Not gonna lie this was a bit of a disappointment. I did not like how it all ended. There was supposed to be a huge battle and it was a let down. Skye did end up with who I wanted her to be with so I was happy about that. Everything ended a bit to perfectly. I feel like some things that the characters did were out of character. I kept thinking "they would never do that." It just annoyed me.

mackenzierm's review

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First line: "There are certain things they never tell you about love."

Finally, the part I was waiting for where girl gets boy. And girl goes to war with the opposing forces.

There was a few twists and turns that I didn't quite expect involving the fourth Rogue and the outcome of the war between the Order, the Rebels, and the Uprising.

It was nice to see that Skye really believed in the power of love and I found that really powered the path of the novel.

I really enjoyed the plot of the trilogy, but I am kind of disappointed by the ending because it basically just swept everything that happened, from the beginning, under the rug and forgetting it all happened. That's my opinion anyways.

All in all, a good read.

sarcrawsh's review

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3.5 stars. I enjoyed this book but I felt as though the ending was a bit too...pat. Everything fell into place, Skye is back with Asher, and, oh yeah, Devin dies. I was so separated from the plot at that point that I barely reacted. And I really enjoyed his character! Something fell off at the end but I can't quite pinpoint what it is.

brinipor's review against another edition

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The ending was dumb and she gave dumb speeches, but it was okay.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, what a great end to this excellent series! Really enjoyed it, going to be sad to say goodbye to these characters, but I thought that things wrapped up pretty well!

azhang113's review against another edition

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I was so surprised and happy when Skye found Aaron Ward and Earth. I think that Earth is a really good friend and a super smart seven-year-old. I was in awe at how beautiful the angels' world was, and how much power they all had. I was happy for Devin when he finally broke free of the Order, and when he realized he really did like Raven. I was so terribly sad when Ardith killed him. I wanted Skye to heal him, so bad, but I don't know why she didn't. Maybe it was destiny.

forestgreenreader's review against another edition

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This book was very disappointing. It's been awhile since I read a series that started out wonderful, but seemed to get worse as the books went on. The ending was wrapped up neatly, with a little bow on top, and served to us on a silver platter. I hated it. The whole series led up to this epic battle, but the war was anything but. It ended way to quickly and there's barely any action, characters had whole conversations while a war was going on around them!

The way Devin died was stupid, Skype knew it was going to happen- she had a vision about it! But that didn't stop her from throwing the sword into a direction she couldn't even see anyways. And then Devin's death was quickly forgotten and glossed over. The way Asher switched over near the end of the book was also... so neat? It was convenient.

And the ending of the battle was ridiculous. All that "training" and finding an army, just for the war to be won by a technicality and some talking? Skye saves Astaroth's life so he owes her? And she's able to fix everything just because he "owes" her. She becomes human with Asher, and the battle between the Rebellion and The Order is over forever.

This book was beyond disappointing. It's like nothing much happened in 300 pages. Most of the book consisted of worrying about prom, school, and pining after Asher and whether they would really work.

tfox19's review against another edition

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to many things trying to come to an end. Not the best end.