
18 Seconds by George D. Shuman

veralu84's review against another edition

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My mind was blown away by Sherry Moore and Shuman. This book it's not your typical thriller. It's so much more. The feelings evoke can't be described. To know you have to read.

katewm's review against another edition

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Just one cliche after another threaded together into a story. To be fair, it’s almost fifteen years old, so maybe it didn’t feel so tired when it was first published. But I won’t be reading any more from this author.

yanina_daniele's review against another edition

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18 Segundos es una novela policial con mucho suspenso. De fácil lectura y atrapante, te va conduciendo en la historia a través de los personajes principales. A medida que esta avanza, vamos conociendo la vida de cada uno de ellos, las situaciones que están atravesando y sus problemas. Todo tiene que ver con todo, y un crimen cometido en un lado esta relacionado con los crímenes que suceden en otro lado y así poco a poco se va dando a conocer pequeños datos que nos llevan a comprender que a veces el gato se convierte en presa. La novela muestra con mucho realismo, la forma de pensar y de actuar de este tipo de psicópata, haciendo que te de tal repulsión que deseas que lo encuentren antes de que siga haciendo de las suyas.
El final de la novela no es lo que había estado esperando, hay un punto, que para no hacer spoiler, solo diré que al final deja cierta enseñanza sobre las relaciones humanas. Quizás lo que tenga de fuerte el final es que es justamente muy realista y no un cuento de hadas.
Sí algo le criticaría a esta novela, es que se me hizo muy corta, ya que me atrapó de principio a fin y no podía parar de leerla. Me gustaría mucho que el autor realizará alguna otra novela, en base al personaje de Sherry Morre.
Sí les gusta las novelas policiales movidas, les recomiendo que lean este libro.

jeanetterenee's review against another edition

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This was really quite good, especially at the beginning. I remember it did start to drag a bit near the end, but overall I liked it. It's about a blind woman who can hold the hand of a dead person and "see" what was happening during the last 18 seconds of his/her life. The police call her in to help solve murder cases.
I've tried some of this author's later novels and just couldn't get into them.

canadianbookworm's review

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This first novel is a good thriller. One of the main characters is Sherry Moore. Sherry is blind and has the ability to see the last 18 seconds of someone's thoughts in image form by touching them after death. Sherry is an orphan, found at the bottom of hospital steps in winter, almost frozen to death and with a skull fracture as a preschooler. She has no real memory of her past, just a couple of images. Her skill was discovered by accident and she now makes money by answering private requests for her skill. She also occasionally works with police, but the supernatural nature of her power dissuades this. She is friends with John Payne, the first policeman to discover her power.
Serial killer Earl Sykes has been released on parole after 30 years in jail for vehicular homicide. His serial killer past is not what put him in jail. He is dying of cancer, likely contracted by growing up near a toxic waste dump in New Jersey and playing there as a young person. He wants to find his old girlfriend to make sure she doesn't talk about his past. He moves back to his hometown and resumes killing.
Local police lieutenant Kelly O'Shaunessy is trying to find young women who've gone missing in suspicious circumstances. These three storylines come together for a dramatic plot.

cindyc3689's review

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Premis awal dan pembukaan ceritanya sangat menjanjikan, sayang alurnya terpanjang-panjang di tengah dan seperti kehilangan tenaga. Sherry dan Let. Kelly bahkan belum berkenalan apalagi bekerja sama sampai menjelang akhir kisah. Lalu... tiba-tiba dalam 3 bab terakhir ceritanya mendadak seru, terus boom, selesai. Endingnya juga pahit bagi Sherry... heeeemmh....

wyvernfriend's review

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Thirty years ago Earl Sykes landed in prison after a traffic accident that turned deadly. Now he has cancer and only a short time to live and he's planning to get his revenge. He returns to his previous MO, kidnapping young women and killing them.

Kelly O'Shaughnessy, a police lieutenant needs help. They can't find the bodies of missing women, Sherry Moore is blind but she can see the deceased last eighteen seconds. This helps her find whats going on and can help the police.

However Earl has nothing to lose.

It's okay, not great, shows some potential but it's trying very hard to be a lot of things and failing to be many of them. The personification of Earl was compelling and quite realistic but the other characters were quite paper thin.