
The Beginning by McKayla Schutt

claire_ingram1987's review

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I was really disappointed with this book. I signed up to the newsletters and love the writing style which inspired me to get this book but the whole thing felt kinda rushed. It was too idealistic, things moved too quickly and at the same time nothing really happened. There was no real tension there and i just didn't connect with the story or the characters. I can see this is the set up of the story for the series but it wasn't really enough to grip me to read the rest of the story.
I'm not sure if this is just this story as I know the author is very talented with her words and writing style and I was really looking forward to this story but over all I was left wanting

pelicanfreak's review

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This book is another one that is challenging to review...

I came across this book through social media. Some of the authors I already read/follow (translaste: stalk!) seem to be in her network.
When I read the blurb for her Imprinted series I wanted to read more and I bought the first three right off the bat - figuring it was up my alley.

The thing is: it is and it isn't.
It's paranormal, werewolves. Werewolves imprinting on humans ... and a couple of college girls that I can relate to ... it's presented in a believable sort of way... the humans and werewolves coexist. Humans are aware of werewolves, whether or not they are fully accepting of them... much like we can truly be with other races / cultures - anyone we view as different. So it works.... but then... at times it doesn't.

There's romance... it gets heated... the sex scenes could be really hot. The author does a great job of getting across how much Kindra & Judden want each other - I can almost feel their desire. At times I can really get into and almost feel their love for each other... but then other times it gets cheesy. Or parts of the sex scenes will be presented as if written by someone whose first language isn't English. I'm not knocking English as a second, so forth language at alL! It's just that the broken English coming out in the middle of a sex scene can do a lot to tone the heat down... especially when I have to re-read it multiple times to figure out what she's trying to make the reader picture.

Also over-use of the same words .... this series reads as if it's unedited, but I see an editor credited so... I'm confused. An editor should watch for overused words so when the same sex scene goes on and on about 'heat' with no word variation, it just looks like a rough draft that shouldn't have gone to press.

So there's that - the sex scenes could be made hotter by editing for punctuation, proper use of words, over-use of words and cheese factor.
However - there is so much more to this story than sex!!

I get really into it, I want to know the characters better and I want to see how their dilemma with Seth plays out... it gets dramatic and has the potential to be action-y in the books that follow - and that is on top of the intrigue, sex and romance that we already have healthy doses of!
This author clearly can write! Her imagination must be a really fascinating place!

Her descriptives are well done also - however the vast lack of punctuation and poor grammar made me cringe. A lot. It also made me re-read and re-read the same content over and over again... a lot... because when punctuation is wrong or missing, something can have multiple meanings.. I'd have to go back and stop to contemplate what she meant at times, due to the lack of editing... that is frustrating. I just want to be able to read a book, get all into it and have an escape from reality for a while. I don't wanna have to work for it.

So -
Overall - the story is for me, 4 stars. I like it.. I like it a lot, actually.
But the way the book is presented, is more like 1-2 stars.
Independently published books that lack editing and professionalism are what makes the whole indie community look bad, so I just cannot get behind it at all, unfortunately. It contributes to that "everyone is a writer" mentality that some of the masses seem to have and think unfavorably of.

I decided to split the different and call the overall rating 3 stars. Amazon calls this "it's okay".

I feel like this book could be a 4/5 star book - if it were edited and re-published.
As it stands, 3 stars.

I'm not sure if I'll venture into the author's other books. I'd love to because I'm hooked into this saga, but at the same time, deciphering what she means and getting hung up on the errors is work... and reading should not be work.
Probably what I'll do is hold off for now, and hope they get edited and updated...