
Blaze by Donna Grant

trudyd's review against another edition

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All these years of waiting. All these years of reading. Things are finally coming to light. The kings and their women are exposing those against them. Puzzle pieces are falling and they think they are getting closer but are they?

Devon is their way in to the company that tried controlling Ester and Kensey. Now Ester and Kensey want to take them down but they need Devon. They study her. They follow her. They communicate with her. They help to protect her. Anson is supposed to be watching the girls but he can't keep his eyes off Devon.

Things will go wrong. But from wrongs come so many rights. Get ready. Things are getting interesting.

lemon_teeth's review against another edition

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erinremen's review against another edition

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Another great read

Thank you for another great story of love and turmoil, with just a few little tidbits to keep us all hanging on wondering where it's all going to go!

canadianbookaddict's review against another edition

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Donna Gant does it again.

I was sucked into this story right away

bookwife's review against another edition

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So I enjoyed this book... It was good, not great. When I think about all the dragon kings books this one does not stand out. It just kind of fades into the storyline as whole. Which is fine you know. With a series that has been going on for as long as this one has it's bound to happen. What I really got out of this book is that I want to go back and re-read the warriors books. I miss those characters. I loved that they were involved in this book.

Our main characters were Anson and Devon. Devon worked for the company that was responsible for attacks to the Dragon Kings and their mates in the past and the company has information on all of the Kings. They talk Devon into helping them find out how they got that information. Devon agrees because she had no idea the company she worked for was evil. Anson is kind of her body guard and they fall in love.

Really that's about all that happens. It's kind of the same story as a lot of the other books. And again that is totally fine! Because it was still an enjoyable story but I am ready for more things to happen in the series plot line. This book felt like a filler. And I am pretty sure I said that about the last book as well. So it's time for some action to happen.

Will I read the next one? Hell freaking yes I will. I am completely obsessed with theses characters. I love the warriors, the druids and the Kings!

raven168's review against another edition

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Every time I finish a book in this series I can't help but wish that the Kings were real...and want one. Hell, I'd be happy if just dragons were real. I agree with the way the Devon thinks about guys these days. There's just not enough real men anymore. Give me a guy like one of these guys any day. Please.
 photo woman-dragon_zpssz66n2fv.jpg

This takes place during the same time frame as the last book. Dimitri has been sent to his island and Anson sent to take care of Kyvor. I haven't yet read the Warriors series (though I fully intend to some day) but I thought it was pretty cool that they are starting to play a bigger part in this world too. Though one of my favorite parts would definitely have to be when Rhi's Reaper watcher, Daire, threw Balladyn across the room. I just love it when story worlds mix.

In the beginning I really felt that Devon was the most relatable of the girls we have met so far. She was so normal. But unfortunately, for me anyway, it's not long until we find out that she has some big secret in her past that she was trying to run away from. And then at the end she ends up being special as well. So much for normal. We meet Devon because Kinsey and Esther have determined that she would be the easiest person to sway at Kyvor. Devon has worked hard to climb the corporate ladder and she has her sights set even higher. But she's honest and true about how she gets there. Because of this though, she really has no life outside of work. And while she's happy enough with it, she is lonely. She doesn't notice the looks she gets from guys and even if she did, she wouldn't want them. She doesn't want some metro-sexual guy, she wants a real man. And the moment she spies Anson, she knows he is one.

Anson is not happy with being tasked at babysitting Kinsey and Esther. If it were up to him they would simply go in, destroy the servers, and get out. None of this passive aggressive action of trying to turn someone near the top. He'll admit that Devon is attractive, but it's not until he's up close and personal with her that he finds himself actually interested in her. Something he doesn't want to feel. But also something he can't seem to resist. >>As a side note, Anson's tattoo is my least favorite so far. I love how the others' are spread out and such looking like real dragons. While interesting, his being as it was just wasn't as hot.

Devon loves her job. That is until she's contacted by Kinsey and starts to question things. Her life soon spirals out of her control and out of her acceptable realm of possibility. Once she meets Kinsey, Esther and Anson in person, she is told their story and why they came to her for help. She wants to help. She really does. But does she believe their story? Not so much. She just refuses to believe in magic and their whole story revolves around it. When she learns that Kyvor, the company she has dedicated her life to, has been spying on her and watching her every move she is given more reason to help them. Devon is terrified of doing this, but she's going to try. And it actually seems like it's going really well. Until the end of the day. Things go bad very quickly for her.

When Anson is unable to prevent Devon from being taken because he's trying to fight off some Dark, he's furious. But he will do what he has to to get her back. Even walking straight into a trap. He's confident, as all the Kings are, but he underestimated Mikkel's druid and now things have just gotten worse for both him and Devon. Even when confronted with Anson turning into a dragon right in front of her, Devon still has a hard time believing all this. Even so, she still asks Anson for his story. Which he gives knowing it will do nothing seeing how she even doesn't want to believe. At least Devon has feelings for Anson and those are what push her to do what he bids when confronted by the bad guys. Nothing ever goes right though and Anson gets captured by the Dark, though Devon does get rescued.

While those two were being held captive, Rhi had gone to visit the warriors and their druid mates in hopes of them being able to help her with the dragon carving found on Dimitri's island. Con also goes to them seeking their help in finding Anson even though he is sure he knows where he has been taken. And in the end the Warriors state their intentions of helping the Kings in their war against the Fey.

It's Rhi and Con with Devon tagging along that go to get Anson out before it's too late. There's lots of fighting and Anson connects to Devon's mind in a way that has never been heard of. What surprises Anson the most though is Rhi's relationship with Balladyn and the effort Con put in not to kill that Fey because of that. By the end, everybody makes it back to Dreagan and we have five mating ceremonies to attend to. We also learn that Devon was targeted and watched by her company because of who her ancestors were. Not quite as exciting as I was expecting. Oh, and apparently all the information that Kyvor had on Dreagon and each King has been destroyed. How or when that happened, I don't know because we aren't told. Which was a little urksome.

We didn't get a whole lot of Mikkel or Ulrik this time. What we did get was Ulrik seeking out Mikkel's druid and trying to get a feel for her, her power, and her loyalty to his uncle. Mikkel killing someone that he knew would set Ulrik off. And Ulrik, as well as Balladyn, have decided it's time to take out those standing in their ways.

With the Reapers being more active, the Light court is filled with Fey worried about it and what it means. They need their queen, but of course she is nowhere to be found. Things with Usaeil are quickly getting out of control. Her actions regarding Con are not going her way, though she doesn't know it yet. And her own captain is begging Rhi to come back and help calm their people when Usaeil refuses to leave a movie shoot. She is losing respect fast and I look forward to when everything comes crashing down around her.

When Anson overheard the Dark talking of Mikkel, and he mentioned this to Con, I was very surprised when Con didn't know who that was. But V has come back to Dreagan not only to get their help in locating his sword, but also to get their side of the story to this war. So with luck, something the Kings definitely need, V will decide to tell them what's going on and they will finally realize that not every bad thing that has happened to them is Ulrik's fault.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.

brianna_meshelle's review against another edition

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Anson was such a stoic dragon king but his relationship with devin was so beautiful to read about. I love the progression as a plot and honestly I am starting to like ulrik as a character a lot more.

book_wyrm88's review against another edition

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It has been a little while since I have gotten lost in a Donna Grant novel but am glad to say I have found my way back. I very much enjoyed the book and can honestly say I could not put it down. I liked that not having read some of her previous works I could easily come into this book and not feel lost.

tanyad74's review against another edition

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The timeline in Blaze overlaps some with Paris and Dmitri's stories so Anson really does not know what has happened with those two and their mates. We are in London with Anson, Esther and Kenzi investigating Kyvor. The company that somehow has a Druid that messed with Esther and Kenzi's minds. They also totally invaded Kenzi's life and privacy in trying to capture Ryder.

A lot of pieces are starting to come together in Blaze. The possibility that all may not be Ulrick's doing, and that there is someone that is impersonating him starts to enter the equation for the Kings. Things are not going according to anyone's plans anymore since Mikkel has discovered Ulrick's secret and in turn Ulrick learns of Mikkel's Druid. The odds are starting to look kind of scary as to just what Mikkel is going to be able to do to Ulrick. This Druid is scary as the Druids of MacCloud Castle will attest. She has powers that are unheard of.

Devon is a great, independent woman. Loving her job and dabbling in the dating world. She reads a hilarious dating blog that even shows up at the end of the book so I'm kind of curious as to who is actually behind the blog. It may have nothing to do with the Kings and their world, but she sounds like quite the character and I think she'd fit in nicely with the family at Draegan!

Devon doesn't believe in the magic at first but quickly gets introduced and is forced to accept that the man she is interested in is a dragon. It takes her some thinking, but she gets so overwhelmed by all the other magic, she is can't help but just deal and finds that she actually has fallen in love with Anson, even in his brown dragon form.

Anson is sick to death of the no-fly rule and hiding from the humans. I felt like he was dangerous to have out since he didn't really want to to try too hard to hide his true form. Even in front of humans. When he is trapped his choices are limited and even though he is falling into Kyvor's plans, he shifts. Much to Kyvor's delight. But, Kyvor is acting on assurances of protection from Mikkel and the Druid. He doesn't seem to be the most confident CEO at times.

I was really scared that Devon was going to get the same forced treatment from the Dark that Denae received. The Dark Fae really creep me out and their powers of seduction and death are just wrong. Even if the woman does not understand what is happening to her, it just really freaks me out. Devon needed protection from them at all costs.

Bringing in this Druid to the story is adding another enemy and more danger to this war. Blaze seemed to build up more towards the final war than the previous books but we are left with a LOT of questions. We still have the wooden horse. Mikkel and Ulrick as well as Tareath and Balladin also have issues to be resolved. The web is getting tighter and every little bit of information may be a tipping point to all the tension that is hanging in the air. Explosions are a hair trigger away and battles are coming sooner rather than later.

I'm so wrapped into this series now. I'm dying to know what is going to happen to all these threads we have open. OH and we seem to be getting SO close to knowing who Rhi's King is! I thought for sure that nugget was going to be outted, only to be disappointed. So close! This is why I love this world. Not only do we have the main couple of the book, but there are so many threads building that I feel pulled completely pulled into the story trying to puzzle out what the next moves on the board will be.

Blaze did not disappoint and I'm thrilled with how intricate this overall war arc has become. Some things tying together while others are keeping me guessing. I love that Con got caught up on mating ceremonies in this book as I fear the mates are going to need their immortality soon. Con's attitude towards the mates has improved greatly and he has finally accepted that the Kings need their mates. They have all become family and Con is enjoying the feeling of them all together as well. It's nice that the Kings don't have to worry about his disapproval. Not that they really cared once they found their mates!

We still have a few mates that are flying solo, and I'm not sure if we are going to see them mate before hell breaks loose on the Kings. We do have relationship issues that need addressed and I hope they resolve peacefully. So much is happening, I'm dying for the next book to be released already!This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

redhairedashreads's review against another edition

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So much happens in this book. The real enemies are revealed, kidnapping, more unanswered questions and of course love.

Anson and Devon were instantly attracted to each other. Their struggle to bring down Kyvor and find out who is pulling the strings was intense. Devon struggled to accept that fact Anson is a dragon, as well as there being other magic out there. This brought new tension to their relationship but the fear of loosening each other made them realize how much they cared.

I really liked these two. I really like how career driven Devon is. I also loved how honest she is because as soon as she realized Kyvor was bad she worked to stop them.

I still want to know who Rhi's king is. I thought we were going to find out at the end but nope. I need to know!

I also want to see the confrontation with Usaeil because I know it's going to be intense.