
Rare and Precious Things: The Blackstone Affair, Book 4 by Raine Miller

akiikomori's review against another edition

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UGH! WHY IS IT OVER!?!? Why does it have to be over!?
One of the most romantic, most heart-warming and sexy series I’ve read in a long time and it’s over!
I don’t know what to do with myself, nor do I know how I feel.
Mr. Ethan Blackstone is PERFECT. He’s so perfect it hurts.
If you’re a woman who wants to fall in love and find this perfect man to have in your life DO NOT READ THIS BOOK, it will RUIN YOU the way it has ruined me. Ethan Blackstone is sexy, alpha-male, romantic, loving, caring, and protective all wrapped up in a ball of yummy. Imagine everything you’ve wanted in a man, now give him David Gandy’s face…that’s Ethan Blackstone.

In the final installment of the Blackstone Affair, Ethan and Brynne, now happily married, are ready to tackle on the challenges of parenthood in the anticipation of baby Blackstone. But the when the past they thought had been buried comes back to haunt them, doubts begin to resurface, and fear that they weren’t as strong as they thought they were starts to get in between their happily ever after. Brynne and Ethan need to realize that they need each other in order to survive, they need each others love to hold them together, and whatever nightmares haunt them, they’ll need each others support in order to get through it.

What can I say? This book is perfect. This couple of perfect. Everything about this series makes me happy. Ethan and Brynne truly deserved their happily ever after, and it really is marvelous to see a man and a woman so in love. It isn’t weakness to tell a person how much you need them, or how you love them, especially when you’ve had traumatic pasts like Ethan and Brynne. I can only imagine what it’s like to be someone’s everything…to be the only thing keeping them together, can you imagine feeling such a love.

“I need you like I need air to breathe. You are my air, Brynne.”

Ethan is totally and completely 100% COMMITTED to Brynne. He’ll give her anything and everything in his power so long as she’s happy. I’m not just talking about material things, I’m talking about loyalty, love, compassion, patience, everything a good man needs in order to take care of his pregnant wife. In return, Brynne gives him life, love, support, and empathy as he deals with the demons of his past. This couple is the perfect example of a 50/50 relationship, where everything works because of how much they need each other.

The kind of love Ethan and Brynne have for each other truly is a rare and precious thing, and my only hope is that women all over the world can find a love like this. Peace doesn’t win wars, love does, love and equality. The love these two have for each other could rock the world if they wanted it to, we just have to find ours.

Thank you Raine Miller, for sharing Ethan Blackstone with the world! This was truly beauty story to read.

5/5 Hearts of Love

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cheysbookloverreviews's review against another edition

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The end of Brynne and Ethan’s story is a tumultuous one but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Brynne and Ethan both learn a lot about themselves and accept things they never thought possible. With the return of Brynne’s past, will they prosper together or be forced to face the end? Will they get their happily ever after? Will they be forced to accept the end?

While this book did not have the spice level of the prior book in the series, it was amazing! Seeing the growth that both Brynn and Ethan make separately was a huge piece of this story for me. The battle with personal demons and traumas is never an easy one. The key is finding those people who will stick around for the ups and downs. The return of Brynne’s past caught me off guard in the way it occurred. I think her being forced to face the trauma head-on was paramount to her healing. With the upcoming birth of their son/daughter, it needed to occur for her to move on to try and be the best mum she could.

tamm's review against another edition

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The past comes back into both Brynne and Ethan's lives as they prepare their wonderful new (old) home for the birth of their little peach.

While I admit there were a few scenes that got to me emotionally, I felt that a little more drama and jealousy could have been added to how they handled both their own pasts and each other's in this conclusion to their story (at least for now).

I loved how they worked through things, but Ethan didn't push Brynne in this book the way he did in the first three and vice versa and that's what I missed even with the intense chemistry they shared.

I don't want to give away any SPOILERS so I'll just say that if you absolutely adored the first three books, go into the fourth book with no expectations as to outcomes. I think that was my downfall. I had read leaked scenes and allowed my imagination to wander and I normally never do that with a book I've been waiting for.

I'm sad to see them go, but I hope that if Raine writes about others in their circle that they'll appear from time to time so I can swoon over Ethan and root for Brynne to really show him who's boss in the relationship. Ha!

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Rare and Precious things Raine Miller

“Brynne was my life. The last piece of my puzzle that had finally completed me. I just need a way to tell her somehow. I wanted her to know how happy I was because I had been blessed with the rare and precious gift of loving her.”

Aaah, so lovely to get reacquainted with one of my favorite book couples, Ethan and Brynne. Though at first, I just didn't see why they needed another book. Eyes Wide Open ended in a really good place. But Rare and Precious Things by Raine Miller takes you beyond the epilogue, and shows the intense love and longing the couple has for each other. It shows them growing, both as individuals, as a couple, and as parents.

Rare and Precious Things is NOT a stand alone, but if you haven't read The Blackstone series, you must! Please see the series order at the end of this post, or here.

Told again in alternating points of view, I felt that Ethan's voice was much stronger and more prominent. Maybe because his personality and his all-encompassing need for Brynne is just so big, it outshines everything else.

"I need you like I need air to breathe. You are my air."

Don't get me wrong, Brynne feels the same.

"Ethan barely had to touch me and still I was reduced to a wanton creature desperate for his touch."

As always, this couple shows their feelings very physically. There is a LOT of sex in this book, and dirty talking, dominant, desperate-to-possess-her Ethan is here in a big way. But after all of these books, Ethan and Brynne have really only been together 4 months, and both still have a lot of demons from their past that threaten to catch up with them in this final installment.

The first half of the book seemed to be them both basically explaining how much they love each other and how perfectly they fit, and how they wanted to be physically connected.

"I didn't care what he took first. Didn't matter. It never mattered. Anything we did was what I wanted. What I needed in that moment."
"Ethan loved for me to undress him. Loved to watch me suck his cock. Loved to watch his cock penetrate me. Anywhere." ~Brynne

"I wanted my cum in her. Like that way I could stay inside her even when I wasn't."

Honestly, as much as I loved to read about Ethan and Brynne, the beginning got a little too schmaltzy for me, and not enough happened, it was just Ethan and Brynne making love, going over what they love each other, and flashing back to when they met. It was like a way-too-long happy epilogue.

But then the past started creeping back into both of their lives, forcing them both to relive past traumas. Ethan is still plagued by nightmares of his POW time, and a reappearance has them getting worse. Brynne also has her past reappear in a big way, bringing back her shame being drugged and raped on tape. But they are expecting a baby, and know it's time to focus on that.

The second half of the book moved much faster and had a lot more going on, but still the trademark possessive, alpha, protective-to-the-max Ethan made my heart swoon the whole time.

“I knew more happiness and love than I’d ever experienced in my life, and now understood how precious it was to have that love.” ~Brynne


•I love visiting with my favorite dirty-talking Brit!
•Tons of character growth.
•A nice look back at their meeting from Ethan's POV.
•Enough flashbacks to catch you up to speed if you, like me, forgot a lot of details.
•The overwhelming, all-encompassing love that the couple has for each other.
•Ethan becomes a daddy, and an awesome one (of course).
•Fan's of Raine's historicals will love the big tie-ins!


•The first ⅓ was very slow for me, it was too much about how much they loved each other and not much else.
•Some of the love was just a little bit to schmaltzy and overdone.
•I had trouble knowing whose POV I was reading and had to go back and re-read a few times.
•I wish there was more of them as parents!

Rating: 4 Stars, 5 Heat

Raine really ended this series better with this book than I expected, I thought it would ruin Eyes Wide Open, but that isn't the case at all. So much was resolved and so much healing happened in Rare and Precious Things. Demons were conquered and Brynne and Ethan's love was even stronger than ever. I think it could have been told in a few less pages, the beginning felt like there was a bit too much padding, but that's OK. This couple is a true treat to read about, and I hope we catch a glimpse of them in future books from Raine.

"In the hours of the darkest kind, Brynne has ever been my light. My lover who saw inside my battered soul and freed me."

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pratheeksha's review against another edition

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Finally came to an end.
I loved Ethan and Bynne so much as husband and wife.

lareynanoemi's review against another edition

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jamsu's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

I usually love drama free books but there were so many changes to give us readers something more while our hero and heroine dealed with their demons because what was the point of them seeing people from their past otherwise? I kinda feel disappointed that Brynne never fought with her mother either since the way she treats her daughter and her husband.

smitch29's review against another edition

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I have to say I was a bit underwhelmed with this story. I think it was a combination of not remembering everything from the first three books and there just not being much conflict in this book. That combination really just didn't help this book at all.

Quick recap, I believe when we last leave off in this series, Brynne and Ethan are getting married and Brynne is pregnant. This book sort of takes us on just the next half year or so of their lives. It was really like Raine Miller just wanted to give Ethan some more peace with his demons and reveal how the couple deal with their first pregnancy.

It was nice to get another glimpse into these characters' lives, for they are both strong and amusing people. However, there was little to no conflict in this book. There were a few little things that popped up, but for the most part this was just a narration of a couple's life. There was a beginning, middle, and end, but this structure is more like a diary than a novel. Most novels have come full circle in their plot, or have some climax, but I didn't see anything like that in this book. The book was basically the epilogue for the series. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing (I think many fans of the series did/will enjoy it because of this) but I just didn't expect it to be like that.

rlp78's review against another edition

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I must admit I wasn't one who was thrilled about another book in the Blackstone Affair. I loved the last one so much and thought it was such a beautiful ending that I was worried this one would be unnecessary and potentially ruin the book. I was so wrong. This book actually addressed a really big outstanding issue from the first books. I was surprised at what happened with
, but I'm really glad it did. And I'm also really glad Ethan finally
Spoilergot into therapy and addressed his PTSD. And Brynne's handling of that situation was perfection and showed how much she truly loved Ethan

From start to finish I loved this book. Great job.

crisly's review against another edition

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It's an ending book . With some drama, there was people I hate that appear and came back in this book.
I get scared for a bit
And the baby❤_❤
That's all I can say without a spoiler