
The Life and Crimes of Don King: The Shame of Boxing in America by Jack Newfield

barberbooks's review

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We’ve all heard what a con man Don King is.
Reading this book gives you an unquestionable dislike for king as a human being, but an odd sense of respect for the depths he will go to to satisfy his own goals.

He is undoubtedly a workaholic that outworks anyone he is dealing with, and anyone that dares to cross him.
This book was written in the 90’s and could have volume #2 written today and still be as shocking.
That 2nd book would be twice as thick with more lawsuits, ill treated fighters stories and dirty deals.

The fact that in 2022 he is still involved with boxing, maybe not at the highest level, but there with controversy still surrounding him (alongside the WBA and their bizarre ratings of King fighters, and the dubious ‘world title’ fights) is a testament to King’s pursuit of power, control and talent for making money.

Well written and well researched book.