
Camera...Action...Murder! by Faith Mortimer

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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Camera...Action...Murder is the fourth book in the Diana Rivers series.

In this book Diana and her husband Steve get an invitation they can't refuse to return to a film shoot in Cheltenham, England. Even though we miss out on the glorious sunshine and stunning scenery of Cyprus where Diana and Steve live the author still describes some fantastic views and places in this wonderful book.

Even if you haven't read any of Faith's books in this series you could easily read this one as a stand alone though the other three books are great so I highly recommend to read them also.

Camera...Action...Murder to me is a mixture of Midsummer Murders and Murder She Wrote, rolled into one. We have Diana the writer and also amateur sleuth who aids the police in picturesque settings where murders seem to occur. Faith does a wonderful job in that as a reader I haven't once guessed the murderer correct once up until Diana herself has worked it out.

For any lovers of murder, mystery and suspense books, Faith Mortimer's Diana Rivers series is a must read. Faith really is the modern day Agatha Christie.