
Seducing Serena by Bonnie Rose Leigh, Gabriella Bradley

midknytowl's review

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Oh this was fabulously bad. I'm not going to give it a star rating because it's that weird range of it's so bad it's kind of good, and that's a whole different scale.

This is an erotica novella with shape-shifting white tigers that's a menage with a girl and her three (not blood related) brothers. I think that tells you everything you need to know.

It's also written by two female authors (something I needed for a reading challenge, though I'm guessing this wasn't what they had in mind when they made that prompt), and the authors seemlessly transition between themselves. For example, on one page you get this lovely sentence (yes, it's one sentence):
Her heart a dark pit of gloom, Serena Patterson turned away from the beckoning light and opened the rusted through door to the twenty year old piece of crap car she’d managed to buy with the last of her own money she’d earned doing odd jobs and got into the driver’s seat.
Followed by these sentences a page and a half later:
Brady’s grandmother was gone now. One night her soul left her aging body. She’d died peacefully while asleep.
I got it for free, and if you can do so too it was worth the enjoyment, I read it in one sitting. It's not so bad it was good I would pay for it, though.