maxines_obsessions's review

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I can't do this to myself. I read [b:Ignite|12884001|Ignite (Midnight Fire, #1)|Kaitlyn Davis||18037309] and it was a total cheesefest. It had every clichЗё you could think of and I really really hate a picture perfect princess MC who is so completely amazing and perfect. I cant even remember how old she was but, her behaviour was completely unrealistic and since when do parents let their kids come and go as they please. I'm sorry but if my kids think they are going to stay out all night and not let me know where they are, they wouldn't just be getting a talking to. it would be my foot firmly up their arse and grounded.
"She hurried to do the same, and sat quickly in the first seat she could find. The math was easier than she was used to, as was chemistry, biology and Spanish." Really, well isn't she a bloody genius. Nope just smarter than those around her.
"Luke took a strand of her hair and wrapped the natural curl around his pointed finger. He stared at it intently, alost as if he were in a trance, and Kira stared at him, stuck." Well that's just weird and gross and there is no way 99% of people would be ok with a stranger playing with our hair. EW. Awesome way to set up the love triangle for the future.
I marked of so many passages that irritated the shit out of me, but ive already given this enough time.
I'm just not the target audience for these I think.

The second I attempted to read was Crush, by Chrissy Peebles and a chapter was more than enough to know its not for me. There was a perfect MC who had parents that seemed more like friends. She met a dream guy who was perfect with his piercing eyes and god like looks. The description went on for over a page, she was instantly in lust and felt the need to tell a girl she had just met all about him like they had been friends for years. It felt like I was reading about a 12 year old girl, right down to the ridiculous girly giggling.