
For Your Eyes Only by Sandra Antonelli

readbooks_eatapples's review

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This book was so funny and smart, ticking those two boxes with enthusiasm. It also has interesting characters, with some actual complexity to them.

That said, there was some real dickish behavior that was somehow excused, with zero payoff for the sacrifices of the main character, Willa. I wanted the asshole who essentially drugged her to have to eat some crow, and she was punched in the gut and then left lying. Really? That just didn't fit the tone. And the subplot with the stepdaughter was just odd and unnecessary. Also, this book desperately needed an edit. It is very well written overall, but there were missing and mushed together words, outright misspellings and obvious typos.

pzmimi's review

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Loved this book. Great read! I could relate to the characters in the story -- I loved how they were "mature" but still have insecurities and emotions that range from "grown up" to slightly "less" grown up. Real emotions and real reactions. And sometimes over reactions.

I got a real sense of the author's personality in the book - not in any one character, but in the voice and situations in the book. I laughed out loud at points.

I was glad to see she used the same characters (and more) as in A Basic Renovation, but the story was completely different. Can't wait to read more!

samnreader's review

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I have to be honest, I have all the respect in the world for what this author is doing. Writing romances for people with greying hair, wrinkles, and youth left in the past.

But egads, I think I hate her style. A couple things: juvenile behavior/humor and really, frankly, kinda disgusting descriptions. She's got a knack for turning me off her pages. Nothing here would necessarily feel out of place from an NA novel where I proclaim I'm too old for this shit. Maybe these aren't romance to me, I dunno. Maybe it is us. I'm not here for physical comedy and cheap shots at others. It's not my humor...

But, After 25%, I found myself not caring about the characters, which wasnt terribly different from how I feel during her first book. [b:A Basic Renovation|17317164|A Basic Renovation|Sandra Antonelli||23985633] but the icing on the cake was a joke from a character about the appearance of Curry, which had me going back to my review of that same book to see that I did, indeed, mark her for culturally insensitive jokes and a book that had a 90s feel, not one of the last decade.

So, basically, c/p that review here.

I think I'm done with this author. She's just not for me.

queenofthegeeks's review

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What I love about this book and 'A Basic Renovation' is that for two books who share a lot of the same characters, you really get to see a whole other side to them in each book.

John in 'A Basic Renovation' was a goofy dork. He made bumbling sexual passes that were only inspired by being lonely and horny. In this book you get to see a deeper and more serious side. He is still sweet and kinda goofy in this book as in the other, but night and day in regards to intentions.

I did find the aspects of both MC, middle-aged and deeply worried they were too old for love and or worried they were too out of touch to be seen, very timely in a genre dominated by young love.


John is such a sweet man. He and Willa finally get alone and want sex: no condom. John just shrugs and says 'handy sex time'. No being an ass and pressure to have sex sans condom...he just shrugs it off to get her and him off the safest way possible right then. John is a great guy, but that puts him in the outstanding category.

I have to say John is 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟the best thing about this book.

Hes a cop and she is a Federal Agent... I was very let down there is no 'handcuffs' involved in the bedroom lol. Maybe it was the obvious, BUT STILL lol.

Part of me was frustrated with this book as Willa on more than one occasion was willing to let John the handcuff toting hottie Mc HottiePants go... No! When you have cute and sweet throwing himself at you... you say YES!