
Captain America (1968-1996) #295 by J.M. DeMatteis

bookhero6's review

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3.0 date, I have rather struggled to enjoy comics older than about 10 years. The Marvel Unlimited Comic randomizer gave me this 1984 Captain America comic. And, this was kind of delightful.

I mean, the Sisters of Sin have this total Robert Palmer backup musician (music video) vibe. Cap's friend Arnie is kidnapped/replaced by a robot by Baron Zemo working for Red Skull; there's a side plot with a friend in a coma.

So Cap and some other dude named Jack (Nomad) have to rescue Arnie from this crazy Gothic castle where they encounter Mother Superior and the Sisters of Sin; Sister Dream, Sister Agony, Sister Death, and Sister Pleasure, who mesmerize Jack/Nomad, and impersonate Cap's girlfriend Julie, but our heroes figure it out and eventually take on Baron Zemo himself. But wait! Nomad says it's a trick, and indeed, it's not really Zemo, but Arnie! It's a trap!

Issue ends on a cliffhanger with the Sisters of Sin kidnapping Julie and Cap and Nomad trapped in the Gothic castle.

But...I kinda want to read more. And this is probably the first time I've encountered an older issue that really made me want to know what happened. So I need to do a little more research to see what I need to read for this storyline without reading the entire 1968-1996 Captain American series.