rouver's review

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Ok, so this is actually the exact same book as the one I just read:
Jokers & Madmen. This series has been collected in 5 volumes in paperback and in 4 volumes in hardcover, with different issues included in the different formats. It appears that in the hardcover issues, they combined Vol 1 & 2 of the paperbacks together. Unfortunately, I think the library has a mixed collection, meaning I'm missing a story. So, if you decide to start reading these, make sure of what you're getting.

a_pilgrim's review

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"Hell of a way to start the day."

Unresolved Targets has been an incredible read. The story's set in Gotham city, but it's not much to do with Batman. The main characters (and heroes and heroines) of this volume are the Major Crimes Unit detectives and dedicated officers of the Gotham City Police Department.

Every page of this book was engaging, and it's time to look for and read all the other volumes of Gotham Central.

bowienerd_82's review

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Excellent work- gritty, well-characterized, and with some great plot lines.

captwinghead's review

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I quite enjoyed this one, as well. Not as much as the last one because the characters seemed forgettable and interchangable. Renee was only mentioned in this one and I couldn't remember anything specific about the others.

The cases were pretty interesting. The first one revolving around Gotham's least favorite clown. There was a plot that reminded me of an episode of BBC's Luther. I won't spoil it but the Joker was wreaking havoc on Gotham's first responders and it was pretty scary. I really like the way Brubaker and Rucka tell these stories because you're pretty much just along for the ride as they attempt to stop the bad guy. We learn everything the officers learn at the same time so none of the suspense is lost when the audience gets to find out the plan ahead of time.

The second is one of my least favorites, Tetch. Guy seriously creeps me the fuck out. That case reminded me of a Law and Order episode. While I don't like the final reveal, it didn't bug me so much that it took me out of the book. I didn't like this portion as much but it was still pretty good.

I think there's only one volume left and that makes me sad because I'm really enjoying this series.

amalelmohtar's review

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Pretty freakin' fantastic.

strikingthirteen's review

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And this series continues to not disappoint! These plots are easily plots that could be found on some of the better police procedurals on TV and I'm just delighted that this series exists. Someone observed that both stories would make fine movies and I'd have to agree! The Joker story is terrifying and tense as is the murdered high school students one. Batman also continues to keep a low profile and I love the frustration that mounts in the GCPD when he goes off on his own investigation and doesn't share information.

I'm well aware that this series is coming to an end and I'm going to be so sad when I read the last volume.