
The Bro-Magnet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

charms1976's review

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Author Lauren Baratz-Logsted is an author who never fails at giving a wonderful read. Whether it be young adult themed such as Crazy Beautiful, or adult contemporary like The Bro Magnet, I always know it is going to be a great read full of emotion. After reading the review of this book by Fiction Vixen, I just knew I had to read and review this book. Seriously, FV never lets me down on recommendations, and frankly, the author has never let me down either. So when I received a copy for review, I stayed up late reading the fun -- and at many times hilarious -- adventure of Johnny finding true love.

Think about it for a minute. Most romance books on the shelves focus on the women finding true love. It is usually a given since women are the main readers of romance. When I read the blurb and it was about a guy who was actually looking for romance I jumped for joy at seeing how it was going to be written.

What is a guy to do when the moment you are born, you realize you are going to be cursed at never finding love? Seriously, when you read about the day he was born, you can't help but laugh and think that poor boy! Either he would turn out with a complex for being a guy or embrace it and be a wonderful man. The only downside is if you turn out to be the all around great guy, you seem to make a bunch of girls as friends and less romantic relationships with them. We get to see flashbacks of his life and finally make it to the present with him in his thirties. When he meets Helen though, he really wants to make a relationship with her work. The only problem is that he needs help from his friends to basically give him a makeover. He likes his beer, sports and backwards baseball hats, but he is also a warm, funny and all around great guy. When you get a supporting cast of side characters who come to his rescue, you will laugh, cry and sometimes both at the same time. Of course, then we have Helen who is trying to be something different for Johnny as well. As they both struggle to impress the other with what they think each one of them would like, you can't help but laugh and hope they will both come to their senses and just be themselves.

There was so many times I laughed in this book that narrowing down some favorite quotes was extremely difficult. Trust me in the recommendation of buying this book. You will not be disappointed in the writing and I can guarantee much laughter from beginning to end.

fishgirl182's review

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Unfortunately I don't think I am going to finish this. The first 25% of this book so far has been all about explaining why Johnny is such a "bro" and how he's not really a bad guy. I feel like I am waiting for the story to start but it just keeps going on and on. I get it, acts like a tool because of his circumstances, but he's a really good guy inside. Can we get to the plot now? Sorry if that sounds harsh but I got really frustrated with this book because I wanted something to happen but I think I am official giving up.

jen286's review

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Bro-Magnet was not the book for me. It was another comedic novel that I just didn't find funny. It is not my sense of humor so I didn't like it that much. This is why I don't watch a lot of comedies. I just don't seem to find the same things funny as most people. Oh well.

Johnny has never been good with women. He's a man's man, but really he didn't come off that way to me. He loves sports, but besides that I didn't see him as much of a man's man. Anyways men always love him, but women hate him for reasons unknown to him. Well his real issue is he doesn't know how to talk or interact with women. No wonder he never has luck with them...Anyways he is looking for someone, anyone it seems, and this is his journey to be someone else to try and get a lady.

One of my biggest issues with this book? The secondary characters. I hated all of them. Why did he even like Alice? For years and years he liked Alice, but why? She was horrible to him always. Then there is Sam. I absolutely hated Sam. Sam who yells at him for not raping the passing out drunk girl. Yep, Sam is a winner. Way to be. I suppose that was supposed to be a funny part, but just no.

Then I just got annoyed with all the all girls are like this, all boys are like that thing. Like all women watch General Hospital. The amount of time dedicated to this show in this book was too much for me. I don't actually know anyone who watches soaps. Not that that means anything, but it was just...over the top. I did not like it. Again I suppose it is supposed to be funny, like haha! Women do watch GH! This is hilarious! kind of thing, but it just annoyed me. Really most of this book was just me being like when is this going to be over.

So then Johnny does meet Helen and they hit it off. He changes his ways, his clothing, his furnishings, etc and then he gets the girl. Yey I suppose. The end was way too quick, like here you go this is who we are instant happily ever after. I don't know. Obviously not the book for me.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

seeinghowitgoes's review

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The Bro-Magnet is some ridiculously laugh out loud fun, it's the story of a Guy's Guy who inexplicably can't keep a woman despite being genuinely one of the most awesome guys around. Guys want to be with him and girls just can't seem to stand him. Things come to a head when somehow his best friend manages to marry the girl he's had a crush on for years.

Written entirely in the first voice, it's rare for a novel to genuinely make me want to laugh out loud, Johnny's voice is loud and clear. He's a guy, full stop. Throwing in a secondary cast of equally engaging characters and it's been sincerely one of my favourite humour reads for a long time.

Received as an ARC via NetGalley

michelereise's review

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I actually did not finish this book. I made it to 24% and just could not take it anymore. I rarely quit a book, even a bad book, but when one of the characters took up 3 pages arguing the "sociological" benefit of soap operas I had enough. The characters are such stereotypes that it made me wonder if the author had ever had contact with another human being. I would not recommend this book.

kbranfield's review

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4.5 Stars. Lauren Baratz-Logstedā€™s The Bro-Magnet is a refreshingly lighthearted romance that is highly entertaining and laugh out loud funny. To read my review in its entirety please visit

valeriew's review

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I liked this book and the different perspective. I love Johnny! He was a great character. There is some swearing I didn't care for

kytimeforbooks's review

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I was initially extremely excited about Sam, because lesbians almost never show up in chick lit, but then got really mad when Johnny made her kiss him for practice. I don't care if they're BFFs, she should have told him to go make out with a dude if he wanted to practice so badly. If she can kiss someone of the gender she's not attracted to, so can he. I bet Steve would have helped him out.

star_tbr2020's review

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This books reminds me of the TV show Friends. The hero is Ross, Joey and Chandler rolled into one. A little on the ridiculous side, considering all the things the h/h do to hide certain things from the other but overall a light and easy read with some funny moments.

candicegilmer's review

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Very, very funny. I kept my husband awake laughing at Johnny his trials and tribulations as he tried to be the right guy, instead of being himself. Very fun read, read it in one sitting.